

Din sökning på "*" gav 518366 sökträffar

Midbrain expression of Delta-like 1 homologue is regulated by GDNF and is associated with dopaminergic differentiation.

Affymetrix GeneChip technology and quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR) were used to examine changes in gene expression in the adult murine substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) following lentiviral glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) delivery in adult striatum. We identified several genes that were upregulated after GDNF treatment. Among these, the gene encoding the transmembrane prot

Lectin histochemistry of the gastric mucosa in normal and Helicobacter pylori infected guinea-pigs

Helicobacter pylori attaches via lectins, carbohydrate binding proteins, to the carbohydrate residues of gastric mucins. Guinea-pigs are a suitable model for a H. pylori infection and thus the carbohydrate composition of normal and H. pylori infected gastric mucosa was investigated by lectin histochemistry. The stomach of all infected animals showed signs of an active chronic gastritis in their mu

Inhibition of Atherosclerosis in ApoE-Null Mice by Immunization with ApoB-100 Peptide Sequences.

Objective - LDL oxidation is believed to play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis, and oxidized LDL particles have been shown to become targets for the immune system. Immunization of animals with oxidized LDL results in reduction of atherosclerosis, suggesting an atheroprotective effect of this immune response. Methods and Results - Using a polypeptide library covering the comp

Cell-based therapies for acute liver failure: human tissue engineering, pure cell implantation and stem cell application

Improving the survival rate and quality of life of patients with acute and chronic hepatic dysfunction still represents a challenge. Cell-based therapeutic hepatocyte transplantation has great potential to serve as a temporary support and “bridge” prior to a donor organ becoming available, or even as therapy for replacing a compromised liver. In this review we describe potential applications of hu

Effects of early endotoxemia and dextran-induced anaphylaxis on the size-selectivity of the glomerular filtration barrier in rats.

This study was performed to investigate the glomerular permeability alterations responsible for the microalbuminuria occurring in endotoxemia and during anaphylactic shock. In anaesthetized Wistar rats, the left ureter was catheterized for urine collection, while simultaneously, blood access was achieved. Endotoxemia was induced by Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from E. Coli, and glomerular permeability

Press perturbation experiments and the indeterminacy of ecological interactions: effects of taxonomic resolution and experimental duration

The outcomes of press perturbation experiments on community dynamics are difficult to predict because there is a high degree of indeterminacy in the strength and direction of ecological interactions. Ecologists need to quantify uncertainties in estimates of interaction strength, by determining all the possible values a given interaction strength could take and the relative likelihood of each value

Changes in vascular porosity and joint blood flow during development of collagen induced arthritis in the rat. Modulation by indomethacin and L-NAME

OBJECTIVE: To investigate changes in regional blood flows (RBF) and vascular porosity during the early phase of the autologous collagen II induced arthritis model (CIA) in rats and the possible influence of indomethacin and nitric oxide (NO) synthase on these variables. METHODS: RBF was measured with the microsphere method and vascular porosity by determination of extravasation of radiolabeled alb

Inverse modelling of national and European CH4 emissions using the atmospheric zoom model TM5

A synthesis inversion based on the atmospheric zoom model TM5 is used to derive top-down estimates of CH4 emissions from individual European countries for the year 2001. We employ a model zoom over Europe with 1 degrees x 1 degrees resolution that is two-way nested into the global model domain (with resolution of 6 degrees x 4 degrees). This approach ensures consistent boundary conditions for the

A 6-month controlled naltrexone study: Combined effect with cognitive behavioral therapy in outpatient treatment of alcohol dependence

Background: In several studies, patients with alcohol dependence treated with the opioid antagonist naltrexone have shown fewer relapses to heavy drinking than those receiving placebo. An interaction between the naltrexone effect and the type of psychological therapy has been observed. Methods: A 6-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study was performed at 10 different investi

Form vision in the insect dorsal ocelli: An anatomical and optical analysis of the dragonfly median ocellus

Previous work has suggested that dragonfly ocelli are specifically adapted to resolve horizontally extended features of the world, such as the horizon. We investigate the optical and anatomical properties of the median ocellus of Hemicordulia tau and Aeshna mixta to determine the extent to which the findings support this conclusion. Dragonfly median ocelli are shown to possess a number of remarkab

