

Din sökning på "*" gav 532185 sökträffar

Gränssnittsstandarden "OGC API - Environmental Data Retrieval" och dess användning för nedladdning av väderdata

Väderprognoser är av stor betydelse för till exempel flygrutter, militära operationer och sjöfart. Flera organisationer tillhandahåller numera inte bara sina väderprognoser öppet, utan delar även med sig av sina prognosdata för nedladdning. Teknisk utveckling och ett större utbud av öppna data möjliggör användning av väder- och prognosdata för både privata och kommersiella ändamål. Egna programmerWeather forecasts are of great significance for instance in planning flight routes, military operations, and seafare. Many organizations today openly provide, not only their forecasts, but their raw data as well. Technological development and a greater availability of open data ensures that both weather- and forecast data can be used for both private and commercial purposes. However, customized ap

Enzymic synthesis of monosaccharide-amino acid conjugates

Enzymatic condensation between amino acids and monosaccharides was studied. A screening involving the OH-containing amino acids serine and threonine and the monosaccharide substrates for the enzymes α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase, α-galactosidase, α-mannosidase, β-xylosidase, and β-galactosidase was carried out. Enzymatic condensation was observed with α-mannosidase and α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase. P

Measurement of the Bs0→ μμ effective lifetime with the ATLAS detector

This paper reports the first ATLAS measurement of the Bs0→ μμ effective lifetime. The measurement is based on the data collected in 2015–2016, amounting to 26.3 fb−1 of 13 TeV LHC proton-proton collisions. The proper decay-time distribution of 58 ± 13 background-subtracted signal candidates is fit with simulated signal templates parameterised as a function of the Bs0 effective lifetime, with stati

Inverkan av boendetäthet på inneklimat och mögelrisk

This study investigates the impact of overcrowding on indoor climate quality, thermal comfort, and mould risk in typical Swedish Million Homes Program apartments. This research focuses on the specific challenges posed by overcrowded living conditions in Million Program apartments, which often suffer from high occupant density. Utilizing WUFI Plus a 70 m² apartment typical of the 60s & 70s Mill

Specific monitoring of chromatographic procedures

On-line monitoring of chromatographic procedures involving biomolecules is usually restricted to UV registration and determination of the pH or conductivity of the mobile phase. A more specific monitoring of proteins, for instance direct identification of a special enzyme, would greatly facilitate and speed up purification. We have found that flow calorimetry, performed with an enzyme thermistor i

Vad gör språket i politiken? : Om underförståddheter, påverkan och manipulation

Vi nås av politiska budskap mest varje dag. Ofta gör vi det via sociala medier, där tempot är högt och inläggen korta. Lösryckta rubriker, yttranden och filmklipp delas och blir virala, men sammanhanget underförstås eller klipps bort. Möjligheten att underförstå saker är ett exempel på praktisk språklig ekonomi - vi slipper förklara allting, hela tiden. Den vi talar med förstår oftast vad vi menar

Controlling Majorana hybridization in magnetic chain-superconductor systems

We propose controlling the hybridization between Majorana zero modes at the ends of magnetic adatom chains on superconductors by an additional magnetic adatom deposited close by. By tuning the additional adatom's magnetization, position, and coupling to the superconductor, we can couple and decouple the Majorana modes, as well as control the ground-state parity. The scheme is independent of micros

Navigera och rekrytera i främmande kulturer: En resa genom tvärkulturell employer branding

Navigera och rekrytera i främmande kulturer: En resa genom tvärkulturell employer branding I takt med att globala företag expanderar till nya länder och kulturer blir mänskligt kapital deras viktigaste resurs för organisatorisk framgång. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur organisationer strategiskt anpassar sin employer branding strategi på sociala medieplattformar för att attrahera ochNavigating and recruiting in foreign cultures: A journey through cross-cultural employer branding As global companies expand and navigate in diverse cultural landscapes across national borders, human resources become the most vital asset of organizational prosperity. Consequently, this study aims to explore how companies strategically and culturally tailor their employer branding on social media

