

Din sökning på "*" gav 127550 sökträffar

Orkanen Matthew - 7 miljoner utan el

Publicerad 7 oktober 2016 CenCIP-forskaren Seth Guikema och hans forskargrupp vid University of Michigan, USA, predikterar att runt 7 miljoner kunder kan bli strömlösa i USA under Orkanen Matthews härjningar. CenCIP-forskaren Seth Guikema och hans forskargrupp vid University of Michigan (tidigare Johns Hopkins) har arbetat en längre tid med prediktiva modeller för att i ett tidigt skede estimera v

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/orkanen-matthew-7-miljoner-utan-el - 2025-02-25

Workshop on Emerging Risks for Critical Infrastructures and Societal Functions

Publicerad 24 oktober 2016 Den 24-25 oktober 2016 genomförs en workshop vid Lunds universitet och CenCIP inom området "Risk assessment and management of known and emerging risks to critical societal functions and infrastructures" med internationella forskare. För att diskutera framtida utmaningar och risker inom området kritiska infrastrukturer (samhällsviktig verksamhet) och samhälleliga funktion

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/workshop-emerging-risks-critical-infrastructures-and-societal-functions - 2025-02-25

CenCIP vid SRA i San Diego

Publicerad 24 november 2016 CenCIP är med och arrangerar ett symposium vid SRA:s årliga konferens, San Diego, USA, 11-15 december 2016. CenCIP-forskaren Jonas Johansson anordnar tillsammans med Raghav Pant (Oxford University) och Ed Oughton (Univeristy of Cambridge) ett symposium vid Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) årliga konferens. Denna gång går konferensen av stapeln i San Diego i USA den 11-15

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/cencip-vid-sra-i-san-diego - 2025-02-25

CenCIP bidrar till symposium om risker och katastrofer

Publicerad 8 februari 2017 I samband med Lunds universitets 350-årsjubileum anordnas ett antal symposier med olika teman. Den 7 mars anordnas ett med titeln "Disasters evermore: Past, Present and Future Risk in an Uncertain World". CenCIP bidrar genom en presentation av Henrik Tehler med titeln "Risk to critical infrastructures and technical systems". Mer information finns på följande sida. 

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/cencip-bidrar-till-symposium-om-risker-och-katastrofer - 2025-02-25

Cascading Effect konferens 16-17 mars

Publicerad 15 mars 2017 Fem EU-projekt inriktade mot kaskaderande effekter i kritiska infrastrukturer håller gemensam slutkonferens. CenCIP medverkar och presenterar slutsatser kring förståelsen av kaskaderande effekter. Den 16-17 mars hålls en gemensam slutkonferens för fem EU-projekt med inriktning mot kritisk infrastruktur och kaskaderande effekter som uppstår genom beroenden.CenCIP-forskaren J

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/cascading-effect-konferens-16-17-mars - 2025-02-25

CenCIP vid Nordisk-Ryskt Societal Security Workshop

Publicerad 2 maj 2017 CenCIP-forskare deltog i en workshop om samhällssäkerhet och krishantering i St Petersburg den 28 maj. Workshopen med titeln "Societal Security - A discipline in the making" är en del av ett norsk-ryskt samarbetsprojekt som leds av Professor Christer Pursiainen, UiT, Norge och finansieras av The Nordic Council of Ministers. Målet med projektet är att institutionalisera utbild

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/cencip-vid-nordisk-ryskt-societal-security-workshop - 2025-02-25

Today's Great Explorers

Published 10 December 2014 Lund University has collected the top research of the university's twelve strategic reseach environments in a new book. BECC is one of these environments. In 2008, the Swedish Government designated 20 ‘Strategic Research Areas’ (SRAs) in its research-policy bill. Within these 20 areas, 43 research environments were chosen for specific funding in a special evaluation in 2

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/todays-great-explorers - 2025-02-25

Henrik Smith appointed new member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry

Published 13 December 2014 Henrik Smith, coordinator of BECC, is appointed new member of the General Section of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. The General section deals at an overall level with questions concerning natural resources, nature conservation, environment, countryside, research policy, dissemination of knowledge, and social planning. The section also deals with i

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/henrik-smith-appointed-new-member-royal-swedish-academy-agriculture-and-forestry - 2025-02-25

The Global Landscape Forum: the future of forest management?

