

Din sökning på "*" gav 539873 sökträffar

Stress och arbetsorganisationen: En explorativ undersökning av visstidsanställdas och fastanställdas upplevelser

Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida det föreligger skillnader mellan visstidsanställdas och fastanställdas upplevelse av stress och andra aspekter inom organisationen. Då den tidigare forskningen inom området saknar samstämmighet valde vi att utgå från en explorativ ansats. För att undersöka dessa eventuella skillnader utformades ett internetbaserat formulär som mätte upplevelsen av stress oThe purpose of the study was to investigate whether temporary employees and permanent employees differ in their experience of stress and other aspects within the organization. Since the earlier research lacks coherence we chose to examine the potential differences between the groups of employees through an exploratory approach. In order to investigate if any differences existed between the two gro

Fishing from space : mackerel fishing in Icelandic waters and correlation with satellite variables

As concentrations of measured CO2 in the atmosphere reach a record high it is important to attempt all possible efforts to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) in all aspects of industry. The fishing sector contributes 15% of total GHG emission in Iceland, with the majority originating from fishing vessels using fossil fuel. The relationship between catching locations of Atlantic Mackere

Konfirmandverksamhet i svensk nutid - En religionspedagogisk fallstudie av deltagarcentrerad och upplevelseorienterad kyrklig undervisning

This study concerns religious education in the Church of Sweden, focusing on current religious teaching of young catechists. The study exemplifies, gives a historical context to and problematizes a specific teaching practice based on students’ own contextual situation, as well as centered on their personal experience of Christianity, as an alternative and complement to more formal studying of Chri

Android-applikation för övervakning av ett industriellt automationssystem

The technology in the industry has grown substantially over the years, particularly in the wireless area. Today's smartphones and other devices that connect to a wireless network, has the opportunity to communicate with other devices via the TCP / IP protocol. This places significant demands from the companies in the industry, which believes that there is opportunity to improve productivity in

Are K2 guidelines sufficient and credible for credit assessments?

Title: Are K2 guidelines sufficient and credible for credit assessments? Course: BUSN69 Degree Project – Master of Accounting and Auditing Authors: Ali Mansour Firouz & Sina Attaran Advisor: Dr. Amanda Tan-Sonnerfeldt Five key words: Credit assessment, Financial statements, K2 guidelines, Banks, Auditing Purpose: To what degree do K2 guidelines affect the usefulness of the financial report

Användningen av kommunikationskanaler i innovations-beslutsprocessen

Dagens tekniska utveckling präglas av ett flöde av förmodade förbättringar och därför behöver företag hålla sig uppdaterade om nya versioner av deras system. Innovationsspridning används för att visa hur beslutsfattare i en organisation använder kommunikationskanaler i innovations-beslutsprocessen för att samla in information om nya tekniker. För att visa en modell har jag gjort studie av hur beslThe technical developing of today is being characterized by assumed improvements and because of that companies need to be related to new version of their systems. Diffusion of innovation is used to show how decision makers in organization use communication channels to gather information about new techniques. I have done a study of how companies gather information about new techniques for mobile pa

Hydrodynamic Analysis and Simulation of a Tidal Energy Converter

A new motion simulator has been developed to simulate Minesto AB’s tidal energy converter flying in water. The motion simulator is as a part of a new computer based development environment, aiming to shorten the company’s development process. The environment consists of a hydrodynamic analysis together with the new simulator to evaluate the performance of the company’s tidal energy converter. The

Dödsbudet – en studie om LSS-personals erfarenheter av ansvar i samband med känsliga frågor

Abstract Author: Felipe Martinez.C Title: A study on staff´s responsibility management and experience of a Swedish LSS home residents loss of a relative The purpose of this study has been to highlight the experience of responsibility and management when a relative to a person who has lived at one LSS-home dies. Occupants in the LSS-homes are individuals that have different kinds of disabilitie

Webboptimering, ett riskfyllt äventyr?

