

Din sökning på "*" gav 540285 sökträffar

Synthesis of Linearly Fused Tröger’s Base Analogues

The Tröger’s base molecule has a unique V-shaped cavity and can be fused together in a linear fashion to create either tubular structures or zigzag structures. These structures could be applicable in for example catalysis. The Tröger’s base scaffold is easily functionalised with different side-groups and therefore has a wide range of applications. Previous research in the Wärnmark group had led to

Prediction of fracture propagation in human femur using the Finite Element Method

Hip fractures constitute a major problem, both in terms of a lower life quality for the people affected and socio-economical factors. Osteoporosis is a medical condition, defined by decreased bone mass, which results in a more fragile bone structure and a higher risk for fractures. Osteoporosis accounts for a cost of € 1.5 billion each year in Sweden alone, and the costs are increasing. In orderHip fractures can be predicted using numerical models -You probably know at least one older person who broke their hip. Hip fractures most often affect older people and it is both painful, takes time to heal and is expensive for the society. If there was a way to predict and prevent fractures, a lot of suffering, time and money could be saved.-

Silence is Golden : a Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of Billionaires and Economic Inequality in the Swedish News Media

Economic inequality is growing rapidly worldwide. Despite research showing that higher inequality within a society corresponds with a higher rate of public health and social problems, there exist little organized resistance against the neo-liberal economic policies that allow the super-rich to pull away from the rest of the population. Even though the causes of poverty cannot be separated from the

“Trust us, we’re professionals”

Over the past thirty years, public sector organisations have increasingly sought to become more alike their private sector counterparts, with the implementation of management tools, viewing the public as customers and society as a marketplace. Such reforms can be seen as the development of New Public Management (NPM). However, with unintended consequences, as professionals, be it teachers, nurses

Personers erfarenheter av livskvalitet vid palliativ onkologisk vård. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Personer med cancer är den grupp människor som är i övervägande behov av palliativ vård. Personer med cancer i ett palliativt skede erfar mångdimensionellt lidande som påverkar deras livskvalitet. Syfte: Studien belyser personernas livskvalitetserfarenheter vid palliativ vård hos personer med obotlig cancer. Metod: Litteraturstudie med integrerad analys. Resultat: Tre huvudteman framkom:

Does the taxation of permanent establishment ensure source-based taxation on business profits? - An analysis of cross-border services

Services belong to the business sector which contributes most to the world’s economy. Despite that there is no specific provision in the OECD Model Tax Convention which concerns the taxation of business services specifically. Instead, taxation on business services is connected to the taxation of business profits, to which the residence state of the business has the primary right. The source state

Attityder inom den amerikanska vapendebatten : en narrativanalys

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka de amerikanska vapenlagarna som ett samhällsfenomen genom att utgå från den pågående mediala debatten. Primärmaterialet utgörs av en samling debattartiklar som hämtats från tre större amerikanska dagstidningar och undersökningen görs enligt en narrativanalys. Det som undersöks är kontexten som vapenlagar diskuteras inom och vilka problem som oftast motiveras sThe purpose of this essay is to examine the American weapon laws as a society phenomenon by studying the current medial debate. The primary material consists of a collection of debate articles which has been selected from three major American newspapers and the study is made according to a narrative analysis. What is being investigated is the context which weapon laws are discussed within and whic

Fienden inom oss : en undersökning av säkerhetsreformer i Tyskland sedan 2001 och dess implikationer för vårt konstitutionella fri- och rättighetsskydd

Omedelbart efter terrorattacken den 11 september 2001 anslöt sig Tyskland till det internationella kriget mot terrorismen. Efter att först ha deltagit i interventionen i Afghanistan har Tyskland i respons på den ökade hotbilden i Europa successivt förflyttat stridsfältet till det egna territoriet. Terrorbrottslagen 2001 markerade starten på en serie långtgående säkerhetsreformer, som har resulteraImmediately after the terror attack on September 11 2001, Germany joined the international “war on terror”. Over the years, the battlefield has successively moved to the national arena, with the terror crime reform in 2001 marking the starting point for the introduction of a series of new, extensive security policies by the German state, leading to a polarization between efficient law enforcement

Förlossningsvård i världsklass : en undersökning av attityder och inställningar till den svenska förlossningsvården, samt en begreppsutveckling av kvinnors rätt till vård

De senaste åren har ett flertal förlossningskliniker lagts ned runt om Sverige. Det har resulterat i en debatt om förlossningsvårdens standard. Frågan har engagerat flera delar av samhället så som politiker, privatpersoner, yrkesverksamma inom vården och gräsrotsorganisationer. Debatten har berört vilket skick den svenska förlossningsvården egentligen befinner sig. Uppsatsen gör ett nedslag i debaDuring the past years a number of obstetric wards have been shut down in Sweden. The shutdowns have resulted in a debate about the standard of the obstetric care. The topic has engaged multiple parts of society such as, politicians, citizens, care professionals and grassroots organizations. From the debate between 2016-2018, this essay drives the thesis that the concept women’s rights to healthcar

