

Din sökning på "*" gav 259163 sökträffar

Constant coefficient linear multistep methods with step density control

In linear multistep methods with variable step size, the method's coefficients are functions of the step size ratios. The coefficients therefore need to be recomputed on every step to retain the method's proper order of convergence. An alternative approach is to use step density control to make the method adaptive. If the step size sequence is smooth, the method can use constant coefficients witho

Long-term N addition effects on the C mineralization and DOC production in mor humus under spruce

This study was based on laboratory incubations of mor humus from two N fertilized stands of Norway spruce in Sweden (Skogaby and Strasan), which had received repeated N additions (100 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) as (NH4)(2)SO4 at Skogaby and 35, 73 and 108 kg ha(-1) yr(-1), as NH4NO3 at Strasan) during 8 and 24-29 years, respectively. The aim was to investigate long-term N effects on the mineralization of

Interaction and association analysis of a type 1 diabetes susceptibility locus on chromosome 5q11-q13 and the 7q32 chromosomal region in Scandinavian families

We have previously reported suggestive linkage to chromosome 5p13-q13 in type 1 diabetic families. ISL1, a transcription factor involved in pancreas development, maps to this region. Sequencing of the ISL1 gene in patients and control subjects identified seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and one microsatellite in noncoding regions. Four haplotypes formed by six of these SNPs and one mic

Cerebrovascular serotonergic receptors mediating vasoconstriction: further evidence for the existence of 5-HT2 receptors in rat and 5-HT1-like receptors in guinea-pig basilar arteries

Pharmacological experiments were carried out on isolated basilar arteries (BA) from the brain vasculature of guinea-pig and rat in order to characterize post-junctional serotonergic receptors mediating contraction by the use of selective agonists and antagonists. The sensitivity to 5-HT was higher, but the intrinsic activity lower, in guinea-pig compared to rat vessels. The contractile potency of

CD4-independent use of the CCR5 receptor by sequential primary SIVsm isolates

Background: CD4-independence has been taken as a sign of a more open envelope structure that is more accessible to neutralizing antibodies and may confer altered cell tropism. In the present study, we analyzed SIVsm isolates for CD4-independent use of CCR5, mode of CCR5-use and macrophage tropism. The isolates have been collected sequentially from 13 experimentally infected cynomolgus macaques and

Plasma lipoproteins and lipolytic enzyme activities during endurance training in sedentary men: changes in high-density lipoprotein subfractions and composition

Eighteen healthy sedentary males took part in supervised bicycle training for 50 minutes three to five times a week. Twelve subjects (group A) trained for 6 weeks at heavy intensity, and six subjects (group B) trained for 12 weeks at moderate intensity. Maximal oxygen uptake increased by about 20% (P less than 0.01). Body weight and composition as well as diet remained unchanged. After 6 weeks pla

Packet voice rate adaptation through perceptual frame discarding

We address the problem of rate adaptation at the Source, given a congested packet based voice carrying network. We propose and analyze a novel method for perceptually based frame discarding. Thus, we propose a Perceptually Based Classifier (PBC) to do the discarding and we combine the PBC with a method for state synchronization, which exploits the knowledge of frame discards to combat the error pr

Review of Religion och sociologi. Ett fruktbart möte. Festskrift till Göran Gustafsson. Utg av Curt Dahlgren, Eva M. Hamberg & Thorleif Pettersson. Lund 2002. Nytt vin i nya läglar. Festskrift till Gustav Björkstrand på 60-årsdagen den 25 oktober 2001.

Rec. diskuterar festskriften som genre i allmänhet, och i synnerhet dessa båda exempel på olika uppläggning, som båda tecknar ett akademiskt vänporträtt och för forskningsfronten framåt. Sedan övergår rec. till att lyfta fram de bidrag som är av särskilt kyrkohistoriskt intresse. Festskriften till Göran Gustafsson avslutas med en värdefull bibliografi

A carbohydrate binding module as a diversity-carrying scaffold

The growing field of biotechnology is in constant need of binding proteins with novel properties. Not just binding specificities and affinities but also structural stability and productivity are important characteristics for the purpose of large-scale applications. In order to find such molecules, libraries are created by diversifying naturally occurring binding proteins, which in those cases serv

Svenska Pommern : kulturmöten och identifikation 1720–1815

Popular Abstract in Swedish Svenska Pommerns historia är en del av den svenska historien. Mellan 1648 och 1815 hörde den tyska Östersjöprovinsen till det svenska väldet. Denna avhandling skildrar människorna och deras syn på Sverige under de sista hundra åren av svensk tillhörighet mellan 1720 och 1815. Hur påverkades provinsens invånare av att å ena sidan räkna sig till den tyska kulturen och å aBetween 1648 and 1815, Swedish-Pomerania, at the Baltic shore, belonged to the crown of Sweden. It was both a part of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation and the Swedish realm. The port town of Stralsund played a key roll in the Swedish economy at the Baltic Sea, whereas the university town of Greifswald was the intellectual centre. On a cultural level, this situation opened up for a double ins