

Din sökning på "*" gav 534702 sökträffar

Exploring experiences and coping strategies of the surveillance of indeterminate pulmonary nodules: a qualitative content analysis among participants in the SCAPIS trial.

Objective To elucidate experiences and coping strategies among adults in the surveillance of indeterminate pulmonary nodules detected with CT in the population-based Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS).Design A qualitative study of conventional content analysis.Settings The study was conducted at a university hospital in a southern region of Sweden. The SCAPIS setting is similar to the

Ett decennium av fredsbevarande på dekis? - En jämförande argumentationsanalys av Malis inställning till MINUSMA 2013-2023

Denna uppsats använder en kvalitativ textanalys och en pro et contra argumentationsanalys för att undersöka Malis förändrade inställning till FN:s fredsbevarande insats United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) åren 2013 och 2023. MINUSMA hade som mål att återinföra fred och stabilitet efter statskuppen 2012 men stötte på stora utmaningar, inklusive ytterli

Makten och Maskineriet - Hur Ryssland legitimerar sin regim

This study examines in what way autocratic regimes build legitimacy through elections, the judiciary, the legislative and the media. Institutions that in an autocratic regime play a vastly different role than in democracies. Through a case study of Russia, the research highlights how the role of these institutions has changed since the fall of the Soviet Union until today. The findings indicate in

En lektion i regeringsdeklaration

The purpose of this essay is to examine the ideological expressions in policies about the European Union for Swedish governments between 1991-2017. During this time both social democratic and center-right governments were in power and are therefore the subjects for this study. Through an ideology analysis and by establishing ideal types for the three ideologies examined; social democracy, liberali

Hur kan fred vara legitimt i patriarkala samhällen?

Att undersöka fred och fredsfrämjande arbete blir allt viktigare i vår samtid. Med krig i vår närhet främjas idag en stark militär och en hård försvarspolitik och vägen mot fred och det fredsfrämjande arbetet undermineras. Denna studie undersöker våldets legitimitet i relation till könsmaktsordningen och försöker reda ut hur könsbaserade maktordningar påverkar fred som metod för konfliktlösning. U

A Study on the Impact of Opening of HSR stations on Regional Economy in China

As a new type of rapid transportation, high-speed railway played an essential role in China's economic development in the 21st century. In order to meet the transport demand and provide convenience for economic development, China has started a large-scale high-speed railway construction since 2004. Until now most cities in China have opened high-speed railway stations. Based on this background

Peer Effects Explained: An Experimental Study of Social Pressure and Social Learning in Consumption Decisions

In various consumption decisions, from what clothes to wear to what investments to make, individuals are influenced by the choices of others. Such peer effects sometimes lead to herd behavior in the form of, e.g., fads and financial bubbles. To understand these processes, it is crucial to understand the underlying mechanisms. The novel experimental design of this paper allows for a separation of p

Investigating the Impact of Immigrant Student Presence on Academic Performance

Immigration and its impact on education is a highly discussed and debated topic. Particularly, regarding how the presence of immigrant students influences academic performance, labor market outcomes and integration into the host country. This paper investigates the impact of immigrant students on the educational outcome of their peers in Australian schools. We use data from the PISA surveys for th

Evaluating Electrification Policies in Sweden Based on Attitudes Towards EVs

The sustainable transition strategy in Sweden heavily relies on electrifi- cation, making the dropping sales a cause for concern as the proportion of electric cars in new sales has begun to decline. This paper conducts a randomized survey to investigate the attitudes and updated knowledge towards EV purchases, to uncover what factors contribute to consumer hesitancy. Specifically focusing on the p

Flames of Controversy - Investigating the Impact of Quran Burnings on Swedish Exports to Muslim Countries

This thesis investigates whether the Quran burnings led to diminishing Swedish export flows to Muslim countries. By implementing a synthetic control method, the findings indicate no significant effect on Swedish exports. However, the alternative method, synthetic difference-in-differences, demonstrates a statistically significant decrease of 0,212% in Swedish exports, although negligible in terms

The influence of Green IPOs on underpricing

This study aims to examine the relationship between green IPOs and their influence on underpricing during the years 2013 through 2022. The sample uses cross-sectional data covering 2 768 observations, where green IPOs are identified based on their LSEG emissions score. The study uses an OLS model with control variables for year, country as well as sector, along with two different interaction varia

In a Room Full of Differences, Can You Still Perform?

This thesis investigates the causal relationship between board diversity and the performance of firms that have gone public in the Nordics through Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) during the 2020s, a period characterised by significant economic, regulatory, and demographic shifts. By implementing a robust instrumental variable (IV) approach with the Bartik shift-share instrument, the study examines

Care and Conquer - Impacts of Corporate Acquisition on Primary Care Providers

Since 2010 and the enactment of the primary care reform, accredited private providers have been allowed unrestricted establishment in Sweden. Today, this means that a large share of primary care in Sweden is provided by large corporations. However, despite the important role that primary care plays, research into how private ownership affects the care that is provided is very limited. Drawing from

Sveriges penningpolitik 2015-22. En analys av Riksbankens expansiva penningpolitik, i högkonjunktur och under COVID-19 pandemin

The purpose of the expansionary monetary policy pursued by the Riksbank in 2015–22 was to stimulate the economy and increase the excessively low inflation, in a situation where interest rates were lowered to zero. A common criticism that the Riksbank has received is that the negative policy rate in combination with quantitative easing was a mistake. I analyzed the consequences of expansionary mone

European Cohesion Policy and Regional Performance

This thesis examines the impact of the European Cohesion Policy on regional economic performance during the funding periods of 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, using a Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) and spatial econometric techniques. The analysis leverages the eligibility rule, which grants additional funding to regions with a GDP per capita below 75\% of the EU average, creating a natural experim

Carbon Coin: Exploring the Macroeconomic Implications of a Novel Climate Currency

Climate change poses a significant threat to global stability, with rising temperatures leading to severe environmental and economic impacts. In response, innovative policy mechanisms such as the Global Carbon Reward (GCR) have been designed to enhance the effectiveness of carbon pricing strategies. The foundational aspect of the GCR is a carbon reward, which acts as a financial incentive distribu

Effect of Financial Development on Household Indebtedness

The objective of this study is to examine the effect of financial development on household indebtedness. Prior research have highlighted various determinants that have contributed towards increasing levels of household debt. Using data on financial development and household debt, collected from multiple databases, the study aims to isolate the effect of financial development index on household ind

Canada’s Unused Brain Gain - A Census Microdata Review of the Returns to Credentials and Experience of Immigrants in Canada 2001 – 2020

This thesis examines the challenges faced by recent immigrants to Canada in having their educational credentials and work experience recognised within the Canadian labour market. Using Canadian census microdata from 2021, the study assesses the wage gap between immigrants and native-born Canadians, with a specific focus on the returns to educational credentials and work experience for both groups.

Ethnic School Segregation and Reading Performance: A Comparative Study of Second-Generation Migrants and Natives in Denmark and Sweden

This study examines the relationship between ethnic school segregation and reading performance among second-generation migrant students compared to natives in Denmark and Sweden, using PISA 2015 data. The research explores how different integration policies influence educational outcomes in the context of ethnic segregation. Findings reveal that higher proportions of migrant students in schools ne