

Din sökning på "*" gav 126325 sökträffar

Stem cell transplants for Parkinson’s disease edging closer

Published 6 November 2014 A major breakthrough in the development of stem cell-derived brain cells has put researchers on a firm path towards the first ever stem cell transplantations in people with Parkinson’s disease. A new study presents the next generation of transplantable dopamine neurons produced from stem cells. These cells carry the same properties as the dopamine neurons found in the hum

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/stem-cell-transplants-parkinsons-disease-edging-closer - 2025-02-27

Cold-induced pain linked to the garlic and mustard receptor

Published 13 November 2014 Edward Högestätt, Lavanya Moparthi, Urban Johanson and Peter Zygmunt Some people experience cold not only as feeling cold, but actually as a painful sensation. This applies even to fairly mild temperatures – anything below 20°C. A group of researchers from Lund University in Sweden have now identified the mechanism in the body that creates this connection between cold an

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/cold-induced-pain-linked-garlic-and-mustard-receptor - 2025-02-27

Oat oil preparation makes you feel fuller

Published 19 November 2014 Oats contain more fat than other cereals, and oat oil has a unique composition. A new study from Lund University, Härröd Research and Swedish Oat Fiber AB, shows a special oat oil preparation can produce greater satiety. WATCH: why oat oil supplement makes you feel fullerThe study followed 34 healthy individuals who were given different quantities of the oat oil preparat

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/oat-oil-preparation-makes-you-feel-fuller - 2025-02-27

Glassy protein solution may cause eyesight deterioration

Published 26 November 2014 Viscosity increases by 6 orders of magnitude upon an increase of the lens protein concentration Long-sightedness caused by age could be due to proteins in the lens of the eye that are converted from a fluid solution to a solid, glassy state. This has been shown in a study by researchers from institutions including Lund University. Around the age of 40–50, many people fin

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/glassy-protein-solution-may-cause-eyesight-deterioration - 2025-02-27

Mindfulness treatment as effective as CBT for depression and anxiety

Published 27 November 2014 Jan Sundquist Group mindfulness treatment is as effective as individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in patients with depression and anxiety, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden and Region Skåne. This is the first randomised study to compare group mindfulness treatment and individual cognitive behavioural therapy in patients with depression and

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/mindfulness-treatment-effective-cbt-depression-and-anxiety - 2025-02-27

ERC Starting Grant for researcher in combustion

Published 5 December 2014 Edouard Berrocal Edouard Berrocal, a researcher in combustion physics at Lund University, has been awarded one of the most prestigious grants available to young researchers: an ERC Starting Grant. The grant is worth EUR 1.5 million and will enable him to spend the next five years investigating what happens in the crucial moment at the start of combustion when the liquid f

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/erc-starting-grant-researcher-combustion - 2025-02-27

Type 2 diabetes risk starts in pregnancy

Published 5 December 2014 The risk of developing type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease is affected by exposures in the uterus. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden are now calling for updated guidelines in light of research evidence from the past decades. The vicious cycle of diabetes describes a scenario where people are becoming fatter, often with elevated levels of glucose, a

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/type-2-diabetes-risk-starts-pregnancy - 2025-02-27

New funding options for Mexican students

Published 5 December 2014 Lund University has entered into a new agreement with the Mexican Government’s Fund for Human Resource Development (FIDERH), which will allow Mexican students to access a Lund University partial scholarship. The Mexican Government’s Fund for Human Resource Development (FIDERH) is a federal trust managed by the Central Bank of Mexico, which has financed graduate studies fo

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-funding-options-mexican-students - 2025-02-27

How fast you age depends on your parents

Published 11 December 2014 In the hunt for better knowledge on the aging process, researchers from Lund University have now enlisted the help of small birds. A new study investigates various factors which affect whether chicks are born with long or short chromosome ends, called telomeres. The genetic make-up of our cells consists of genes lined up on chromosomes. The ends of the chromosomes are ca

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/how-fast-you-age-depends-your-parents - 2025-02-27

Virtual sphere is new ”touch-free keyboard”

Published 15 December 2014 A group of Lund University engineering students have designed a touch-free interface that enables advanced control of digital devices – simply by twisting and tapping an imaginary sphere. WATCH: Virtual sphere that controls your gadgetsWhen Örs-Barna Blénessy and Holger Andersson met at Lund University, they were writing a lab report one day when they started discussing

