

Din sökning på "*" gav 526738 sökträffar

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid implementation av ERP - Ur projektledarnas perspektiv

Denna kandidatuppsats inom informatik använder existerande litteratur för att identifiera kritiska framgångsfaktorer inom implementationen av affärssystem och sammanställa dessa till en rangordnad lista. Fortsättningsvis sker en empirisk undersökning där projektledarrollens perspektiv inom samma område redovisas. Resultaten från både den empiriska undersökningen och litteraturgenomgången beskrivs

Understanding Illiberal Peace-building: an Analysis of Conflict, Peace and Reconciliation in North Maluku Province, Indonesia

The main research problem in this thesis is the lack of a holistic understanding of how neo-patrimonialism, colonial legacies, decentralisation, illiberal peace-building and the revitalisation of traditional reconciliation practices have affected conflict, peace and development in North Maluku Province (NMP). This is important to study, given the negative impacts inherent in the conflict-developme

En rik man hade också blivit lärjunge till Jesus : Huruvida beskrivningen av rikedom i Matt 27:57 stämmer överens med hur övriga Matteusevangeliet beskriver rikedom

The purpose of this thesis is to understand if the picture of wealth in Matthew 27:57, where Joseph of Arimathea is described as rich, is coherent with the picture of wealth that appears in the rest of the Gospel of Matthew. This is investigated through an analysis of passages in the Gospel of Matthew, which implicitly or explicitly are associated with wealth. The greek word πλούσιος that depicts

Ris och Ros för Smileyn – premieringssystem för livsmedelsbranschen. Arbete för Miljöförvaltningen, Malmö stad.

Det blir allt mer vanligt att äta ute på restaurang. Dessa nya konsumtionsvanor sätter högre krav på att livsmedelsföretagen levererar säkra livsmedel. För att informera konsumenterna om livsmedelsföretagens livsmedelshantering har Malmö stad infört ett frivilligt premieringsystem som kallas för Smiley. Malmö stad har tidigare genomfört studier som fokuserar på vad konsumenterna anser om premieriConsumers today are much more mobile and are therefore eating out at restaurants much more than they used to do. These new consumer habits put greater demands on food businesses supplying safe food. In order to inform the consumers of the food businesses that have excellent food service, the city of Malmö introduced a reward system called Smiley. The City of Malmö has previously conducted studies

Google Analytics as a tool for usability evaluation of mobile applications

In recent years, the market for mobile applications has continuously grown in size, and appears to continue to grow. This means greater competition among app developing companies as the users expect applications with high usability and a great user experience. To assess these properties the companies can perform usability evaluations. However, practicing traditional usability evaluation methods ca

Optimizing Diabetes Simulation Model Parameters using an Evolutionary Computing Approach

Diabetes mellitus, especially type 2 diabetes, continuously becomes a global concern as this chronic metabolic disease which leasds over time to serious damage to heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves. It causes 1.5 million deaths each year according to a report by the World Health Organisation. It is a very complex disease that requires diverse treatment depending on patients and their h

FUCK FUNKOFOBI - motstånd, normkritik och radikalitet i funktionshinderrörelsen

Denna uppsats undersöker en radikal och aktivistisk del av funktionshinderrörelsen. Den beskriver hur de gör motstånd, mot vad de gör motstånd och hur de ser på sin rörelse. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fem funkisaktivister och har en motstånds- och cripteoretisk ansats. Intervjupersonerna riktar kritik mot stora delar av funktionshinderrörelsen som de menar är för individfokusera

Robust Production Planning for District Heating Networks

Efficient use of energy becomes increasingly important in the modern society, with climate change as a driving factor. Short term production planning for district heating networks is motivated by a customer demand that varies according to a daily cycle, but which is directly dependent on changes in temperature and customer behaviour. The planning involves challenges in modeling of production unit

Synchronization of streamed audio between multiple playback devices over an unmanaged IP network

When designing and implementing a prototype supporting inter-destination media synchronization – synchronized playback between multiple devices receiving the same stream – there are a lot of aspects that need to be considered, especially when working with unmanaged networks. Not only is a proper streaming protocol essential, but also a way to obtain and maintain the synchronization of the clocks o

Globaliseringens strukturerade migration

The following study aims to examine the structuring functions of migration in relation to globalization, and how these affect the subject. Through interviewing six persons with the experience of migration and living without documents in Malmö, I have analysed the interviewees’ narratives in relation to a global context. This is a qualitative study produced through a narrative method, with the inte

Hezbollah: Ideology, Practice, and the Arab Revolts - Between popular legitimacy and strategic interests

In the years prior to what became known as the Arab Spring, regional public opinion strongly favored Hezbollah due to its principled commitment to the liberation of Palestine. As popular upheavals swept through the Arab Middle East in 2011, this sentiment continued as the movement gave its support to the initial uprisings. However, as the protests reached Syria the image of Hezbollah as a champion

Bidrar motion till välbefinnande?

