

Din sökning på "*" gav 124478 sökträffar

Mendelian randomisation for mediation analysis: current methods and challenges for implementation

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 19 June 2021 Photo: Pixabay / Arek Socha Mediation analysis seeks to explain the pathway(s) through which an exposure affects an outcome. Traditional, non-instrumental variable methods for mediation analysis experience a number of methodological difficulties, including bias due to confounding between an exposure, mediator and

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/mendelian-randomisation-mediation-analysis-current-methods-and-challenges-implementation - 2025-03-16

Bayesian Pathway Analysis for Complex Interactions

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 20 June 2021 Photo: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann We describe a novel Bayesian pathway analysis approach, the algorithm for learning pathway structure (ALPS), which addresses key limitations in existing approaches to complex data analysis. Read the paper at https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/189/12/1610/5868707

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/bayesian-pathway-analysis-complex-interactions - 2025-03-16

At-risk-measure Sampling in Case–Control Studies with Aggregated Data

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 21 June 2021 The method extends an established case–control sampling principle: sample the at-risk experience of a cohort study such that the sampled exposure distribution approximates that of the cohort. It is distinct from density sampling in that the sample remains in the form of the at-risk measure, which may be continuous

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/risk-measure-sampling-case-control-studies-aggregated-data - 2025-03-16

Common Methods for Handling Missing Data in Marginal Structural Models: What Works and Why

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 22 June 2021 Photo: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann We recommend careful consideration of 1) the reasons for missingness, 2) whether missingness modifies the existing relationships among observed data, and 3) the scientific context and data source, to inform the choice of the appropriate method(s) for handling partially observed confou

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/common-methods-handling-missing-data-marginal-structural-models-what-works-and-why - 2025-03-16

Do-search: A Tool for Causal Inference and Study Design with Multiple Data Sources

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 23 June 2021 As a new tool, we present do-search, a recently developed algorithmic approach that can determine the identifiability of a causal effect. The approach is based on do-calculus, and it can utilize data with nontrivial missing data and selection bias mechanisms. Read the paper at https://journals.lww.com/epidem/Fullt

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/do-search-tool-causal-inference-and-study-design-multiple-data-sources - 2025-03-16

Regression Discontinuity Designs in Health

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 24 June 2021 Photo: Pixabay / geralt This systematic review demonstrates that regression discontinuity designs have been widely applied in health research and could be used more widely still. Shortcomings in study quality and reporting suggest that the potential benefits of this method have not yet been fully realized. Read th

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/regression-discontinuity-designs-health - 2025-03-16

Is Cohort Representativeness Passé? Poststratified Associations of Lifestyle Risk Factors with Mortality in the UK Biobank

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 25 June 2021 Lack of representativeness may distort the associations of alcohol with CVD mortality, and may underestimate health hazards among those with cumulatively the least healthy lifestyles. Read the paper at https://journals.lww.com/epidem/Fulltext/2021/03000/Is_Cohort_Represent…

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/cohort-representativeness-passe-poststratified-associations-lifestyle-risk-factors-mortality-uk - 2025-03-16

To Adjust or Not to Adjust? When a “Confounder” Is Only Measured After Exposure

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 26 June 2021 Foto från snd.gu.se Advice regarding the analysis of observational studies of exposure effects usually is against adjustment for factors that occur after the exposure, as they may be caused by the exposure (or mediate the effect of exposure on outcome), so potentially leading to collider stratification bias. Howev

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/adjust-or-not-adjust-when-confounder-only-measured-after-exposure - 2025-03-16

Causal Organic Indirect and Direct Effects: Closer to the Original Approach to Mediation Analysis, with a Product Method for Binary Mediators

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 27 June 2021 Mediation analysis, which started in the mid-1980s, is used extensively by applied researchers. Indirect and direct effects are the part of a treatment effect that is mediated by a covariate and the part that is not. Subsequent work on natural indirect and direct effects provides a formal causal interpretation, ba

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/causal-organic-indirect-and-direct-effects-closer-original-approach-mediation-analysis-product - 2025-03-16

Recent Trends in Patient Registries for Health Services Research

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 28 June 2021 Patient registries are an established methodology in health services research. Since more than 150 years, registries collect information concerning groups of similar patients to answer research questions. Elaborated recommendations about an appropriate development and an efficient operation of registries are avail

