

Din sökning på "*" gav 526548 sökträffar

The association between haemosporidian infection and non-breeding moult location in great reed warblers revisited by combining feather stable isotope profiles and geolocator data

Stable isotope analysis provides valuable insights into the ecology of long-distance migratory birds during periods spent away from a specific study site. In a previous study, Swedish great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) infected with haemosporidian parasites differed in feather isotope ratios compared to non-infected birds, suggesting that infected and non-infected birds spent the non-

Multi-centre modified Delphi exercise to identify candidate items for classifying early-stage symptomatic knee osteoarthritis

Objective: To generate a list of candidate items potentially useful for discriminating individuals with Early-stage Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis (EsSKOA) from those with other conditions and from established osteoarthritis (OA), and to reduce this list based on expert consensus. Design: We conducted a three-round online international modified Delphi exercise with OA clinicians and researchers (

Optimal Frequency Offset Selection for FDA-MIMO Beampattern Design in the Range-Angle Plane

This work investigates the design of beampatterns for frequency diverse arrays-multiple-input multiple-output (FDA-MIMO) in the range-angle plane, in order to improve the approximation of a desired beampattern. Recognizing that the energy radiated by the array cannot be locked at a fixed range and angle, the beampattern is designed for the equivalent beampattern at the receiving end, differing fro

REFRAMING THE NARRATIVE : The processes and outcomes of men’s victimization in human trafficking

This chapter examines the phenomenon of men as victims within the context of human trafficking – a crime predominantly perpetrated by men, with women comprising the majority of identified victims. Focusing on a comparative study of Finland and Sweden, this chapter explores the processes and outcomes of men’s victimisation in human trafficking. Adopting a constructivist perspective, this study seek

Exploaterade och tystade - Människohandel, arbetslivskriminalitet och migrationspolitikens paradoxer

Människohandel och människoexploatering beskrivs som de värsta formerna av arbetslivskriminalitet. Människohandel kan bestå i att transportera människor genom tvång, varvid syftet med handeln kan vara tvångsarbete eller att på annat sätt utnyttja arbetskraften hos en person. Människoexploatering angriper själva exploateringen. Människohandel och människoexploatering sker ofta genom att utländsk arHuman trafficking and labor exploitation are described as the most severe forms of workplace crime. Human trafficking can involve transporting individuals through coercion, with the purpose of such trafficking often being forced labor or otherwise exploiting the workforce of a person. Human exploitation targets the exploitation itself. Human trafficking and human exploitation often occur through t

Mamma, mamma, barn - En rättshistorisk analys av samkönade par och föräldraskap i Sverige

Sedan 2003 har samkönade par i Sverige kunnat prövas som adoptivföräldrar och därmed bli juridiska föräldrar. Det var dock kontroversiellt och många av remissinstanserna och talarna i riksdagen var kritiska. De framhöll att för lite forskningsunderlag presenterats, att alla barn behöver en mamma och en pappa samt att olikkönade par kanske skulle få svårare att adoptera då andra länder skulle se ogSince 2003, same-sex couples in Sweden have been able to be considered as adoptive parents and thus become legal parents. This was, however, controversial and many of the consultation bodies and speakers in the Riksdag were critical of the proposal. They emphasized that too little research had been presented, that children need a mother and a father, and that different-sex couples might find it mo

Strandskyddsdispens i Sverige och Norge - En komparativ studie av balansen mellan motstående intressen

Denna uppsats undersöker strandskyddsregleringen i Sverige och Norge genom en komparativ rättslig studie med syftet att förstå hur länderna balanserar skyddet av naturvärden och allmänhetens tillgång till strandnära områden med motstående intressen som behovet av samhällsutveckling samt enskilda markägares intressen. Strandskyddet i båda länderna syftar till att skydda biologisk mångfald, främja fThis thesis presents a comparative legal study of shoreline protection regu-lations in Sweden and Norway, focusing on how these countries balance the protection of natural values and public access to coastal areas with opposing interests, such as the need for societal development and the inter-ests of private landowners. The purpose is to highlight legal structures and the factors influencing the

Marked on the voice : the visibility experiences of Russian heritage migrants following the war against Ukraine

