Din sökning på "*" gav 528873 sökträffar
Groundwater Modelling in southeast Cambodia - Facing irrigation and groundwater level changes during a pandemic
In the Mekong region, sustainable water resource management is a significant challenge for all countries involved. In Cambodia, where rice production is crucial for household food security and export, groundwater is increasingly used for irrigation during the dry season, leading to higher rice yields. However, this unplanned and unregulated use of groundwater is causing depleting groundwater level
On Metrics for Information Value Quantification
In this paper, we aggregate, analyze, and exemplify several metrics for the information value. The metrics vary by absolute value, normalizations, or full probabilistic quantification. The normalization of the information value encompasses the division by (1) the expected and maximized utility of the base scenario (usually without additional information), (2) by the system performance, or (3) by t
Can the presence of specialized addiction staff in primary health care increase the number of alcohol-related medical consultations – A controlled intervention study
Background: Few individuals with alcohol use disorders receive treatment. Primary care has been suggested as an arena for early treatment for these disorders. Aim: To evaluate whether the presence of a specialized addiction nurse can increase alcohol-related physician consultations in a primary care setting. Method: This controlled intervention study included one intervention and one control prima
John within Judaism
Ground geophysical measurements made on mine-tailings in Sweden. Case studies and lessons learnt
Ground-based geophysical surveys were conducted at eight mine-tailings repositories during 2021 and 2022 to help preparing an inventory of potential sources of critical raw materials in mine-waste. Geophysical methods included ERT, DCIP, RMT, and tTEM. In this study, we show results obtained on two of the sites as an example. Integration of models of electrical properties, geological observations,
Large-Eddy Simulations of Separated Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Channel
Ribbed channel flows are encountered in numerous engineering applications to promote turbulence and enhance heat transfer in various cooling passages, e.g., in turbine blades and at combustor walls. Numerical simulations have become an increasingly useful tool for studying the behavior of fluids in rib-roughened channels to provide insights into the complex turbulence structures and flow separatio
Deconstructing and recalibrating urban design in the global south
This chapter presents a methodological approach inspired by the various critical, continental approaches to deconstructing and recalibrating urban design in the context of development in the global south. After discussing the need to recalibrate urban design in terms of more complex understandings of informality; 'slum' as theory and as praxis; the notion of 'worlding'; and the existence of a mult
Creating political subjects : Collective knowledge and action to enact housing rights in Spain
Building on eleven months of engaged research with the Platform for Mortgage-Affected People (PAH) in the Barcelona metropolitan region and involvement in the movement post-2014 as an activist, this paper considers the processes through which people facing foreclosure and eviction become political subjects. Community development, in this context, is seen as a transformative, bottom-up process, unf
New scholarly pathways on green gentrification : What does the urban ‘green turn’ mean and where is it going?
Scholars in urban political ecology, urban geography, and planning have suggested that urban greening interventions can create elite enclaves of environmental privilege and green gentrification, and exclude lower-income and minority residents from their benefits. Yet, much remains to be understood in regard to the magnitude, scope, and manifestations of green gentrification and the forms of contes
Gentrification and health in two global cities : a call to identify impacts for socially-vulnerable residents
In global cities, the impacts of gentrification on the lives and well-being of socially vulnerable residents have occupied political agendas. Yet to date, research on how gentrification affects a multiplicity of health outcomes has remained scarce. While much of the nascent quantitative research helps to identify associations between gentrification and determined health outcomes, it tends to draw
Welfare in Degrowth Transformations
Keynote at the 6th Foundational Economy Conference
“The sorrows, the losses, the Troubles, the sadnesses”: En analys av gestaltningen av våld i Eoin McNamees Resurrection man och Anna Burns Milkman
This thesis examines and analyses how violence is portrayed in two literary works, Eoin McNamee's Resurrection man and Anna Burn's Milkman, both set in Northern Ireland during the 1970s. The analysis is based on a close reading of the novels and show how different categories of violence is portrayed. The thesis also discussed similarities and differences between how violence is portrayed i
E-sport, en risk- eller friskfaktor? En kartläggning över e-sportares hälsovanor
Resultatet visade att majoriteten av deltagarna hade goda sömnvanor men däremot många timmar stillasittande och skärmtid varje dag. Mellan 25-60 % (beroende på grupptillhörighet) nådde inte upp till WHOs rekommendationer avseende fysisk aktivitet för vuxna och runt hälften i alla grupper hade besvärats av smärta i muskler och leder (senaste månaden utifrån när enkäten besvarades). Gruppen som best
No title
Babies born by caesarean develop slower in first year than those born naturally – new findings
Caesarean section versus natural birth – an obstetrician examines a new review
How breast milk could help prevent the antibiotic apocalypse
Measures reducing travel by public transport during peak hours
Generally, the cost of public transport has increased. Previous research has identified peak hour traffic as the main cost driver, mostly because the travel demand increases the number of vehicles and drivers needed. The purpose of this study is to identify measures aiming to reduce travel with public transport during peak hours, conducted through a semi-systematic literature review. The measures
A multi-perspective method for gear efficiency and contact analysis
Modern gearing applications, in particular electrification, impose new challenges in many different fields of engineering and research. In specific, new demands are imposed on gears, including higher rotational speed, lower noise acceptance, and increased efficiency, as well as increased resistance against pitting and scuffing. To meet these demands, a better understanding of gear contacts is need