

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Composition of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in single cells of three filamentous cyanobacteria using nuclear microprobe and traditional techniques

Intracellular of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content in phytoplankton cells is traditionally measured using concentrates containing thousands to millions of cells. In the present study, we used a nuclear microprobe (NMP) to determine C, N and P concentrations in single filaments of 3 cyanobacteria species: Anabaena sp., Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flosaquae var. klebahnii isolated fr

Trends and cycles in regional economic growth: How spatial differences shaped the Swedish growth experience from 1860–2009

Using a novel dataset of regional GDP per worker from 1860 to 2009, this paper analyzes communalities in regional long-term growth trajectories for 24 Swedish regions. Wavelet Analysis and Principal Component Analysis are used to decompose regional growth trajectories and assess the extent that regional growth patterns share common trends and cyclical properties. The study found that regional grow

Basal Plasma Levels of Copeptin are Elevated in Inactive Inflammatory Bowel Disease after Bowel Resection.

Evidence of interactions between the enteric nervous system, neuropeptides, and the immune system is growing. The aim of this study was to examine basal plasma levels of a variety of peptide precursors in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In two middle-aged cohorts, Malmö Preventive Medicine (n = 5,415) and Malmö Diet and Cost Study (n = 6,103), individuals with the diagnosis of IBD

Are time-trends of smoking among pregnant immigrant women in Sweden determined by cultural or socioeconomic factors?

Background: The widening socioeconomic gap in smoking during pregnancy remains a challenge to the Swedish antenatal care services. However, the influence of cultural factors in explaining the socioeconomic differences in smoking during pregnancy is not clear among the immigrant women. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the development of smoking prevalence among pregnant immigrant wo

The Cyanobacterial Role in the Resistance of Feather Mosses to Decomposition-Toward a New Hypothesis

Cyanobacteria-plant symbioses play an important role in many ecosystems due to the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen (N) by the cyanobacterial symbiont. The ubiquitous feather moss Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. is colonized by cyanobacteria in boreal systems with low N deposition. Here, cyanobacteria fix substantial amounts of N-2 and represent a potential N source. The feather moss appears to

Tunable absorption resonances in the ultraviolet for InP nanowire arrays

The ability to tune the photon absorptance spectrum is an attracting way of tailoring the response of devices like photodetectors and solar cells. Here, we measure the reflectance spectra of InP substrates patterned with arrays of vertically standing InP nanowires. Using the reflectance spectra, we calculate and analyze the corresponding absorptance spectra of the nanowires. We show that we can tu

Den nya rödlistan har 746 svampar

The new Red List that was recently presented by the Swedish Species Information Centre (Gärdenfors 2010) includes 746 species of fungi considered to be threatened. Compared to the previous Red List published in 2005, 36 species have been down-listed whereas 150 species have been added, thus the list has increased by 114. The changes are above all due to increased knowledge of taxonomy, ecology and

ISO 14001 in environmental supply chain practices

This paper focuses on the role of ISO 14001 in environmental supply management practices in Swedish companies. It discusses the existing and potential role of ISO 14001 for three key operational tasks of environmental supply chain management: to communicate the requirements to the supplier, to motivate and enable the supplier, and to verify that the supplier follows the requirements. The study use

First storage of ion beams in the Double Electrostatic Ion-Ring Experiment: DESIREE

We report on the first storage of ion beams in the Double ElectroStatic Ion Ring ExpEriment, DESIREE, at Stockholm University. We have produced beams of atomic carbon anions and small carbon anion molecules (C-n(-), n = 1, 2, 3, 4) in a sputter ion source. The ion beams were accelerated to 10 keV kinetic energy and stored in an electrostatic ion storage ring enclosed in a vacuum chamber at 13 K. F

Control of GaP and GaAs Nanowire Morphology through Particle and Substrate Chemical Modification.

We demonstrate two very different morphologies for GaP and GaAs nanowires grown by Au-assisted MOVPE on Si(111) substrates: rodlike wires and tapered wires with sharp tips. We show that the morphology is related to the stability of the particles at the wire tips during growth, and we propose that the mechanism of this effect is diffusion of Au away from the tip. Diffusion occurs, leading to tapere

A Randomized, Doubleblind, Placebo-Controlled, Study of Single-Dose Rituximab as Induction in Renal Transplantation

We performed a prospective, double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled multicenter study on the efficacy and safety of rituximab as induction therapy, together with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and steroids. The primary endpoint was defined as acute rejection, graft loss, or death during the first 6 months. Secondary endpoints were creatinine clearance, incidence of infections, and inciden

Service Level Agreements in Municipal IT Dependability Management

Abstract—Service Level Agreements (SLA) are considered a good practice not only for IT outsourcing but also for IT management within an organisation. In this paper we study the usage of SLAs in municipal IT management. Municipal IT management traditionally involves a large organisation, often with a low IT maturity, but with high requirements on software quality and information security. In this s

The role of ectomycorrhizal communities in forest ecosystem processes: New perspectives and emerging concepts

The fungal symbionts forming ectomycorrhizas, as well as their associated bacteria, benefit forest trees in a number of ways although the most important is enhancing soil nutrient mobilization and uptake. This is reciprocated by the allocation of carbohydrates by the tree to the fungus through the root interface, making the relationship a mutualistic association. Many field observations suggest th

Is cadmium exposure associated with the burden, vulnerability and rupture of human atherosclerotic plaques?

The general population is exposed to cadmium from food and smoking. Cadmium is a widely spread toxic pollutant that seems to be associated with cardiovascular diseases, although little is known if it contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques and the process whereby plaques become vulnerable and are prone to rupture. We tested the hypotheses that cadmium exposure is associated not on