

Din sökning på "*" gav 533178 sökträffar

“Panic now, please!” En studie om interpersonella och metaforiska drag i museitexter om klimatkrisen.

Texter är en ofrånkomlig del av många museiutställningar och har till uppgift att ta det obekanta och avlägsna närmare besökaren. Denna undersökning utforskar hur texter i Nordiska Museets utställning “Arktis – medan isen smälter” gör för att förmedla det komplexa och svårgreppbara ämnet klimatförändringar till sina besökare. Metoden kombinerar interpersonell analys som beskriven i Lennart Hellspo

Effect of TGFβ Treatment on Fibroblast Phenotype and Deposition of Extracellular Matrix Proteins in Three Dimensional Polycaprolactone Fibre Networks

Effects of TGFβ on the extra cellular matrix and its architects the fibroblasts Fibroblasts are the main architects of the extra cellular matrix (ECM), the non-cellular structure, surrounding the cells throughout the body. The ECM and fibroblasts are constantly communicating with neighboring cells, and an imbalanced ECM state can have detrimental impacts in the organism. In diseases like cancer,

An integrated simulation-based method for considering weather effects on concrete work tasks’ productivity and concrete curing

This report presents an integrated simulation-based approach to study the on-site production of concrete frameworks by considering the multiple effects of weather on work task productivity and concrete curing process. The suggested approach enable to systematically study how different weather conditions and the use of climate-improved concrete in combination with different methods to shield concre

Growing Pains or Growing Gains? Investigating the Influence of Business Growth on Environmental and Social Credentials of Sustainability-driven Enterprises

Sustainability-driven businesses combine the principles of conventional for-profit companies with a strong commitment to their social and environmental credentials. This structure enables them to address social problems in an economically sustainable manner and to capitalise on consumer demand for responsibly-made products. The growth of sustainability-driven companies is often seen as another suc

Investigating the protein-protein Interaction between Aquaporin 4 & Calmodulin

Around 60 million people around the world are struggling with a traumatic brain or spinal cord injury. The swelling of the brain or spinal cord happen when the water content in the CNS increase due, infection, tumor growth or brain edema. AQP4 is a membrane water channel which mediates the water flux across the blood brain barrier (BBB) and blood spinal-cord barrier (BSCB). We believe that protein

Uppfostran av Sveriges barn och mödrar

Utgångspunkten för studien är att undersöka allmänhetens ställningstagande kring förändringar inom barnavården under tidsperioden 1900 till 1950. Under denna tidsperiod skedde en övergång från att barnavården var en privat angelägenhet till att bli statlig. År 1937 beslutade riksdagen om att införa fri spädbarnsvård för hela landet, sedan sekelskiftet år 1900 hade liknande verksamhet bedrivits av

Effect of China’s growing taste for beef on the beef market dynamics of Kazakhstan

This paper analyses how China’s growing taste for beef due to rising incomes, urbanization and preference for higher quality meat shaping Kazakhstan’s inefficient beef industry, and how Kazakhstan’s government is attempting to make it more efficient. The analysis done through qualitative methods by looking into the data from primary and secondary sources.

Low Power Pre-Distorter Design For 5G Radio Using Machine Learning

A Power Amplifier (PA) is an essential electronic component in all microwave and millimeter-wave applications and, more specifically, in any transmitting system where the level of input power signal needs amplification to the desired level.Linearity and high efficiency are of utmost importance in PAs. However, high-efficiency PAs tend to be non-linear, and PAs working in the linear region might ha

L2 intonation by Swedish learners of Japanese:Analysis of pitch accent and prosodic phrasing errors

This thesis examines the L2 intonation of Swedish learners of Japanese with a focus on pitch accent and prosodic phrasing errors. Previous studies have attempted to predict L2 learners’ difficulties and errors, such as Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) by Lado (1957) and Markedness Differential Hypothesis (MDH) by Eckman (1977; 1985). L2 Japanese pronunciation has been analysed at the word or

Investigating the relationship between normal Neural crest and tumor development

Can normal development help us understand tumor initiation? The field of developmental biology studies the complex processes by which organisms grow. Embryology is one of its subfields and investigates how organisms develop from the moment the egg is fertilized to the later embryonic stages. Embryonic development can sometimes be abnormal and lead to cancer formation. In higher animals, followi

Un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos - en studie om akademins roll som en kunskapskapande samt kunskapslegitimerande institution ur ett dekolonialt perspektiv