Samhällsskydd och beredskap ur ungas ögon

Ett förändrat omvärldsläge med en mångfald av globala utmaningar har satt strålkastarljuset på riskkommunikation. Det ansvaret faller till stor del på våra offentliga myndigheter, vars syfte är att förbereda och skydda allmänheten. Men hur väl når deras budskap ut? Denna fråga är särskilt relevant för unga vuxna, som har mindre erfarenhet av kriser men samtidigt är framtidens generation och därförA changing environment with a multitude of global challenges has put the spotlight on risk communication. This responsibility falls largely on our public authorities, whose purpose is to prepare and protect the public. But how well do they get their message across? This question is particularly relevant for young adults, who have less experience of crises but are the generation of the future and t

Är det läge att skämta? En retorisk analys av den ukrainska presidenten Volodymyr Zelenskyj

This study examines the rhetorical strategies employed by the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj, particularly focusing on his use of humor and sarcasm during the Russian-Ukrainian War. By analyzing a sample of Zelenskyj's Instagram posts from the beginning of the war as well in the current time, this research seeks to understand how these rhetorical devices contribute to his leadership a

Branddetektering med ljud i enkla träelement

In this thesis, it is examined how acoustic emissions produced by temperature changes in materials can be used to detect hidden structural fires. Experiments has been carried out with the aim of studying the possibilities of identifying the direction of the sound source in various wooden elements using contact microphones. The results shows that the method is valid in simpler wooden structures, bu

Transforming a Synthetic World : The Political Economy of Petrochemical Transitions

Operating enormous, integrated refineries and clusters, the petrochemical industry runs processes in which hydrocarbons are turned into the fundamental components for plastics and other synthetic materials. Continuing a historical trend of consistent output growth, petrochemicals are the largest current driver of oil demand growth. At the same time, the industry is under increasing pressure to tra

Barns rätt till delaktighet i LVU-processen: Skyddas eller förbises deras bästa?

Denna uppsats undersöker hur barns rätt att höras beaktas i samband med upphörande av vård enligt lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU). Den behandlar även gällande rätt vad avser tvångsvårdens genomförande när ett barn eller en ung person omhändertas för vård. Fokus ligger på barnets delaktighet i utredningar utifrån principen om barnets bästa, samt på vårdens utformning This thesis examines how children's right to be heard is considered in the context of the termination of care under the Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (1990:52) (LVU). It also addresses the current legal framework regarding implementing compulsory care when a child or young person is taken into custody. The focus is on the child's participation in investigations based on th

Design of Flexible Code Block Comparisons to Improve Code Review of Refactored Code

Code review occupies a significant amount of developers’ work time and is an established practice in modern software development. Despite misaligments between users’ goals and the code review tools and processes pointed out by recent research, the code review tooling has largely stayed the same since the early 90s. Improving these tools, even slightly, has the potential for a large impact spread o

Improving the representation of tropical wetlands in LPJ-GUESS

Tropical wetlands are considered to be the greatest source of wetland-associated methane emissions. Yet, their representation in bottom-up modelling approach is oversimplified in many cases, leading to low confidence in current and future attribution attempts. The LPJ-GUESS dynamic global ecosystem model (DGVM) combines a detailed representation of high-latitude peatlands with a primitive placehol

Entrepreneurship education scholarship in the 1990s and early 2000s : a historical analysis of the internationalizing entrepreneurship education and training conference

In this study, we contribute to research on the history of entrepreneurshipeducation scholarship in the 1990s and early 2000s byfocusing on the Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education andTraining Conference (IntEnt conference). Acknowledging the pioneeringinitiative of the IntEnt conference in a formative phase ofthe development of entrepreneurship as a teaching subject, ourstudy delves into

Clara's Arc(h): Navigating Higher Tides and Stronger Currents in a New Climate Norm

In the Age of Climate Disaster, 2024 has already branded itself as a record-breaking year in terms of environmental impacts. Extreme temperatures, drought, wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and rising sea levels are becoming a dire reality for many communities, and climate adaptation has become a widely discussed topic both within and outside the field of architecture. Clara’s Arc(h) is a utopian d

Combination of Searches for Resonant Higgs Boson Pair Production Using pp Collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

A combination of searches for a new resonance decaying into a Higgs boson pair is presented, using up to 139 fb^{-1} of pp collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The combination includes searches performed in three decay channels: bb[over ¯]bb[over ¯], bb[over ¯]τ^{+}τ^{-}, and bb[over ¯]γγ. No excess above the expected Standard Model background is observed a