En grundförutsättning för att lyckas driva en framgångsrik verksamhet online, är tillgången till en hemsida som tydligt reflekterar dess användningsområde och som konverterar besökare till kunder. Sedan länge har webbutvecklare varit införstådda med fördelarna av gränssnitt utvecklade utifrån besökares preferenser. Numera finns digitala verktyg som möjliggör kontrollerade experiment på hemsidor dä

The Granger causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth for eight European countries

Motivated by the rising importance of today’s environmental issues and more specifically the role of energy conservation policies, the current study investigates the Granger causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in eight European countries. Using a large dataset that overall spans from 1800-2009 the study employs the Toda-Yamamoto procedure and cointegration analysis w

Flygbildsbaserad förändringsstudie inom skyddszoner längs vattendrag

Det skånska landskapet har sedan 1800talet varit starkt påverkat av lantbruket. Åar har rätats ut, fördjupats och kulverterats, vilket i kombination med en ökad gödsling har lett till ökat näringsläckage som gett konsekvenser i form av minskad biologisk mångfald och övergödning. Ett sätt att minska övergödningen är att anlägga vallbesådda skyddszoner längs vattendrag. Lantbrukare kan få ersättningThe landscape of Scania in southern Sweden has been heavily influenced by agriculture since the 1800s. Rivers have been straightened, deepened and culverted which in combination with increased fertilization has had consequences such as loss of biodiversity and eutrophication. One way to reduce eutrophication is to construct grass seeded buffer zones along watercourses. Farmers can receive compensa

ACC Simulering - Analys av komponent för områdeskontroll

SAAB Training & Simulation AB develops training solutions for military and civil use. One of these solutions, ATC Training, is intended to be a comprehensive solution where all parts in Air Traffic Control are represented. The simulator is currently not fully developed, and therefore not ready to be delivered, but there is no functionality for simulation of Area Control Center. Therefore there

Narrativ förmåga hos skolbarn med och utan autismspektrumtillstånd

Syftet med studien var att undersöka den narrativa förmågan hos barn i skolåldern med eller under utredning för autismspektrumtillstånd (AST) och barn med typisk utveckling. Denna förmåga jämfördes både inom och mellan dessa grupper. Vidare var syftet att undersöka sambandet mellan narrativ förmåga och andra språkliga och kognitiva funktioner i de båda grupperna. Till studien utarbetades ett testb

Konsten att träffa mitt i prick på en darttavla - En studie om rollen som kontaktperson inom LSS

The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish befrienders explain their relationship with befriendees who has interventions by the law of LSS, and how this can be understood in relation to the concept of friendship and professionality. This study was based on semi-structural interviews in which seven different befrienders participated. Two main themes were discussed: friendship and professional

En främmande fågel med specialistkompetens - När socialt arbete utförs i periferin

The purpose of this study was to illustrate and examine how social workers professional identity shapes and maintains when they work in an arena where social work is not in focus. We used a qualitative method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using an interview guide. We interviewed nine professional social workers who works in three different field - probation, hospital and school. Profe

Ungdomstjänst – Lagen och praktiken

The purpose of this study was to examine how different Swedish municipalities proceeded to transform the sanction youth service to practice in the context of the laws, the preparatory works and the guidelines which concern the sanction. Semi-structured interviews were used to acquire the material along with a so-called interview guide, which consisted of a list of fairly specific themes that were

Bloggares beskrivningar av nätmobbning

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the traditional views on cyberbullying and more specifically how others perceive and describe cyber-bullying and its causes, consequences and solutions. To carry out my investigation, I have used qualitative research methods in the form of text analysis. My empirical material consists of 44 Swedish blogs which 28 were written by young people, and the rema

Biodiversity conservation and the Brazilian Forest Code : small-scale farmers and law compliance in Southern Brazil

Various strategies may be used to promote biodiversity conservation on private land and support conservation at the landscape level. Brazil has had a law that addresses this issue to some extent since 1934. It is called Forest Code (FC), and has been revised twice, in 1965 and 2012. One of the reasons that led to its most recent revision was insufficient compliance among landowners. Another argume