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Sex kapitel ur "Kulturbärare i kyrkans tjänst II. Valda delar ur tal till kulturstipendiater 1991−2012"

Kulturpristagare 1992 Kerstin Wallin journalist Erland Forsberg ikonmålare + Kulturpristagare 1993 Henrik Cervin domkyrkoorganist Gunnar Kampe kyrkoherde + Kulturpristagare 1994 Lars Hernqvist kyrkomusiker Jerker Leijon kyrkomusiker Ann-Marie Rydberg kyrkomusiker + Kulturpristagare 1995 Ingvar Rohr kyrkklocksexpert + Kulturpristagare 1996 Christina Löwestam bön- och sångdiktare Thomas Simson sport

Nonlocal transport properties of nanoscale conductor-microwave cavity systems

Recent experimental progress in coupling nanoscale conductors to superconducting microwave cavities has opened up for transport investigations of the deep quantum limit of light-matter interactions, with tunneling electrons strongly coupled to individual cavity photons. We have investigated theoretically the most basic cavity-conductor system with strong, single photon induced nonlocal transport e

Women's Wishes and Need for Knowledge Concerning Sexuality and Relationships in Connection with Gynecological Cancer Disease

The purpose of this study was to investigate women's wishes and need for knowledge concerning sexuality and relationships in connection with gynecological cancer. A total of 11 women were interviewed following the completion of their treatment for gynecological cancer. The data was analyzed using latent content analysis. Two main categories were identified: "The absence of knowledge about the body

Quantifying coronary sinus flow and global LV perfusion at 3T

Abstract Background: Despite the large availability of 3T MR scanners and the potential of high field imaging, this technical platform has yet to prove its usefulness in the cardiac MR setting, where 1.5T remains the established standard. Global perfusion of the left ventricle, as well as the coronary flow reserve (CFR), can provide relevant diagnostic information, and MR measurements of these par

"A syndrome so characteristic" Molecular and clinical studies of Fusobacterium necrophorum and Lemierre's syndrome

Lemierre’s syndrome is caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum and involves tonsillitis, jugular vein thrombophlebitis and septic pulmonary emboli. The first studies underlying this thesis focused on bacterial interaction with coagulation. The contact system initiates the intrinsic pathway of coagulation and the release of the pro-inflammatory peptide bradykinin. We found that the contact system was a

Unveiling and controlling the electronic structure of oxidized semiconductor surfaces: Crystalline oxidized InSb(100)(1 x 2)-O

The exothermic nature of oxidation causes nearly all semiconductor applications in various fields like electronics, medicine, photonics, and sensor technology to acquire an oxidized semiconductor surface part during the application manufacturing. The significance of understanding and controlling the atomic scale properties of oxidized semiconductor surfaces is expected to increase even further wit

Kejsarens nya kläder - implementering av evidensbaserad praktik i socialt arbete

Stat och kommun träffade 2010 en grundöverenskommelse om att införa en evidensbaserad praktik inom socialtjänsten. Sedan dess har överenskommelsen preciserats, en process som analyseras i denna artikel. Som vi kommer att visa återstår betydande oklarheter som det sociala arbetets aktörer behöver klargöra via förhandlingar. Detta är ett numera vanligt sätt att söka implementera politik och vi disku

Measurement of the branching ratio Gamma(Lambda(0)(b) -> Psi(2S)Lambda(0))/Gamma(Lambda(0.)(b) -> J/Psi Lambda(0)) with the ATLAS detector

An observation of the Lambda(0)(b) -> Psi (2S) Lambda(0) decay and a comparison of its branching fraction with that of the Lambda(0)(b) -> Psi (2S) Lambda(0) decay has been made with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at root s = 8 TeVat the LHC using an integrated luminosity of 20.6fb(-1). The J/Psi and Psi(2S) mesons are reconstructed in their decays to a muon pair, while the Lambda(

Genetic variants and the risk of type 2 diabetes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes är en folksjukdom som kännetecknas av förhöjda halter av glukos i blodet (hyperglykemi). Sockerarter i maten vi äter omvandlas till glukos, som i sin tur tar sig in i blodcirkulationen och distribueras till olika celler i kroppen. När blodsockernivån höjs utsöndras ett hormon, insulin, från β-cellerna i de Langerhanska öarna i bukspottkörteln. Insulin stimuleraType 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing worldwide thereby posing a severe burden on individual and public health. Although this increase can be ascribed to both genetic and environmental factors, until 2007, the genetic factors have been largely restricted to a few candidate genes based upon our limited knowledge of the pathogenesis of the disease. In an attempt to identify underlying genetic loci,

High plasma concentrations of autoantibodies against native peptide 210 of apoB-100 are related to less coronary atherosclerosis and lower risk of myocardial infarction

Aims We examined whether antibodies against peptides 45 and 210 of apoB-100 are related to myocardial infarction (MI) and severity of coronary atherosclerosis. Methods and results Three hundred and eighty-seven survivors of a first MI (aged < 60 years) and 387 sex- and age-matched controls were characterized in detail. IgG and IgM autoantibodies against native and malondialdehyde (MDA)-modified pe

Death (in the Eye) of the Beholder : An Encounter with Victorian Post-mortem Photography

This article deals with the earliest version of post-mortem photography concentrating on the effects of such pictures on the present-day viewer. The encounter with these artefacts begins from a phenomenological point of view as I try to describe my personal experience of coming face to face with the image. I claim that the relation between the perceiver and the photograph does not just simply chan

Living with companion animals after stroke: experiences of older people in community and primary care nursing.

Older people often have companion animals, and the significance of animals in human lives should be considered by nurses-particularly in relation to older people's health, which can be affected by diseases. The incidence of stroke increases with age and disabilities as a result of stroke are common. This study aimed to explore older people's experiences of living with companion animals after strok

On the Possibility of Uphill Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Multicopper Oxidases: Electrochemical and Quantum Chemical Study of Bilirubin Oxidase

The catalytic cycle of multicopper oxidases (MCOs) involves intramolecular electron transfer (IET) from the Cu-T1 copper ion, which is the primary site of the one-electron oxidations of the substrate, to the trinuclear copper cluster (TNC), which is the site of the four-electron reduction of dioxygen to water. In this study we report a detailed characterization of the kinetic and electrochemical p

Fractures of the Distal Radius - Incidence, treatment and outcome

Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA Brott på strålbenet på handledsnivå (handledsbrott) är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att patienter måste uppsöka en akutmottagning. Skadan drabbar oftast medelålders och äldre kvinnor. Skelettet blir skörare hos kvinnor efter klimakteriet, vilket lättare leder till ett benbrott. Medan brott på lårbenshalsen oftast drabABSTRACT Fractures of the distal radius are common injuries that may cause persistent disability and pain. This thesis prospectively investigates the incidence and characteristics of distal radius fractures, the relationship between fracture malunion and disability and the natural course of patient-reported outcome after fracture in a well-defined population in Northeastern Scania, Sweden. Further

Thorough Gamma-ray and Particle Decay Investigations of 58Ni

The combined data from three fusion-evaporation reaction experiments have been utilized to investigate the semi-magic nucleus Ni-58(28)30. To detect gamma rays in coincidence with evaporated particles, the Ge-detector array Gammasphere was used in conjunction with the charged-particle detectors Microball and LuWuSiA (the Lund Washington University Silicon Array), and a neutron detector array. The