De senaste åren har sjukskrivningarna ökat i Sverige, enligt SCB (2015), vilket påverkar både individ och organisation negativt. Samtidigt råder en träningstrend där träning och kost prioriteras av allt fler i vardagen för att förbättra eller bibehålla sin hälsa. Eftersom sjukfrånvaro är ett samhällsproblem och träning anses generera flera positiva effekter, finner vi det intressant att undersöka

Hi-Speed Ergonomics - The ergonomics relevant for Direct fastening tools

Direct Fastening tools are popular for quick fastenings in concrete and steel by propelling the nail with gun powder, gas or electricity. Because of this the users hand needs to absorb a shock caused by the recoil when a setting is performed. The link between the recoil and its effect on the user is essentially unexplored. This makes it hard to design an optimum handle for a direct fastening tool

The Feminist Spring? : A Narrative Analysis of the Media Discourse of the Swedish party Feminist Initiative

This thesis investigates the media discourse of the Swedish party Feminist Initiative in conjunction with the election to the European Parliament, and the general national election, in May and September 2014. Through the methods of narrative analysis and critical discourse analysis, it identifies the dominating media approaches and attitudes towards the party, and analyses what norms and structure

The Integrated Reporting Journey and the Influence of Sustainability Reporting - Experiences and Practices from Sweden and Germany

Integrated reporting is an approach to corporate reporting that seeks to integrate significant financial and non-financial information and demonstrate how they are connected to each other. By doing so, integrated reporting is expected to lead to integrated thinking and decision-making, reflecting how an organisation impacts and is impacted by the economic, social and environmental context in which

Civilkurage - En studie av en eventuell civilkuragelags legitimitet i svensk rätt

Civilkurage är ett flitigt debatterat område i Sverige, och trots att de flesta av våra grannländer har lagstiftning om en allmän handlingsplikt att bistå en nödställd person har Sverige valt att inte införa en sådan. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att belysa de olika problem som lagstiftaren ställs inför vid ett eventuellt införande av en civilkuragelag. Uppsatsen redogör för hur gällande rätt ärMoral courage is frequently debated in Sweden, and despite the fact that several countries in our proximity have implemented a general legal duty to rescue a person in distress, Sweden has chosen not to implement such a legislation. The main purpose of this essay is to illustrate the different problems the legislator is facing regarding the possible insertion of a “moral courage law”. The essay ac

Forecasting commodity futures using Principal Component Analysis and Copula

Introduktion Inom nansbranschen sa krigar handlare dagligen om att overlista deras ende - marknaden. Men, med dagens kommunikationsmedel sa blir handlarna overosta med information och for att kunna salla bland all den informationen - sa kan matematik anvandas. Denna studien forsoker ta ut den mest vitala informationen man kan fa fran historisk data - och bygga en modell av hur man tror priserna koThe ever ongoing battle to beat the market is in this thesis fought with the help of mathematics with a way to reduce the information to its core. It is called PCA, Principal Component Analysis. This is used to build a model of future commodity prices. To assist PCA, Copula is used - a sort of mathematical glue which can bring multiple distributions together and represented as one. The data used i

Kollektivavtal och kollektivavtalsenliga villkor vid offentlig upphandling

Upphandling av offentliga kontrakt är av stor ekonomisk betydelse och beräknas i Sverige uppgå till drygt 600 miljarder kronor. Den offentliga upphandlingen används dessutom i allt större utsträckning för att uppnå samhällsekonomiska och arbetsmarknadspolitiska mål. Nya EU direktiv på upphandlingsområdet ska underlätta för upphandlande myndigheter att i större omfattning beakta arbetsrättsliga häPurchases bound by public procurement rules is estimated to exceed 600 billion SEK. Public procurement is also increasingly used as a means for achieving socio-economical and labour market policy targets. New procurement directives adopted by the EU in 2014 are intended to facilitate a higher regard for labour law by the contracting authorities. These new directives have yet to be implemented in

Är du stark måste du vara snäll - Om polisens våldsbefogenheter

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats har varit att undersöka polisens laga befogenhet att använda sig av våld och därmed inskränka den enskildes rätt till kroppslig integritet. Målet har varit att undersöka vilka eventuella rättssäkerhetsproblem som uppstår genom våldsbefogenheten och om det på grund av dessa behövs en förändring av regleringen. Polisen har en komplex roll i samhället. PolismyndigheThe aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine the police's legal authority to use violence and thereby restrict the individual's right to physical integrity. Furthermore, this thesis examines the possible legal problems arising from the misuse of the police's authority and if there is a need for a legislative change. The police has a complex role in society. They work to increase sa