Use of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide for rapid detection of rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis

We describe a test which uses the ability of viable cells to reduce 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) to detect resistance to a bactericidal drug, rifampin, in in vitro-cultured Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The assay shows a linear relationship between the number of viable bacteria and the ability to reduce MTT. Dead mycobacteria were unable to reduce MTT. Rifampin

A molecule wired: Electrostatic investigation

We present calculations of ground state and excitation energies for ethene between metal electrodes. The model determines the effects of the electrodes by incorporating a heterogeneous and structured solvation model with the quantum mechanical description of the molecular system. The effects of the electrodes are of electrostatic origin and an external bias can be applied enabling a close connecti

Griftetalet mellan trostolkning och livstydning : en pastoralteologisk studie.

Popular Abstract in Swedish När en människa är död är det prästens uppgift i begravningsgudstjänsten att hålla griftetal. Hur präster i Svenska kyrkan och i Borgå stift löser denna uppgift är en viktig fråga med tanke på att begravningsgudstjänsten är det tillfälle då flest människor kommer i kontakt med kristen förkunnelse. Särskilt fokuserar studien på hur prästen som teolog och själavårdare lösThe aim of this thesis is, using a comparative approach, to examine the pastoral function of the funeral homily as a faith interpretation and a life interpretation in funeral services in the Church of Sweden and in the diocese of Porvoo in Finland. In the Church of Sweden, represented here by the diocese of Växjö, the diocese of Strängnäs, the diocese of Härnösand, and the Evangelical Lutheran Chu

Sprickbildning i puts på isolering - undersökning av grundläggande mekanismer - del 3

SAMMANFATTNING För att förstå beteendet hos puts på träullsskivor under upprepad upp fuktning och uttorkning utsattes remsor av putsade träullsskivor för uttorkning och upp fuktning under kontrollerade förhållanden. Remsornas deformationer, d.v.s. den axiella deformationen samt deformationer vinkelrätta mot remsornas längdaxel, bestämdes under pågående upp fuktning och uttorkning. Provningarna utf

On 'have' in Ancient Greek. An investigation on echo and the construction einai with a dative as expressions for 'have'.

This book deals with ’have’ in ancient Greek. Two different types of ’have’-constructions were used, viz., on the one hand, the active transitive verb ἔχω and, on the other hand, the verb εἶναι, ’be’, with a complement in the dative case (here called the ἔστι μοι construction). A transitive ’have’ does not seem to be of Proto-Indo-European origin but rather an innovation in separate Indo-European

Invasive treatment of renal artery stenosis - effects on blood pressure, medication, renal function and inflammatory biomarkers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på svenska (Comprehensive summary in Swedish) Uppföljning av blodtryck (BT), medicinering och njurfunktion efter endovaskulär behandling av njurartärsteno's Bakgrund Förträngning av njuren's tillförande blodkärl, njurartärsteno's (RAS), är den vanligaste sekundära formen av högt BT (hypertension) och svarar för ca 1-5% av hypertensiRenal artery stenosis (RAS) causes hypertension, decreased glomerular filteration rate (GFR), and renal ischemia. RAS is progressive and causes 5-16% of all cases of renal failure. Prevalence of RAS in patients with hypertension is 1-5%. Today percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) with or without stenting is a widely accepted treatment of RAS. Treatment of renal artery occlusion (RAO)

Pharmacodynamics of moxifloxacin against Streptococcus pyogenes in an in vitro kinetic model

The aim of the present study was to investigate the pharmacodynamics of moxifloxacin against strains of Streptococcus pyogenes with different susceptibilities to erythromycin by using an in vitro kinetic model simulating human pharmacokinetics of moxifloxacin at oral doses of 400 and 200 mg, respectively. When the different strains of S. pyogenes were exposed to the higher dose, the number of bact

Dissecting the regions of virion-associated Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus complement control protein required for complement regulation and cell binding

Complement, which bridges innate and adaptive immune responses as well as Immoral and cell-mediated immunity, is antiviral. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) encodes a lytic cycle protein called KSHV complement control protein (KCP) that inhibits activation of the complement cascade. It does so by regulating C3 convertases, accelerating their decay, and acting as a cofactor for factor