

Din sökning på "*" gav 528694 sökträffar

Förbättrade arbets- och patientflöden i primärvården med digitalt Flow : slutrapport

I projektet studeras det digitala verktyget Flow och dess inverkan på personalens arbetsmiljö samt på kostnadseffektiviteten i svensk primärvårdskontext. Flow ger patienten möjlighet till digital kontakt och kommunikation med vårdcentralen samt möjlighet till digital kommunikation mellan olika personalgrupper inom vårdcentralen. Implementeringen av Flow har studerats på tre vårdcentraler: A, B och

Early Infant Feeding Practices among Women Engaged in Paid Work in Africa : A Systematic Scoping Review

Around the world, paid work without appropriate structural support is a key barrier to optimal breastfeeding practices. To better protect, promote, and support optimal breastfeeding practices among working women in Africa, this scoping review sought to understand how paid work influences infant feeding practices in the first 6 mo of life and what support women need to manage work and optimal infan

Diagnosing the impacts of landscape characteristics on hydrologic signatures in the Krycklan catchment in Sweden using a flexible hydrological model

This study investigated the applicability and performance of a hydrological model (namely FLEXG) for simulating streamflow in boreal catchment, exemplified by the representative Krycklan catchment. The FLEXG simulated daily streamflow for the whole catchment and its sub-catchments. The Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) demonstrated favorable model performance during

The relationship between the loess stratigraphy in the Vojvodina region of northern Serbia and the Saalian and Rissian Stage glaciations – a review

The regional loess stratigraphy in the Vojvodina region, in the southeastern Carpathian Basin, has often been successfully correlated to the global palaeoclimate. This is a quasi-continuous sedimentary record that provides detailed environmental reconstruction during the last four glacial/interglacial cycles. In this study, we present a standardized loess stratigraphy and illustrate how it correla

Financing an accelerated shift to zero emission vehicles by deploying High-Capacity Transport with Intelligent Access by 2024

The paper explores synergies by bundling High-Capacity Transport - Intelligent Access - Zero Emission Vehicle reforms. State of the art is analyzed, and research questions are formulated. One joint policy framework is proposed and applied to three use cases: one vehicle, one real use case, and one scenario for the whole of EU. In the later, the cost savings 2024 to 2028 from allowing longer and/or

Evolution of the structure of lipid nanoparticles for nucleic acid delivery : From in situ studies of formulation to colloidal stability

The development of lipid nanoparticle (LNP) based therapeutics for delivery of RNA has triggered the advance of new strategies for formulation, such as high throughput microfluidics for precise mixing of components into well-defined particles. In this study, we have characterised the structure of LNPs throughout the formulation process using in situ small angle x-ray scattering in the microfluidic

Optimal Phasors for Wideband RIS Transmissions

Configuring reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) based on a practical RIS model is a fundamental problem in RIS-assisted wireless transmission. In this work, we propose a concept named optimal phasor (OP), a latent quantity that can considerably help the practical model-based RIS configuration. Under such a concept, we can design versatile algorithms that are applicable to different RIS mode

Valorizing the Humanities : Impact Stories, Acting Spaces, and Meandering Knowledge Flows

Despite its proven societal value, humanities knowledge tends to be marginalized in research policy; this has been a topic of debate for some time. In this chapter, we focus on the valorization of humanities knowledge, with the aim of comprehending the way this process engenders societal impact. We argue that historical impact stories offer an effective methodological approach for a deeper underst

Land remediation in Gloasgow's East End : A “sustainability fix” for whose benefit?

Following an industrial boom from the mid-to-late 19th century, Glasgow’s East End underwent exceptional levels of industrial decline. By the 1960s, it suffered from wholesale abandonment and devaluation, visible through widespread swathes of vacant and derelict land and decrepit building structures. After several unsuccessful regeneration attempts over the decades, in 2007 Glasgow City Council (G

Jämkning av kommersiella avtal mellan jämbördiga parter - reflektioner kring 36 § avtalslagen utifrån några aktuella rättsliga avgöranden

Denna artikel förmedlar några iakttagelser från den allmänna avtalsrätten. Det handlar om tillämpningen på senare tid av den ständigt aktuella 36 § i lagen (1915:218) om avtal och andra rättshandlingar på förmögenhetsrättens område (avtalslagen alternativt AvtL) i kommersiella avtalsrelationer. Mina iakttagelser leder till slutsatsen att den starka restriktivitet i tillämpningen som förarbetena ti

Fysiologiska effekter vid relativ energibrist och låg energitillgänglighet hos idrottande kvinnor - En semi-systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Många aktiva kvinnor har ett eller flera symtom på den kvinnliga idrottstriaden, som ätstörningar, amenorré och- eller osteoporos. Även låg energitillgänglighet (LEA), med eller utan ätstörningsproblem, menstruationsrubbningar och låg bentäthet är tillstånd som medför hälsorisker. Den kvinnliga idrottstriaden formulerades om av internationella olympiska kommittén till, relativ energibris

Fysioterapeuters upplevelser av att rehabilitera den nyblivna mammans återgång till idrott - en kvalitativ studie

Fysioterapeuternas erfarenheter och upplevelser kring rehabilitering gällande bäckenbotten är att arbetet är väldigt komplext och innehåller många olika komponenter som behöver beaktas för en framgångsrik rehabilitering. Arbetet baseras till stor del på tidigare klinisk erfarenhet samt att skapa sina egna protokoll och rehabiliteringsupplägg. Fysioterapeuterna upplever en brist på kunskap inom kvi

Carbon in, carbon out: Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ assessment reveals astonishing boom and bust cycles

If you really want to know how much Australia contributes to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in the atmosphere, you have to study all the “sources” and “sinks”.Sources release CO₂ into the atmosphere, while sinks take it out. There are sources from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, and there are natural sinks such as plants absorbing CO₂. You can tally it all up on a balance sheet

Societal economic burden and determinants of costs for atopic dermatitis

Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin disease while the economic burden of AD by severity is not adequately understood. Objective: To estimate the societal economic burden and to identify cost determinants of AD. Methods: In this population-based, controlled cohort study in Sweden, patients with AD were identified through diagnosis codes in primary or secondary care or b

Evidensbaserad behandling av acromioclavicularleden: En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning förespråkar att skador på acromioclavicular (AC)- leden av grad I och II bör behandlas konservativt, medan grad IV-VI kräver operativa ingrepp. Dock finns det fortfarande viss oenighet när det gäller behandlingen av grad III-skador. En brist på konsensus råder även om vilken behandlingsmetod som är mest lämplig för dessa skador, och det saknas tydliga riktlinjer för ha