

Din sökning på "*" gav 533753 sökträffar

Hur når man fram? Om retoriska strategier i kampen för klimatet

Redan för över ett århundrade sedan, i industrialiseringens vagga, funderade fysiker, kemister och naturvetenskapare på de eventuella konsekvenser de oreglerade utsläppen av fossila bränslen i atmosfären kunde få. Bland annat förutsåg man en framtida global uppvärmning. Nu har det gått många årtionden sedan vi fick svart på vitt att den globala uppvärmningen är ett faktum. Det råder överväldigande

The utility of histology in assessing the cause of death in medico-legal autopsies in selected trauma deaths : Suspension-, immersion-, fire-, and traffic-related

The goal of a medico-legal autopsy is primarily to determine the cause and manner of death. To this end, the pathologist often uses auxiliary analyses, including histology. However, the utility of routine histology in all medico-legal autopsies is unknown. Earlier studies on the utility of routine histology have shown inconsistent effects, with some studies recommending it and others rejecting it.

Revisiting the effect of growing up in a recession on attitudes towards redistribution

Giuliano and Spilimbergo (2014) show that individuals who experienced a recession when young are more likely to favor redistribution in the short and long run. We revisit their analysis in three ways. First, we conduct a narrow replication in the General Social Survey and the World Values Survey; we successfully replicate the original results for outcomes that directly measure preferences for redi

Financial incentives for vaccination do not have negative unintended consequences

Financial incentives to encourage healthy and prosocial behaviours often trigger initial behavioural change, but a large academic literature warns against using them. Critics warn that financial incentives can crowd out prosocial motivations and reduce perceived safety and trust, thereby reducing healthy behaviours when no payments are offered and eroding morals more generally. Here we report find

Medförälderskap: känsla av lag eller jag? En kvalitativ studie om mammor till barn med autism kring föräldraskap, medförälderskap och föräldraskapsroller

Den aktuella studien syftade till att undersöka medförälderskapsrelationen och hur denna återspeglas i den enskilda förälderns omvårdnadsrepresentationer hos mammor till barn med autism, samt hur föräldraskapsroller tar sig uttryck i dessa familjer enligt mammors utsagor. Datainsamling skedde genom den standardiserade intervjun Parental Attachment and Caregiving Interview (P-CAI) och självskattninThe aim of the present study was to examine the coparenting relationship and its role in parental caregiving representations as seen in mothers with autistic children, as well as gender roles in these families based on mothers’ perspectives. Data collection was carried out with Parental Attachment and Caregiving Interview (P-CAI) and the self-report measure Coparenting Relationship Scale (CRS). El

Svenska skalbaggar 3 – släktet Clambus

As a result of a careful examination of the available Swedish material of the genus Clambus Fischer von Waldheim,1821 (Coleoptera: Clambidae), our current understanding of the Swedish Clambus fauna is revised. A total of 1844 specimens were identified from museum specimens as well as private collections, resulting in eight species belonging to the Swedish fauna. In the past there was confusion abo

Partner eller vänner, vem prioriterar du? - En experimentell studie om upplevd makt, romantiska relationer och könsskillnader.

Följande studie undersökte hur män och kvinnor skiljde sig åt i sina prioriteringar mellan en dyadisk relation med en romantisk partner och en relation med ett kollektiv bestående av vänner, när de upplevde hög eller låg social makt. Deltagarna (N = 210) primades med antingen låg eller hög makt och skattade sedan sina prioriteringar mellan en romantisk partner och en vänskapsgrupp på en bipolär skThis study examined how men and women differed in their priorities between a dyadic relationship with a romantic partner and a relationship with a collective consisting of friends when they experienced high or low levels of social power. Participants (N = 210) were primed with either low or high power and then rated their priorities between a romantic partner and a group of friends on a bipolar sc

Analgesic efficacy of sleep-promoting pharmacotherapy in patients with chronic pain : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Dysregulation of sleep heightens pain sensitivity and may contribute to pain chronification. Interventions which consolidate and lengthen sleep have the potential to improve pain control. The main objective of this systematic review was to examine the effects of sleep-promoting pharmacotherapy on pain intensity in patients with chronic pain. Multiple electronic databases were searched from incepti

A hot sub-Neptune in the desert and a temperate super-Earth around faint M dwarfs : Color validation of TOI-4479b and TOI-2081b

Aims. We report the discovery and validation of two TESS exoplanets orbiting faint M dwarfs: TOI-4479b and TOI-2081b. Methods. We jointly analyzed space (TESS mission) and ground-based (MuSCAT2, MuSCAT3 and SINISTRO instruments) light curves using our multicolor photometry transit analysis pipeline. This allowed us to compute contamination limits for both candidates and validate them as planet-

Augmented reality face recognition for musical interaction

This paper reports on early work in a project devoted to the exploration of music, musical quality, interaction design and sensory stimulation for persons with multiple and/or severe impairments. The text focuses on the explorative work done on using face tracking and face recognition for musical interaction. The current design and the design process so far is described. Further developments are o

Introduction : “Formulas of Betrayal”—Traitors, Collaborators and Deserters in Contemporary European Politics of Memory

Basing their study on conceptualizations current in anthropology, history, memory studies, and cultural sociology, Eleonora Narvselius and Gelinada Grinchenko offer a new, complex approach to understanding the violations of loyalty and trust that constitute betrayal, as well as their present-day revisions. Acts of betrayal and their subsequent reinterpretations are viewed through the prism of powe

Temporary Cohabitation : The Metastable Phase Au4Si

The prediction, identification, and characterization of phases away from equilibrium conditions remain difficult challenges for material science. Herein, we demonstrate how systems whose phase diagrams contain deeply incising eutectics can offer opportunities to address these challenges. We report the synthesis of a new compound in the Au-Si system, a textbook example of a system with a deep eutec

Sexual function of adult long-term survivors and their partners after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in Europe (S-FAST) : a study from the Transplant Complications Working Party and Nurses Group of the EBMT

Sexual dysfunction after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) is a common long-term complication. We conducted a European multicenter cross-sectional study of adult allo-HCT recipients who had survived >2 years and their partners to investigate sexual functioning after HCT and to evaluate whether discussion about sexual functioning between the transplant team and the survivor a