I denna uppsats har jag intervjuat sex akademiker för att förstå hur akademin kan förstås ur ett dekolonialt perspektiv samt vilka möjligheter det finns för att arbeta dekolonialt inom akademin. Till hjälp har jag tagit teorier om bankundervisning, nollpunktens hybris, avlänkning, epistemisk våld samt dekoloniala pedagogier. Studien visar att akademin setts som en neutral och fristående institutioWithin the framework for this essay I have interviewed six academics to attain the understanding of how academia can be viewed from a decolonial perspective as well as understand what possibilities exist for working de-colonially within academia. To assist I have used theories on banking education, The hubris of the zero point, delinking, epistemic violence and decolonial pedagogies. The study sho

Konkurrens och digitalisering - En kritisk granskning av EU:s konkurrensrättspolicy i den digitala eran

Digitaliseringen har revolutionerat våra samhällen. Hur vi kommunicerar och interagerar med varandra och hur vi handlar produkter och tjänster har över de senaste åren varit föremål för drastiska förändringar. Bakom dessa förändringar står ett fåtal digitala jättar. Trots att förändringarna har ökat konsumentvälfärden och i regel varit positiva, har farhågor lyfts. Detta har inte minst uppmärksammDigitalization has revolutionized our societies. How we communicate and interact with one another and how we purchase goods and services has changed drastically. A select few technological giants are the driving force behind these changes. Despite the increase in consumer welfare and the overall heightened standard of living, concerns have been raised, especially within the discourse of competitio

Carbon negative textiles issued from marine materials

Marine materials are a potential new raw source for the production of organic and vegan leather and cushioning materials. Being a carbon sink, seaweed and marine plants like seagrass and seaweed farming activity could have a crucial role in the current environmental crisis for the absorption of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Products extracted from brown and red seaweed can be used for the prod

Accelerating MCR-ALS decomposition of hyperspectral images using k-means clustering

Att analysera livets biokemi, kemin bakom biologiska processer, är viktigt för att få en förståelse av livets mekanismer, speciellt för små längdskalor. Biokemin hos olika typer av celler skiljer sig åt, vilket kan användas för att t.ex skilja mellan elakartade och icke-elakartade tumörer. Vilka ämnen som finns i en cell kan bli identifierade via deras respektive absorptionspektrum. Ett absorptionA hyperspectral image may be decomposed into component spectra and their distri- bution in the image to simplify analysis by revealing underlying patterns and reducing the dimensionality of the image; this may be achieved by the algorithm MCR-ALS. However, the algorithm is time consuming, but could be accelerated by a data re- duction. Data reduction can be done by using a clustering method. In th

Investigation of endoplasmic reticulum stress in response to hypoxia in lung fibroblasts

Lack of oxygen delivery to the cells results in excessive production of oxygen free radicals in the cells leading to a pathological condition postulated as hypoxia. One of the most crucial transcription factors that can adapt to the fluctuating levels of hypoxia is Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α (HIF-1α). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is amongst the common lung diseases majorly caused

Assessing the Impact of Acute Rotavirus Infection on Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Mouse Model of DSS Colitis

Kan virus skydda oss från tarminflammation? En generell uppfattning är virus gör oss sjuka, men faktum är att vår tarm alltid är fylld av biljontals mikroorganismer, allt från bakterier till virus och svamp. Hur kommer det sig då att vi inte är konstant sjuka? Anledningen är att vi lever i symbios med mikroorganismerna. En störning i denna balans kan göra oss sjuka, det kan till och med resulteraIn recent time the prevalence of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) has increased, especially in developed countries. In these diseases the gut homeostasis is disturbed due to multiple factors such as the hosts own immune system, environmental factors, as well as genetic predisposition. The microbiome has previously shown to be important for the maintenance of the gut homeostasis. Despite being le

Evaluating structural landscape development in the municipality Upplands-Bro, using landscape metrics indices

The aim of this study was to evaluate and describe the landscape development in an area located in the municipality of Upplands-Bro, Sweden. The main hypothesis was that the landscape patterns in the study area have changed, as I expected to discover that the landscape has undergone structural changes, in form of both changed land use and changed landscape patch composition. The hypothesis was bas

A Qualitative Study on the Interpretation and Application of the Legal Definition of Terrorism in Swedish Courts

When hearing the word ‘terrorism’ something will come to mind, whether it is images from 9/11, 7/7 or any other attack, pictures from terrorist camps in Syria, or something else related to terrorism. But what is terrorism, and can the word be defined sufficiently enough to be used by courts of law? This thesis examines the Swedish courts’ interpretation and application of the legal definition of t