Published 13 December 2014 Tobias Dan Nielsen, PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science and BECC researcher, is in Lima, Peru, for the UNFCCC COP20. Read about his experiences and thoughts on the Global Landscape Forum. Right now in Lima experts, civil society, practitioners and decision-maker gather to discuss solution to climate change at the UNFCCCs COP20. On December 6-7th. Lima al

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/global-landscape-forum-future-forest-management - 2025-02-25

Special Oikos volume: Phenological change and ecological interactions

Published 9 January 2015 The special volume "Phenological change and ecological interactions" is edited by BECC-researchers Jacob Johansson, Jan-Åke Nilsson and Niclas Jonzén. Changes in the seasonal timing of biological events, e.g. flowering or bird migration, are well documented effects of recent climate change. There is widespread concern that such changes may disrupt important ecological inte

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/special-oikos-volume-phenological-change-and-ecological-interactions - 2025-02-25

New report about the regional climate challenges and adaptation for Skåne

Published 25 January 2015 Today, Monday 26 January, the new report "Klimatsäkrat Skåne" will be launched. The report is a knowledge review and analysis of Skåne's climate work including opportunities and challenges. The launch event focuses on three panel discussions on how we should make our society less vulnerable to climate change, how we use ecosystem services and the implications of climate c

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/new-report-about-regional-climate-challenges-and-adaptation-skane - 2025-02-25

Science of Decision Making in Research

Published 9 February 2015 On the 13th of January 2015 the workshop "Science of Decision Making in Research" was held. You can now find both presentations and videos from the workshop. The workshop hosted 19 participants from different departments and universities. An ambition was to create contact points between BECC projects working with multi-criteria decision making and stimulate methodological

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/science-decision-making-research - 2025-02-25

New article about climate change effects on soil nitrogen dynamics

Published 23 February 2015 Isotope labelling of the soil in the CLIMAITE facility, Denmark. Photo: Louise C. Andresen. A recent review article in Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems proposed a new conceptual model on nitrogen (N) cycle responses to elevated CO2: gross N mineralization is stimulated in N-limited ecosystems only, but not in phosphorus limited ones. Authors are BECC researchers Tobias

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/new-article-about-climate-change-effects-soil-nitrogen-dynamics - 2025-02-25

Lost genes make fungi dependent on trees

Published 27 February 2015 Mycorrhiza fungi and tree roots. Photo: LU, Gunnar Menander A new research study has shed light on the underground interaction between tree roots and fungi. In order to understand how this important symbiosis came about, an international team of researchers have sequenced the genomes of different fungi that live underground. The study shows that in the course of evolutio

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/lost-genes-make-fungi-dependent-trees - 2025-02-25

Hidden greenhouse gas emissions made visible in new report

Published 5 March 2015 Photo: Karin Hjerpe, Jordbruksverket A new report shows that restored wetlands can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. BECC researchers Åsa Kasimir and Leif Klemedtsson at the University of Gothenburg are two of the authors. Drained peatland is a major source of greenhouse gases. The Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket), The Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen) and the Swed

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/hidden-greenhouse-gas-emissions-made-visible-new-report - 2025-02-25

Nomination open to IPBES

Published 6 March 2015 The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES) invites interested researchers to nominate experts to be involved in the work of IPBES. Currently there is a call out for nominations of experts to 3 of the IPBES deliverables:1) A set of regional and sub-regional assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services implementing work programme delivera

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/nomination-open-ipbes - 2025-02-25

30 years of environmental monitoring shows air pollution effects on forests

Published 10 March 2015 One of the plots (obsytorna) in Arkelstorp, in northern Skåne. 30 years of study of several hundred plots (obsytor) in Swedish forests have followed the developments of forest damage. The result is a unique material about the effects of air pollution on the forest and its ecosystems up to 2013. BECC researcher Cecilia Akselsson, Lund University, has led the evaluation and P

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/30-years-environmental-monitoring-shows-air-pollution-effects-forests - 2025-02-25