

Din sökning på "*" gav 534098 sökträffar

Om Coronaviruspandemin och regerandekomplexet

The Coronavirus pandemic, its consequences and the various governmental responses to it have had an undisputed impact on our lives, societies and economies during the first half of 2020. By analysing a selection of press conferences held by Swedish authorities during April of 2020 through the lens of Michel Foucault’s theories on the exercise of societal power and on the means and ends of governme

Tiggeriförbud i Sverige: förenligt med individens frihet? En normativ givet att-analys av riksdagsdebatten om ett införande av ett nationellt tiggeriförbud

In 2016, the Swedish government released a comprehensive report stating that since 2012, the presence of beggars had become a common sight in towns and cities throughout Sweden. Furthermore, most of the beggars came from Romania and Bulgaria, where they faced discrimination and had few opportunities to support themselves and their families Later, in 2018, the administrative court made a ruling w

Folk och kultur

Folkhögskolesystemet är Sveriges största kulturarena, och får sitt existensberättigande från sitt demokratifrämjande uppdrag. Stöd till folkbildningen är Sveriges största kulturpolitiska budgetpost, och tillgången till kultur som en demokratisk rättighet har fastslagits av Riksdagen. Ändå präglas folkhögskolornas kulturlinjer av social snedrekrytering. Denna studie adresserar snedrekrytering till

Högre samhällsvetenskaplig utbildning och stöd för miljöpolitiska åtgärder

In a time when environmental changes increase dramatically and get more and more devastating, the question about what creates support for environmental policies which can mitigate these is highly relevant. Can education be a part of the solution? Some studies show that statistically, the support for environmental policies increase significantly with education in social sciences at a higher level.

Aktörers access till EU:s policyprocesser

The following study is a qualitative study of how the food industry has influenced policymaking regarding the implementation of a sugar tax within the EU. Through Pieter Bowen’s theory of access, stakeholders’ access to Efsa has been analyzed and the authority’s critical resource has been identified, in order to understand how the authority provides it. The study shows, in accordance with the theoThe following study is a qualitative study of how the food industry has influenced policymaking regarding the implementation of a sugar tax within the EU. Through Pieter Bowen’s theory of access, stakeholders’ access to Efsa has been analyzed and the authority’s critical resource has been identified, in order to understand how the authority provides it. The study shows, in accordance with the theo

How the story of control limits the reproduction of knowledge : a study of narratives in the Swedish Climate Policy Action Plan

Responses to combating worsening climate change are legitimized through narratives employed in government policy which build on existing master narratives about climate change produced in the subpolitics of international mega-science mainly influenced by IPCC as an expert authority. In Sweden the climate law forces the government to produce a Climate Policy Action Plan (CPAP) every four years that

Enfrågepartier och populism: En studie av representation

This paper is focused on trying to answer the questions of how local political niche parties gain representation in the municipalities of Sweden. Could a lack of representation in a specific political question lead to the political advancement of a niche party? The main theory is based on the concept of “representation gap” and “voting behavior”. This theory is being tested against two alternative

Reproduction in the (m)Anthropocene : exploring the roots and implications of environmentally friendly restrain from childbearing

This thesis departs from scientific literature which suggests to “have one fewer child” as the most effective individual lifestyle choice to reduce one’s contribution to (and even actively fight against) climate change. By employing critical discourse analysis of this literature, I explore how childbearing and carbon emissions have been coupled, and what the implications of this phenomenon are. Th

Make America Safe Again. En WPR-analys av Donald Trumps framställning av illegal immigration vid USAs södra gräns

In today’s globalised world characterised by transnational flows of goods, capital and people, borders are seemingly becoming obsolete. Simultaneously, some politicians are favouring protectionist and nationalist policies. When Donald Trump during his presidential campaign announced that one of his primary objectives was the wall construction on the US-Mexican border, he set the tone for the immig

“This is not a drill” - but is this a climate emergency? : On co-opted activist discourses, municipalism and institutionalized double realities in the city of Barcelona

The worsening climatic condition, together with a renewed wave of climate movements have spurred declarations of climate emergency by governmental institutions worldwide. In the city of Barcelona, unique for its social movement history and activist city council, such a declaration was issued on January 15th, 2020. In this context, this thesis looks at the specific discourse on climate emergency by

From “no walls” to closed borders: An analysis of Sweden’s identity in the wake of the European refugee crisis

This thesis studies how Sweden’s state identity is constructed within the discourse on Swedish Migration Policy following the European refugee crisis in 2015. Identity is studied by seeing the constructions of identity and policy as discursively interlinked and by using the notion of processes of linking and differentiation. The material analyzed are statements made by the Swedish government in or

