

Din sökning på "*" gav 533373 sökträffar

Bound to be Modern : Publishers' Cloth Bindings and the Material Culture of the Book, 1840–1914

Bound to Be Modern is the most comprehensive study to date on the emergence and function of publishers' cloth bindings. It brings together issues of aesthetics, technique, economy, and social change in order to explain why publishers in the 19th century began to have their books bound, and why decorated clothbindings were so successful as the Western world transitioned into modernity. This study

Renormalization in Effective Field Theory and Hidden Radiation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om modeller inom partikelfysik, vilka beskriver naturens minsta beståndsdelar. För att studera dessa små grundläggande byggstenar behöver man hög energi. Desto st ¨orre energi ju mindre avstånd kan man studera. Med höga energier kan man se atomerna, och med ännu högre energier kan man se kärnan och elektronerna, som atomerna består av. Sedan 60-This thesis dealswith the field of high-energy particle physics. It ismainly concernedwith two issues: the “renormalization of effective field theories” and the “detection of hidden sectors”. The first two papers are dedicated to the renormalization issue while the second two deal with the hidden sectors. Renormalization is crucial when one calculates physical observables to a high degree of preci

Acetals - Exploring reactivity for improved carbohydrate synthesis

Popular Abstract in Swedish År 2014 är ordet "kolhydrater" för de flesta människor förknippat med kost och olika dieter. Det må vara en viktig aspekt, men dock långt från den viktigaste. Kolhydrater utför nämligen en rad viktiga processer i levande organismer. Av de 200 mest säljande läkemedelsprodukterna på den amerikanska marknaden 2012, har omkring 75 % av dem en aktiva substans som består av sIn my research, I have explored various aspects of acetals and their reactivity. Acetals have a central role in carbohydrate chemistry as an inherent functionality and as versatile protecting groups. The first part of the thesis summarizes results on regioselective reductive openings of benzylidene acetals. We thus used deuterium substituted benzylidene acetals and boranes, to investigate stereose

A Conceptual Evaluation Model for Packaging Logistics in the Retail Supply Chain

Packaging has a significant impact on the efficiency of logistical systems and therefore, improvements in the retail supply chain can be achieved through the integration and development of the systems of packaging and logistics. In order to enable these improvements, models are needed that facilitate evaluations along the supply chain in order to grasp the whole picture and avoid sub-optimisations

A Stable Pension System: The Eighth Wonder

Ageing, with increases in the old-age dependency ratio, puts a strain on pension systems organised as a pay-as-you-go system. The question asked is whether the Swedish system will be politically as weill as financially stable in the future. The design is described and analysed with resspect to sustainability.

China's "Great Proletarian Information Revolution" of 1966-1967

By the autumn of 1966, the PRC government had enjoyed seventeen years of uninterrupted and complete domestic information dominance. Independent collection of information was hampered by way of a CCP culture of secrecy and successfully enforced regimen of information curtailment. Of the changes in the political landscape triggered by Mao Zedong’s August 1966 decision to label part of government off

Imago Dei. Poesi och bildspråk i fornkyrkan

Kan man göra sig en bild av Gud? För de första kristna som levde i en värld fylld av gudabilder var frågan mycket konkret. Trycket från omvärlden på att namnge och synligt presentera den kristne guden var starkt. Men hur skulle man kunna avbilda den som intet öga sett, den som inte låter sig avbildas? Hur tala om den som inget öra hört, den som är ofattbar? De här samlade artiklarna från det sjätt

Keyhole effects in MIMO wireless channels - measurements and theory

It has been predicted theoretically that for some environments, the capacity of wireless MIMO systems can become very low, even for uncorrelated signals; this effect has been termed "keyhole" or "pinhole". We present the first unique measurements of this effect. The measurements were performed in a controlled indoor environment that was designed to obtain a keyhole. We analyze the limitations for

Noise exposure, hearing protection and hearing loss. A long-term study at an automobile sheet-metal pressing plant.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det doktorandarbete som framläggs av Pawel Brühl handlar om flera aspekter av ett framgångsrikt genomfört bullerskyddsarbete i en stor svensk industri med mycket hög bullernivå (Volvos pressverk i Olofström). Man har genomfört ett program bestående av bullermätningar, bullerreduktion med flera metoder samt studium av automatiseringens konsekvenser. Arbetstagarna har fåtThe design and implementation of a hearing conservation programme in a heavy industry with high noise levels is described. Action was taken on several points, including noise measurements, noise reduction, education on hearing protector use, and audiometric monitoring. It was found that the noise at the plant has been greatly reduced during a period of 25 years. The reduction in noise was made pos