

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Bolt fixings in toughened glass

Research needs: Glass has been used for a long time, mostly in the window and packaging industry, but lately architects and design engineers have become more and more interested in glass as a load-bearing (building) material. It has become a challenge to use less other materials in the glass-structures or at least not to let it show too much. One area of big interest is bolt fixings. Design engine

Structural Response With Regard to Explosions

When a structure is subjected to an explosion, it will have a response that differs from the one that arises from a static load. Engineers are used to design for static loads but the common knowledge of how to design for explosions is weak. There are guidelines for how to design for explosions with simplified methods but they are partly outdated and the explanation of how they are derived is vague

"Att komma igång med motoriken i själen igen" - En kvalitativ studie av Arbetsförmedlingens stöd och insatser till människor med missbruksproblematik

Author: Kajsa Nilsson Title: To get started with the motor in the soul again Supervisor: Dolf Tops The purpose of this study was to examine the opportunities and support the Employment Ser-vice can provide people with substance abuse problems. In my study I have used a qualitative approach in the form of four semi-structured interviews with social consultants. Social Con-sultants working in th

Att bli vuxen med en sällsynt diagnos - En kvalitativ studie om övergången från barn- till vuxenvård

Sällsynta diagnoser är en bred grupp diagnoser som, trots att de var för sig är mycket ovanliga, tillsammans drabbar ett stort antal personer. På senare tid har framsteg inom forskningen lett till att medellivslängden ökat för många av dessa diagnoser och allt fler patienter uppnår vuxen ålder. Detta har skapat en ny patientgrupp som vuxensjukvården har svårt att ta hand om. Många utredningar har Background: Rare diseases, a diverse group of conditions which each represent few patients, are a challenge for the Swedish health care system. Despite efforts by the European Union and Swedish institutions to address these patients’ needs, there is still a lack of scientific studies and political initiatives when it comes to adult patients living with these diagnoses. Many patient organizations h

En jämförelse av vårdnad, barnets boende och bestämmanderätt inom norsk och svensk lagstiftning

Denna uppsats är ett examensarbete i juris kandidatprogrammet. Uppsatsen är skriven inom området familjerätt och är en komparation av svensk och norsk lagstiftning gällande vårdnad, barnets boende och bestämmanderätt. Detta är också uppsatsens syfte. I Sverige har frågan om att inkorporera barnkonventionen varit ett återkommande ämne för debatt. Det är därför intressant att jämföra med ett land soThis thesis is written in the area of family law and is a comparative study of Swedish and Norwegian legislation regarding custody, the child's residence and authority. In Sweden, the issue of incorporating the UNCRC has been a recurring topic of debate. It is therefore interesting to compare with a country that has chosen to incorporate the UNCRC as Norway has. Are countries different even wi

Kvinnor med ADHD - en studie av bloggar kring upplevelser av att få diagnosen

The aim of this study was to examine how women can experience getting an ADHD diagnosis in adult age and to examine their experience of growing up without a proper diagnosis. Data was collected from ten blogs written by Swedish women with ADHD. Antonovsky's Salutogenic theory, with the focus on KASAM, was used to analyse the findings. The results showed that women with undiagnosed ADHD, often

Förbättring av ät- och skrivmöjligheter i lastbilshytt

This report summarizes the conclutions of a Master Thesis at Lund University (LTH) in cooperation with Scania CV AB R & D during the fall of 2010 and winter 2011. The mission is to improve the eating and writing ability (EWA) in truck cabs. A EWA offers truck driver to eat and write inside the cab. A EWA can for example be a countertop, a full table or a simple cup holder. There is great pote

Investigation of intergenic influence on some nitrogen fixation nif operons in Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101

The Influence of Intergenics in an Important Environmental Cycle As we step forward into the future there is increasing attention toward our impact on the planet and specifically of late debate, our climate. With the carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere rising at a quick pace and the ocean’s acidity increasing, largely due to the industrial revolution, what environmental influences will we be l

Vegetation establishment after restoration measures in calcareous sandy grasslands

ABSTRACT Calcareous sandy grasslands are among the most threatened habitats in Europe, primarily because of abandonment, acidification, eutrophication and fragmentation. Much of the biodiversity found in calcareous sandy grasslands depend on the availability of calcareous sand in the topsoil layer. As this sand is naturally depleted of CaCO3 heavy disturbances such as erosion or use of military

The role of Maf transcrition factors in type 1 diabetes

Abstract Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia that results from a selective loss of insulin secreting pancreatic beta cells. The aetiology of T1D often involves both genetic and environmental factors like viral infections. In T1D, insulin is regarded as primary autoantigen that becomes one of the targets of autoimmune attack and is found to be expressed i

Voltage regulation in distribution systems - Tap changer and Wind Power

Power quality is an important issue for the distribution network companies. They must guarantee the electricity supply fulfilling the requirements for the consumers. In this thesis we investigate specifically voltage requirements. We use transformers and tap changers to see how the voltage works in an electric system and we analyze the relationships with other aspects of the system’s performance,

Comparison of Schemes for Windup Protection

The purpose of this study is to compare different schemes of anti-windup. The methods are compared for different processes and different disturbances; step response in setpoint, and load and measurement noise. The controller parameters are determined by the MIGO method and the reset time constant. The tests have been done by simulation in Matlab Simulink and the report is divided for PI and PID co

Toxic cyanobacterial blooms, is prediction the new solution?

Abstract Toxic cyanobacterial blooms can form in both freshwater and marine environments, which could threaten the health of human beings and animals. The genera that are known for causing the scums in freshwater are Anabaena, Microcystis, Cylindrospermopsis and Planktothrix. In order to control lake water quality and minimize the potential health risk associated with the cyanobacterial blooms, th

Aktiekapitalet - reellt borgenärsskydd eller ett koncept att släppa taget om?

En trend inom Sveriges, EU:s samt delar av övriga världens bolagsrätt är att förenkla reglerna för aktiebolag. I detta ligger att revidera kravet som ställs på att aktiebolagens stiftare ska tillskjuta en viss summa pengar som ekonomisk buffert till bolaget, ett så kallat aktiekapital. Den minsta nivå av aktiekapital som behöver tillskjutas bolaget vid bildningen utgörs av minimikapitalet. I SveriA trend in the company laws of Sweden, Europe and parts of the rest of the world is to simplify the rules for limited liability corporations. Within this simplification lies the revising of the requirement imposed on the companies' founders to inject a certain amount of money as an economic buffer to the company, a so-called legal capital. The minimum level of legal capital required to legally