Identities fundamental to the self, such as race and gender, can operate through visual markers on the body. Identities related to a person’s heritage, or nationality, can also become visible. However, when physical appearance means that a person can pass as a member of a dominant group, being identified or ‘marked’ as other takes place through language use. In migration contexts, situations where

Degrees of Freedom and Characteristic Modes : Estimates for radiating and arbitrarily shaped objects

The number of degrees of freedom is a crucial parameter in many electromagnetic problems. In for example modern communication systems spatial diversity is often employed through multiple beams to enhance capacity and reliability. However, while the degrees of freedom can be computed, their connection to physical quantities is not as easily understood. To address this issue, this paper proposes a s

Association between different types of physical activity and occupational stress in Japanese workers : a cross-sectional study

This cross-sectional study investigated the association between different types of physical activity (PA) and occupational psychological and physical stress responses among workers in Japan. Stress responses were assessed using the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire. Work-related PA (time spent sitting, sitting bouts, standing, walking, engaging in heavy labor, and moderate-to-vigorous PA [MVPA]) and

Risk stratification and treatment goals in pulmonary arterial hypertension

Risk stratification has gained an increasing role in predicting outcomes and guiding the treatment of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The most predictive prognostic factors are three noninvasive parameters (World Health Organization functional class, 6-min walk distance and natriuretic peptides) that are included in all currently validated risk stratification tools. However, s

Higher serum free thyroxine levels are associated with increased risk of hip fractures in older men

Overt and subclinical hyperthyroidism are associated with an increased fracture risk, but whether thyroid hormones are associated with fracture risk in individuals with normal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) has mostly been investigated in women. Therefore, we investigated if serum levels of free thyroxine (FT4) or TSH are associated with fracture risk in Swedish men. We followed (median 12.2 yr

The Fine Resolution Explorer for Salinity, Carbon and Hydrology (FRESCH) : A Satellite Mission to Study Ocean-Land-Ice Interfaces

The Fine Resolution Explorer for Salinity, Carbon and Hydrology (FRESCH) is presented. The science case and the mission objectives are discussed before presenting the mission concept. FRESCH is an L-band antenna array operated in beamforming mode providing data at a spatial resolution of 10-15 km to study the biogeochemical and physical phenomena taking place at the interfaces of ocean, land and i

The NAS is there! President Erdoğan’s economic instrument to fight inflation

Turkish President Erdogan is a faithful Muslim and strongly objects to getting/paying interest. To reduce the (high) inflation rate, he declared in a speech at Parliament: “As long as I am in office, I will fight interest. The NAS is there.” The primary purpose of this chapter is to shed light on the nature of this concept and to find out whether there is indeed a NAS with the specific aim of curb

Centiloid recommendations for clinical context-of-use from the AMYPAD consortium

Amyloid-PET quantification through the tracer-independent Centiloid (CL) scale has emerged as an essential tool for the accurate measurement of amyloid-β (Aβ) pathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. The AMYPAD consortium set out to integrate existing literature and recent work from the consortium to provide clinical context-of-use recommendations for the CL scale. Compared to histopatholog

Circularly Polarized Sub-THz Antenna Design for Distributed Deployment

Sub-THz deployment is challenging due to high propagation losses, necessitating dense deployment. To reduce cost, RF signal can be distributed via plastic fiber to remote radio units to increase coverage area. In this paper, we propose an antenna-in-package concept for the single-layer substrate on low-cost embedded wafer level ball grid array (eWLB) packages. To suppress the distortion in the bro

Stated opinions and potential travel with DRT–a survey covering three different age groups

Previous research shows that well-grounded knowledge of the intended travellers is essential for achieving successful DRT services. However, there is a lack of understanding of the potential travels in different age groups, and the acceptance of design alternatives that may affect these. Based on surveys conducted in Sweden, this paper investigates these factors in a hypothetical DRT service, in t

Reduction of arrival time jitter or energy spread with arclike variable bunch compressors

Synchronizing free-electron laser pulses for time-resolved experiments is necessary as an unsynchronized system reduces the effective repetition rate of the experiment. Additionally, free-electron laser longitudinal coherence and spectral brightness are limited by electron beam energy spread. In this paper, a variable bunch compressor design and compression schemes were developed to: reduce klystr