

Din sökning på "*" gav 537082 sökträffar

"Ur klumpig lera stiger skönhets vilja". Konflikten mellan ande och drift i Birger Sjöbergs *Konferensman"

Birger Sjöbergs dikt "KOnferensman" ur Kriser och kransar (1926) tolkas mot bakgrund av psykoanalytiska föreställningar, vilka Sjöberg sannolikt mött hos psykoanalytikern Poul Bjerre.Det som läker psykosen hos huvudpersonen är en estetiskt fattad teologi, där konst, drömmar och andra andliga produkter visar att drift och ande hör samman, inte bör fattas som dikotomiska eller antagonistiska krafter

Interstellar Intersubjectvity : The Significance of Shared Cognition for Communication, Empathy, and Altruism in Space

What kind of indispensable cognitive ability is needed for intelligence, sociability, communication, and technology to emerge on a habitable planet? My answer is simple: intersubjectivity. I stress the significance of intersubjectivity, of shared cognition, for extraterrestrial intelligence and interstellar communication, and argue that it is in fact crucial and indispensable for any successful in

Drottning Victoria – ur ett inre liv : en existentiell biografi

I denna vetenskapliga, existentiella biografi över drottning Victgoria av Sverige (1862-1930)möter vi en kvinnas religiösa och estetiska landskap, hennes sjukdom, och hennes kyrkliga och musikaliska initiativ, även i en frånvarande närvaro. Den aktiva resignation som blev hennes livshållning hämtade inspiration från så olika gestalter som Charles Kingsley, Gottfrid Billing, kardinal Hohenlohe och

Amatör och avantgarde : de mindre filmkulturerna i efterkrigstidens Sverige

An important feature in the Swedish avant-garde film culture of the 40s and 50s is the creation of a public sphere for cinephilia. At first this public sphere was an "Öffentlichkeit" in the sense of Negt and Kluge. No distinction was made between production, exhibition and distribution; film theoretical reading, film viewing, and film production were not separated, nor were the films categorized.

Movement patterns and displacement of a soil insect

Popular Abstract in Swedish En insekts rörelsemönster i en värld av dofter Jag har videofilmat hur en marklevande insekt, Protaphorura armata, rör sig på en plan yta, hur de gör när de stöter på hinder, dofter från mat, artfränder och fiender. Jag har också använt matematiska modeller för att beskriva deras rörelsemönster. P. armata är en s.k. hoppstjärt men saknar förmågan att hoppa som flertaleMovement and dispersal are important determinants of the spatial distribution and persistence of animal populations in a heterogeneous environment. I studied the small-scale movement pattern of a soil-living insect, Protaphorura armata (Collembola) by using a video-equipment. I added chemical cues, food and conspecifics to their environment and evaluated the effects of external cues on the movemen

On the Efficient Frequency Estimation of a Single Tone

The frequency estimation of a single tone corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise has received significant attention over the last decades due to its wide applicability in signal processing. In this paper, we propose a computationally fast and statistically improved hybrid single tone estimator which outperforms other recently proposed approaches, lowering the signal-to-noise ratio at which the

Conceptual Metaphors of Science : Prolegomena to a Cognitive History of Science

The cognitive abilities explained by cognitive science and cognitive semantics can inform us concerning the use of metaphors in science. The thesis is that abstract ideas rest on experiences of the concrete world. In this paper I will explain the use of conceptual metaphors in science, with examples from the mechanistic worldview of the 17th and 18th century. If we proceed from the way people thin

Molecular regulation of hematopoietic stem cells

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are ultimately responsible for the all mature blood cell production. They can primarily be found in the bone marrow (BM) at a low frequency (~0.02%). Unlike other blood cells, HSCs have a high degree of self-renewal capacity, the process where upon cell division, at least one daughter cell has the same properties as the stem cell it was generated from. In addition,

An algebraic/analytic method for reconstruction from image correspondences

A method for the reconstruction and motion problems is presented, under the assumption that a number of point correspondences in a pair of images are known. A geometric and algebraic theory is based on invariance properties of point configuration under affine and projective transformations. In particular, a characterization of those image pairs which correspond to the same point configuration in a