

Din sökning på "*" gav 532420 sökträffar


Klassiska uppfattningar om teodicéproblemet i kristendomen och andra religioner presenteras kortfattat. Några vanliga argumentlinjer för en teodicé presenteras: modifierad allmakt, denna värld som en skola för evigheten, och människans fria vilja. Argumentationens moraliska aspekter betonas. Särskilt uppmärksammas de nya infallsvinklar på teodicéproblemet som baseras i modern vetenskap. Exempelvis

Luftföroreningar vid svetsning

Beskrivning ges av utveckling av analysuppställning för PIXE-analys, kombinerad med metod för analys av fluor. Vidareutveckling av spektrumevalueringsprogram, HEX, presenteras. Beskrivning av utförda svetsröskarakteriseringar ges. Resultat redovisas för följande belagda elektroder: OK 48.00, OK 38.65 samt OK 61.41. För sistnämnda, rostfria elektrod, presenteras procedur för bestämning av kroms val

Identity references in product design: An approach for inter-relating visual product experience and brand value representation.

This paper examines references of visual product identity in product design. The perception of identity is the result of a composite experience of the presentational and representational dimensions of the product. As consumers to a large degree create their value perceptions of products and brands based on the design of the product, it is important for companies to understand how perceptions of id

Alarm reduction in industrial process control

The proper handling of alarms is crucial to automated process control. In practice, many alarms are only distractive and do not represent a fault situation. Here, a toolbox is proposed that aims to reduce the occurrence of the so called nuisance alarms. It is a general computerized tool that takes advantage of the control system's built-in functions, and is a first step to an enhanced overall alar

Uppåkra in the Viking Age

Short review of an Iron Age Central Place in South Sweden. The place is rich in Viking Age material and is probably a predecessor of the Medieval town of Lund.

The Donor Tribe

Describes the activity of international donors in the development aid process, and the hidden values and structures behind aid-giving.

Spectroscopic Studies of the Elements Ba, Fe, Ga, In and Ru

Popular Abstract in Swedish De möjliga energinivåerna en elektron kan befinna sig i är olika för olika atomer och joner, en atom där en eller flera elektroner kastats ut. Detta kommer att medföra att det utsända ljuset, spektret, från en atom/jon kommer att vara unik för varje atom/jon, på samma sätt som vi människor har var sitt unikt fingeravtryck. Om man tittar upp på stjärnhimlen en klar vintNew measurements of the elements Ba, Fe, Ga, In and Ru are reported. The analysis of barium contains new wavelengths, improved energy level values and new values of the ionization limit in both Ba I and Ba II. Oscillator strengths and radiative lifetimes in Fe II, as a part of the FERRUM project, are reported. The gallium analysis includes new wavelengths, ab initio calculated oscillator strengths

Simultaneous Reconstruction of Scene Structure and Camera Locations from Uncalibrated Image Sequences

The paper deals with the structure-motion problem for images of point configurations taken by uncalibrated cameras. Using a parametrisation by affine shape and kinetic depth, a complete and explicit characterisation of the imaging geometry is given, including the shape of the object configuration and the positions of the cameras relative to the scene. No epipolar geometry is used. It is shown that