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/virtual-sphere-new-touch-free-keyboard - 2025-02-27

Antibacterial products could affect nerve cells

Published 16 December 2014 Gold and silver nanoparticles could affect the stem cells that develop into nerve cells in the brain and the retina of the eye. The results of the two studies from Lund University show that the nerve cells are particularly sensitive during the developmental stage, but that the mature nerve cells are also affected and can even be killed. Silver nanoparticles are primarily

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/antibacterial-products-could-affect-nerve-cells - 2025-02-27

China, UK, and US at centre of global ”land grabbing” trade

Published 17 December 2014 Nearly two out of three countries in the world now participate in a new kind of “virtual land trade”, where not only the goods produced but land ownership itself is traded internationally, according to a study from Lund University in Sweden.   WATCH: Two thirds of world’s countries now part of global land trade This phenomenon of large-scale global land acquisitions is r

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/china-uk-and-us-centre-global-land-grabbing-trade - 2025-02-27

Quantum world without queues could lead to better solar cells

Published 19 December 2014 Khadga Karki and Tönu Pullerits In a recent study from Lund University in Sweden, researchers have used new technology to study extremely fast processes in solar cells. The research results form a concrete step towards more efficient solar cells. The upper limit for the efficiency of normal solar cells is around 33 per cent. However, researchers now see a possibility to

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/quantum-world-without-queues-could-lead-better-solar-cells - 2025-02-27

Donating to charity not only about sympathy

Published 19 December 2014 Arvid Erlandsson In the run-up to Christmas, a lot of us consider donating to charities. But what motivates us to actually follow through? Too much focus on encouraging sympathy in potential charity donors can actually have the opposite effect, according to new research from Lund University in Sweden. Our willingness to help others is controlled as much by our head and m

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/donating-charity-not-only-about-sympathy - 2025-02-27

Water innovation project for Indonesia wins scholarship competition

Published 12 January 2015 The three winners Ahmad, Arlisa and Stephen together with Lund University staff at the award ceremony in Jakarta. On Saturday 10 January, a prize ceremony was held in Jakarta, Indonesia for the winners of the Blue Bag Water Innovation Award 2015 – a challenge where students from Indonesia could present their own innovative ideas on how to help solve the water problems in

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/water-innovation-project-indonesia-wins-scholarship-competition - 2025-02-27

Do viruses make us smarter?

Published 12 January 2015 A new study from Lund University in Sweden indicates that inherited viruses that are millions of years old play an important role in building up the complex networks that characterise the human brain. Researchers have long been aware that endogenous retroviruses constitute around five per cent of our DNA. For many years, they were considered junk DNA of no real use, a sid

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/do-viruses-make-us-smarter - 2025-02-27

Archaeologists make unique discoveries in Egypt

Published 13 January 2015 A team of archaeologists in Egypt has made a number of exceptional discoveries, including a stela – a relief design carved into a stone wall – with what are believed to be 2500-year-old inscriptions. The project is led by Maria Nilsson from Lund University in Sweden. “What is unique about the stela is that it shows the gods Amun-Ra and Toth together. These two deities are

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/archaeologists-make-unique-discoveries-egypt - 2025-02-27

Extra-short nanowires best for brain

Published 15 January 2015 If in the future electrodes are inserted into the human brain – either for research purposes or to treat diseases – it may be appropriate to give them a ‘coat’ of nanowires that could make them less irritating for the brain tissue. However, the nanowires must not exceed a certain length, according to new research from Neuronano Research Center at Lund University in Sweden

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/extra-short-nanowires-best-brain - 2025-02-27

Why someone else should make your financial decisions

Published 20 January 2015 When it comes to economic and financial decision-making, do you know what is best for you? Or is it wise to delegate decisions to someone else? Researchers at Lund University in Sweden and other institutions have demonstrated that letting someone else be in charge of your personal finances can help you avoid costly mistakes. In a large-scale experiment they show that peop

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/why-someone-else-should-make-your-financial-decisions - 2025-02-27

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Eva Wiberg appointed Executive Director of U21 network

Published 21 January 2015 The global university network Universitas 21 (U21) has appointed Lund University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Eva Wiberg, as the network's first executive director. Professor Wiberg, currently Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Lund University, will take up the position from 1 February 2015 on a part-time basis, combining this role with her current duties at Lund. The creat

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/deputy-vice-chancellor-eva-wiberg-appointed-executive-director-u21-network - 2025-02-27