

Din sökning på "*" gav 263731 sökträffar


HMS-kommittén inom biologin vid Lunds universitet rekommenderar följande angående hantering och förvaring av insekter. Foto: David Young, Flickr RiskbedömningDet ska finnas en riskbedömning och en instruktion som ska antingen visar på hur du kan arbeta på ett hälsosamt sätt eller vilka åtgärder du behöver ta.En riskbedömning ska undersöka om det finns något rapporterat om dessa insekter som till e

https://www.biologi.lu.se/internt/anstallning/arbetsmiljo/insektsarbete - 2025-03-05

Kemikalieregister och riskbedömningar

KLARA är en databas för kemikalieförteckning och riskbedömningar som används av de flesta universitet, högskolor och myndigheter i Sverige. Sökning i KLARA-databasen och inloggning för inventerare och riskbedömare.Inventerare loggar in med sin Lucat-ID. För riskbedömning och för att se var kemikalier förvaras behövs ytterligare behörighet. För att bara få allmän information om kemikalier kan du gå

https://www.biologi.lu.se/internt/anstallning/arbetsmiljo/kemikalieregister-och-riskbedomningar - 2025-03-05


Alla olyckor och även incidenter (tillbud som skulle kunnat bli en olycka) måste enligt lag rapporteras. Kontakta både din avdelningschef och ditt skyddsombud. Blanketter för nerladdning finns på Lunds universitets medarbetarwebb.Institutionens allmänna säkerhetsrutinerAllmänna säkerhetsrutiner (uppdaterad 2016-11-15, på engelska, pdf, 830 kB, ny flik)Vissa forskargrupper/hus har speciella säkerhe

https://www.biologi.lu.se/internt/anstallning/arbetsmiljo/sakerhetsrutiner - 2025-03-05


Du kan få råd, stöd och vägledning i arbetsmiljöfrågor av ditt skyddsombud. Kom ihåg att skyddsombudet inte är ansvarig för din arbetsmiljö – det är din chef!Alla personlänkar går till kontaktuppgifter på externa webbplatser.HuvudskyddsombudOrdinarie: Carina RasmussenErsättare lokalkännedom Biologihuset + biosäkerhet: Camilla Björklöv AnderssonErsättare lokalkännedom Ekologihuset: Helene Bracht Jö

https://www.biologi.lu.se/internt/anstallning/arbetsmiljo/skyddsombud - 2025-03-05


Lokalbokning till kurserJóhanna B Jónsdóttir på Utbildningskansliet sköter lokalbokningen till kurserna.Övriga bokningar av lokalerMöteslokaler i Biologi- och Ekologihuset bokar du digitalt via TimeEdit. De här rummen kan du boka:Digital bokning av mötesrumRumHusHybridrumAntal platserMitokondrien (B-A273)BiologihusetNej8Synpunkten (B-B327)BiologihusetJa20Communis (E-B355)EkologihusetNej12Darwin (E

https://www.biologi.lu.se/internt/stod-och-verktyg/lokaler - 2025-03-05


Spara alltid ner blanketterna på din dator innan du fyller i dem i din pdf-läsare. Om du sitter på Mac – använd inte Förhandsvisning när du fyller i blanketterna. ForskarutbildningIndividuell studieplan (Naturvetenskapliga fakultetens webbplats)Doktorandsamtalsblankett (pdf, 334 kB, ny flik)Lägesrapportsblankett för doktorander (doc, 570 kB)Registrering i LADOK (pdf, 79 kB, ny flik)Resultat av hal

https://www.biologi.lu.se/internt/blanketter - 2025-03-05

Welcome to the Clinical Center for Spectral and Acoustic Imaging

Lund University  Clinical Center for Spectral and Acoustic Imaging is an interdisciplinary center that have been established at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Enginering (LTH) at Lund University to ensure a solid platform with the required expertise. Our vision is to make photoacoustics a new clinical diagnostic tool and become world leaders in photoacoustic research. The infrastructur

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/welcome-clinical-center-spectral-and-acoustic-imaging - 2025-03-05

Photoacoustic Imaging

Photoacoustic imaging is one of the most promising non-invasive biomedical imaging techniques. It combines laser light and ultrasound to generate high resolution 3D images (resolution 15–40 μm, 2 cm depth) of the tissue structure and molecular composition. The analyzed tissue is irradiated with pulsed laser light, which causes so-called thermoelastic expansion, which in turn generates mechanical w