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/recent-trends-patient-registries-health-services-research - 2025-03-16

Open Science—A Question of Trust

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 29 June 2021 Collaboration and the sharing of knowledge is at the heart of Open Science (OS). However, we need to know that the knowledge we find and share is really what it purports to be; and we need to know that the authors we hope to collaborate with are really the people they claim to be. Read the paper at https://direct.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/open-science-question-trust - 2025-03-16

The MSBase pregnancy, neonatal outcomes, and women’s health registry

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 30 June 2021 Photo: Pixabay / Free-photos Here, we describe the new MSBase pregnancy, neonatal outcomes and women’s health registry. We provide the rationale for, and detailed description of, the variables collected within the registry, together with data acquisition details. Read the paper at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/msbase-pregnancy-neonatal-outcomes-and-womens-health-registry - 2025-03-16

Generalizability of Subgroup Effects

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 1 July 2021 Generalizability methods are increasingly used to make inferences about the effect of interventions in target populations using a study sample. Most existing methods to generalize effects from sample to population rely on the assumption that subgroup-specific effects generalize directly. However, researchers may be

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/generalizability-subgroup-effects - 2025-03-16

Pregnancy intention data completeness, quality and utility in population-based surveys

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 2 July 2021 From Wikimedia Commons An estimated 40% of pregnancies globally are unintended. Measurement of pregnancy intention in low- and middle-income countries relies heavily on surveys, notably Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), yet few studies have evaluated survey questions. Read the paper at https://pophealthmetrics.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/pregnancy-intention-data-completeness-quality-and-utility-population-based-surveys - 2025-03-16

Redesign of the Australian Cystic Fibrosis Data Registry: A multidisciplinary collaboration

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 3 July 2021 Clinical registries that monitor and review outcomes for patients with cystic fibrosis have existed internationally for many decades. However, their purpose continues to evolve and now includes the capability to support clinical effectiveness research, clinical trials and Phase IV studies, and international data co

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/redesign-australian-cystic-fibrosis-data-registry-multidisciplinary-collaboration - 2025-03-16

The European Paediatric Rare Tumours Network - European Registry (PARTNER) project for very rare tumors in children

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 4 July 2021 Photo from Manchester Metropolitan University The PARTNER project (Paediatric Rare Tumours Network - European Registry) was launched in 2016. PARTNER aims to create a European Registry dedicated to children and adolescents with very rare tumors (VRT). It links existing national registries and provides a registry fo

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/european-paediatric-rare-tumours-network-european-registry-partner-project-very-rare-tumors-children - 2025-03-16

Complex systems models for causal inference in social epidemiology

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 5 July 2021 Photo: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Systems models, which by design aim to capture multi-level complexity, are a natural choice of tool for bridging the divide between social epidemiology and causal inference. In this commentary, we discuss the potential uses of complex systems models for improving our understanding of q

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/complex-systems-models-causal-inference-social-epidemiology - 2025-03-16

Estimating the hazard rate difference from case-cohort studies

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 6 July 2021 In this paper, we describe a newly developed estimation method that fits the additive hazards models to general two-phase sampling studies along with the R package addhazard that implements it. Read the paper at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10654-021-00739-3

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/estimating-hazard-rate-difference-case-cohort-studies - 2025-03-16

Assessing knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards causal directed acyclic graphs: a qualitative research project

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 7 July 2021 We sought to understand why researchers do or do not regularly use DAGs by surveying practicing epidemiologists and medical researchers on their knowledge, level of interest, attitudes, and practices towards the use of causal graphs in applied epidemiology and health research. Read the paper at https://link.springe

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/assessing-knowledge-attitudes-and-practices-towards-causal-directed-acyclic-graphs-qualitative - 2025-03-16

A Hierarchical Approach Using Marginal Summary Statistics for Multiple Intermediates in a Mendelian Randomization or Transcriptome Analysis

By anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Axmon) - published 8 July 2021 Photo: Pixabay / Arek Socha We propose to extend our previous approach for the joint analysis of marginal summary statistics to incorporate prior information via a hierarchical model (hJAM). Read the paper at https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwaa287

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/hierarchical-approach-using-marginal-summary-statistics-multiple-intermediates-mendelian - 2025-03-16