EU accession and trade in the 21st century - A study of Croatian trade in goods and EU membership using the gravity model

This study examines the change of Croatia’s imports and exports of goods with EU member states during the time period of 2000-2018. This includes when it signed the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union and after it became an EU member. This is done to give insight into what future member states and current EU candidate countries could potentially expect from their access


During the 17th and early 18th century Antonio Stradivari built around 900 violins, that still today are considered some of the best instruments ever created. The theories of how it was possible for a luthier active 300 years ago to create instruments of this quality are many, including unique wood properties and secret building techniques. The sound of a violin is produced by vibrations from the

The Complex User of Sustainable Technologies – A qualitative study of factors that enable and constrain consumers to adopt food waste reduction apps

Thesis purpose: The aim of this study is to identify enablers and constraints for consumers to adopt food waste reduction apps. Consequently, it contributes to the field of innovation diffusion and, importantly, consumer adoption of technological innovations. Methodology: This exploratory study uses qualitative methods to investigate consumer values, expectations and experiences as the main unit

Intrång eller kreativt skapande? - Om balansering av upphovsrätt och andra grundläggande rättigheter i ljuset av sampling

Genom digitaliseringen har nya skapandeformer introducerats. Sampling är en teknik som innebär att på musikområdet använda, spela in eller kopiera delar av verk för att använda dessa inslag i nya sammanhang. Denna skapandeform väcker intressanta frågeställningar om under vilka omständigheter ett sådant vidareutnyttjande kräver tillstånd från rättighetsägaren. Frågan är mer komplex än vad som kan uThrough the digitalization, new ways of creating music have been introduced. Sampling is one technique where parts of a musical work is used, taped or copied in order to be applied into new contexts. This method give rise to several interesting questions concerning under what circumstances such use demands a permission from the copyright owner. This specific issue is far more complex than one coul

Arbetsplatsolycka eller arbetsmiljöbrott? – En kvalitativ studie av straffmätningen vid vållande till annans död på arbetsplatser

Varje år dör runt 40 till 60 arbetare på svenska arbetsplatser. För att sätta det i kontext kan nämnas att 43 människor miste livet i dödligt skjutvapenvåld år 2018. Arbetsplatsolyckor inträffar trots att det inte sällan finns tydliga varningssignaler och möjligheter till säkerhetsåtgärder, varför ett flertal sannolikt hade kunnat förhindras. Detta arbete undersöker arbetsmiljöbrott genom en rättsEach year around 40 to 60 workers die at Swedish worksites. In a wider context, it can be mentioned that 43 people lost their lives due to lethal use of firearms in 2018. Workplace fatalities occur even though there are often clear warning signs and possibilities of safety measures, which is why a great number of workplace fatalities likely could have been prevented. This thesis examines workplace

Hur kontrollerar vi kommunerna? - Kontroll av kommunala beslut genom laglighetsprövning och förvaltningsbesvär

Kommuner sköter enligt 14 kap. 2 § regeringsformen lokala och regionala angelägenheter av allmänt intresse på den kommunala självstyrelsens grund. Vad som är kommunala angelägenheter regleras av kommunallagen och specialförfattningar som exempelvis socialtjänstlagen och ordningslagen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka gränserna för det kommunala beslutsfattandet och hur kommunala beslut kan koMunicipalities manage according to Chapter 14. Section 2 regeringsformen local and regional affairs of general interest on the basis of municipal self-government. What is municipal affairs is regulated by the Municipal Act (kommunallagen) and special regulations such as the Social Services Act (socialtjänstlagen) and the Ordinance Act (ordningslagen). The purpose of the thesis is to investigate th

Instansordningsprincipen inom förvaltningsprocessrätten – med särskilt fokus på skatteprocessen

Instansordningsprincipen fyller en viktig funktion bland myndigheter och förvaltningsrättsdomstolarna. Detta innebär att omständigheter och material, som inte funnits med i tidigare instanser, inte får prövas i en högre instans. Målet kan i sådana fall återförvisas eller prövas på nytt utifrån nya yrkanden och omständigheter. Huruvida detta bör ske bedöms från fall till fall samt om inte särskildaCourt hierarchy principle fulfills an important function among the administrative courts. Circumstances and materials can ́t be a part of a hearing in a higher court if these things haven’t been heard in a lower court. The case can in these situations get remitted or retried according to the new claims and circumstances. Whether or not this should happen is determined on a case to case basis unles