Irishness ställs på sin spets när abortlag sätts under luppen : en kritisk diskursanalys av abortdebatten i irländsk media

Avsikten med undersökningen är att granska om mediadebatten om abort i Irland rimmar med ”Irishness”, den irländska nationella identiteten och dess grundpålar. För att få ett resultat används Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys som redskap för att analysera de utvalda mediala artiklar som är tagna ur Irlands två stora dagstidningar, The Irish Times och Irish Examiner. Det teoretiska ramverk

Fouling Dependency of Air in Dairy Processing

In this master thesis project, the formation of fouling on heat exchanger surfaces in dairy processing and mainly the influence of air was examined. Based on prior experimental findings regarding the influence of air bubbles in combination with calculations based on solubility properties of air in milk, a hypothesis was stated. Milk can enter the processing system without any undissolved air, with

Det osynliga samhällsproblemet

Mental illness is one of the leading causes of global disease and is expected to increase in the near future. However, the unawareness of the issue is grave as the subject is highly affected by taboo. Countries’ economic situations are heavily dependent on the productivity of their population, which is directly affected by mental health issues. Hence, from an economic and humanitarian perspective

The Potential for an Environmentally Sustainable Green Revolution : The Case of Ghana

This thesis aims to understand the state of the Green Revolution movement in Ghana, with a focus on environmental policy and its potential for future development. The main research question applied is “What is the potential for an environmentally sustainable Green Revolution-type advancement in agriculture in Ghana?”. A quantitative, comparative case study methodology is applied, in which three

Conspiratorial Framing : Framing as a Tool in the War on Information

This research aims to understand the frames used by conspiracy theorists by establishing a new pathway in media framing, or in other words a media framing micro-theory, called conspiratorial framing​. The aims are accomplished through a critical analysis of the case of Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist, and InfoWars, the media channel through which Jones operates. Through frame analysis, accomplis

Vardagsteknik och tekniska hjälpmedel som arbetsterapeutisk intervention för personer med demens

Bakgrund: Antalet personer med demens kommer att stiga i framtiden och behovet av tekniska hjälpmedel och vardagsteknik kan då bli allt mer angeläget för att personer med demens ska kunna klara sig i sin vardag. Syfte: Att kartlägga hur arbetsterapeutiska interventioner som använder vardagsteknik och tekniska hjälpmedel främjar eller hindrar aktiviteter i vardagliga livet hos personer med demens.

Industrial Actions and the European Union - A study on how the European legal order has affected the right to undertake industrial actions for Swedish trade unions

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur EU-rätten har påverkat svenska arbetstagarorganisationers möjligheter att använda sig utav stridsåtgärder och vilka effekter denna påverkan kan ha på den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen. För det första måste det sägas att EU-domstolens genom Laval och Viking har gjort det svårare för arbetstagarorganisationer att vidta stridsåtgärder då domstolen ansett aThis thesis has the aim of investigating how EU-law has affected the legal position regarding Swedish trade union’s possibilities of undertaking industrial actions. It also aims at determining whether the influence of EU-law on the right to undertake industrial actions has had any effects on the Swedish model. According to CJEU’s judgements in Laval and Viking it must be said that the possibilit

Den digitala berättelsens många ansikten - en kvalitativ fallstudie om samskapande av värde i ett plattformsföretags digitala storytelling

Syftet med uppsatsen var att vinna fördjupad förståelse om hur ett plattformsföretag samskapar värde med sina konsumenter genom sin digitala storytelling. Vidare avsåg studien undersöka hur samskapat värde kommuniceras strategiskt. Studien använde sig av en textanalys och är av kvalitativ fallstudiekaraktär. Det empiriska underlaget bestod av digitala berättelser insamlade från Airbnbs Youtube-konThe aim of this study was to deepen the understanding of how a platform enterprise co-creates value with their consumers through their digital storytelling. A further aim of this study was to understand how co-created values are communicated strategically. The study was conducted through a qualitative case study, using a textual analysis. The material consisted of digital stories gathered from Air

Barnmorskans upplevelse av att ge stöd till kvinnan under förlossningen

Support from a midwife through labour is unique for its ability to empower women to trust their own physical and mental capacities. The purpose of this thesis was to highlight the role of midwives in providing support to mothers during childbirth. In this qualitative study, ten midwives from two clinics were interviewed, and the data was collected via semi-structured, group-focused interviews. The

Upphandlad demokrati : hur bibliotekens demokratiska uppdrag tolkas och görs på privat drivna folkbibliotek

Public libraries in Sweden have a tradition of being run by public sector in each municipality. However, in the last twenty years there have been changes in culture politics and society, which have resulted in some public libraries now being run by the private sector. In addition, there are factors indicating that more public libraries could be privatised in the future. Therefore, a conflict can b

To rent, or not to rent?

New and innovative retail models such as product-service-systems (PSS) seem to offer a promising solution for more sustainable shopping activities. However, the adoption rate of PSS remains to date regretfully low. With the aim to investigate this problem, the present thesis focuses on the rental fashion model of use-oriented PSS and examines emotions that consumers experience in this context, whe