

Din sökning på "*" gav 532448 sökträffar

Innovating on Educational Collaboration

The purpose of this paper is three-fold. Firstly, to present a unique collaborative project in a graduate course module on Technology strategy between the biotech company Biogaia and the Faculty of Engineering, Lund university in Sweden. Secondly, to present and discuss some key findings for working and collaborating with this company in university education. Thirdly, to present and discuss the im

Optimal antenna currents

Antenna current optimization offers performance bounds and suggestions for the distribution of the desired antenna currents. Many current optimization problems can be formulated as convex optimization problems that are solved efficiently with explicit error bounds. The formulations as convex optimization problems are also illuminating as they can easily be generalized to specific antenna problems

2.8. Structural changes in Collembola populations following replanting of birch forest with spruce in North Norway.

The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate possible effects on Collembola populations by changes in tree composition in natural birch forest in coastal North Norway. In the study area (Dønnes, Nordland County) parts of the natural mixed birch forest has been replanted with Norway spruce and Sitka spruce. Soil samples were collected in June and October 2004. A total of 52 species of Colle

How long is ‘now’? The Christian eschatological concept of time within international laws of, in, and after war: a critique of law and of our Nordic societies

The epitome of this article is the reflection upon the question of “How long is now?” This question is interpreted within the context of the Iraq war, 2003 and onwards, as the enduring now specified. Drawing on parallels from the European World War II experience and the use of “Auschwitz” as a metaphor for a specifically Christian guilt articulated in relation to the Pauline eschatological hope of

The genetics of empathy and its disorders

he lack of ability to emphathise is central to many psychiatric conditions. Empathy is affected by neurodevelopment, brain pathology and psychiatric illness. Empathy is both a state and a trait characteristic. Empathy is measurable by neuropsychological assessment and neuroimaging techniques. This book specifically focuses on the role of empathy in mental illness. It starts with the clinical psych

Singular Perturbations of Differential Operators

Singular perturbations of Schrödinger type operators are of interest in mathematics, e.g. to study spectral phenomena, and in applications of mathematics in various sciences, e.g. in physics, chemistry, biology, and in technology. They also often lead to models in quantum theory which are solvable in the sense that the spectral characteristics (eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, and scattering matrix) c

Specification of the unified conceptual space, for purposes of empirical investigation

Abstract Recent years have seen a number of competing theories of concepts within philosophy of mind, supplanting the classical definitionist and imagist accounts: among them, Jerry Fodor's informational atomism, Jesse Prinz's proxytypes theory, and -- of course -- Peter Gärdenfors' (2004) conceptual spaces theory (CST). On the whole there has been little empirical investigation into the competing

Biotic and abiotic stress in microorganisms and plants: Some Mechanisms of Stress and Programmed Cell Death. Genetic Engineering Approaches Towards Improved Stress Tolerance.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Biotisk och abiotisk stress hos mikroorganismer och växter.Various forms of stress, such as biotic and abiotic stress, were studied in microorganisms and plants to learn more about the underlying mechanisms of such stress and potential genetic engineering strategies towards stress tolerance. An antifreeze protein from winter flounder, expressed in E. coli, was subjected to directed evolution with NaCl as selective pressure. The resulting clones were teste

De arabiska frivilliga - en transnationell social rörelses uppgång och fall

Artiklen "beskriver den islamistiska jihadrörelsens upgång och fall utifrån dels politiska möjlighetsstrukturer dels tolkningsramar och kollektiv identitet. Jihadrörelsen i Afghanistan byggdes upp i allians med vitt skilda men mäktiga aktörer med lika skilda intressen, men lämnades att 'självdö' när dessa aktörer fått sina mål uppfyllda. En således hårdnande politisk möjlighetsstruktur ledd här ti

Language-specific encoding of placement events in gestures

This study focuses on the effect of the semantics of placement verbs on placement event representations. Specifically, it explores to what extent the semantic properties of habitually used verbs guide attention to certain types of spatial information. French, which typically uses a general placement verb (mettre, 'put'), is contrasted with Dutch, which uses a set of fine-grained (semi-)obligatory

Do quality systems really make a difference?

The purposes of this study were to ascertain whether Swedish construction companies measure the impact of their quality systems (such as ISO 9000) and, if so, whether the ‘balanced scorecard’ approach is a useful technique as a measure of performance. The balanced scorecard approach requires each organization to look at itself from four different perspectives to provide a more comprehensive view o