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/platform/photoacoustic-imaging - 2025-03-05

Commercial Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) utilizes white light with a known spectrum, which is guided to the surface of the skin via an optical fiber. As light penetrates into the tissue, photons either scatter or become absorbed where only a fraction of the injected photons manage to escape back from the skin surface. This light is captured by a second fiber and measured with a spectrometer. Dependi

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/welcome-photoacoustic-center/commercial-diffuse-reflectance-spectroscopy - 2025-03-05

Strabismus Surgery

This project focuses on evaluating novel imaging techniques for measurement of perfusion and oxygenation in the anterior segment of the eye and the eye muscles during strabismus surgery. By doing this, the risk of anterior ischemia could be calculated and surgical techniques optimized. Left: Illustration of an eye and the four rectus muscles with the anterior ciliary arteries. Right: A LSCI image

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/clinical-applications/strabismus-surgery - 2025-03-05

Machine Learning

Unsupervised skin tumour delineation using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning. Hyperspectral imaging provides detailed spectral and spatial information of a surface in ways our eyes are not capable of visualizing. We use a custom-made hyperspectral imaging camera from Norsk Elektro Optikk (NEO), capable of providing spectral information between 400-1700 nm. While this allows us to produce

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/technical-development/machine-learning - 2025-03-05


Lund University funding for research infrastructure (Lunds Universitetsgemensamma medel för forskningsinfrastuktur)Lund University has allocated funds for university-wide financing of infrastructure. These funds are announced annually by the university joint research committee. Interdisciplinary research environments with special strategic importance for the university are the focus of the call.Th

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/funding - 2025-03-05

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric surgery for gastrointestinal and genital malformations The purpose of this project is to develop, evaluate and implement novel bioimaging techniques for monitoring perfusion and oxygenation during pediatric surgery, with regard to congenital anorectal malformations, Hirschsprung’s disease and tumors, and to assess the correlation to postoperative complications in the skin and intestine.

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/clinical-applications/pediatric-surgery - 2025-03-05


PhD thesis from the Lund University Photoacoustic Center. The thesis are opened in a new window.Hult J. Skin tumor delineation using photoacoustic imaging and hyperspectral imaging; Lund University; 2024-11-22Bunke J. Novel Bioimaging Techniques using Spectral Information for Monitoring Oxygen Saturation - Evaluated in Human Models of Skin Hypoperfusion; Lund University; 2024-10-11Naumovska M. Non

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/dissertations - 2025-03-05


We have a Teledyne FLIR A655sc camera for highly resolved thermal imaging, which allows for non-invasive temperature mapping of tissue. This enables direct feedback of the potentially damaging effects of absorbing too much laser light, which is important for setting guidelines for safe clinical implementation of PAI. Thermal imaging is also useful as a complementary monitoring system for a range o

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/welcome-photoacoustic-center/thermography - 2025-03-05

Spectral Coloring

Spectral coloring is a phenomenon that becomes relevant when studying light of different “colors” (wavelengths) propagating through tissue. It is expected that light gets attenuated as it reaches further into the tissue. However, since the absorbing species in the tissue interact with different wavelengths, the spectrum of light that remains to be absorbed at deeper layers will change shape and th

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/technical-development/spectral-coloring - 2025-03-05


Ultra-High frequency is the highest resolution of medical ultrasound available today. This groundbreaking technique opens up to new possibilities, for medical imaging, with resolution as fine as less than half a grain of sand.  Vevo® F2 With the VEVO® F2, FUJIFILM VisualSonics, is a unique and flexible system for research use, with the possibility of Ultra high to low frequency imaging (71–1 MHz).

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/welcome-photoacoustic-center/ultrasound - 2025-03-05

Gaze tracking

The study of eye movements is an important source of information for researchers (eg neurobiologists, psychologists and optometrists) and healthcare professionals (eg neurologists, ophthalmologists, ear-nose-throat doctors, orthoptists). Research has shown that the study of eye movements is a powerful tool for understanding how our psyche and our brain work. Understanding all eye movement disorder

https://www.photoacoustics.lu.se/clinical-applications/gaze-tracking - 2025-03-05