

Din sökning på "*" gav 526767 sökträffar

The construction and navigation of riskscapes in public health advice and mothers’ accounts of weaning

This paper adds to critical studies of risk and mothering by illustrating and conceptualising how risk is constructed in public health advice and mothers’ accounts of weaning. Previous research points towards a gap between public health scientific definitions of risk and mothers’ contextual understandings and experience of handling complex and often conflicting risks linked to food and feeding. It

A novel conserved family of Macro-like domains—putative new players in ADP-ribosylation signaling

The presence of many completely uncharacterized proteins, even in well-studied organisms such as humans, seriously hampers a full understanding of the functioning of living cells. One such example is the human protein C12ORF4, which belongs to the DUF2362 family, present in many eukaryotic lineages and conserved in metazoans. The only functional information available on C12ORF4 (Chromosome 12 Open


We conduct a contest experiment to study if spread seeking and effort can be managed when participants can invest in increasing both the mean and the spread of an uncertain performance variable. Subjects are treated with different prize schemes and in accordance with theory, we observe higher investments in spread for the winner-take-all scheme. Both types of investments can be controlled with a t

The leukocyte complexity and mutational landscape of periampullary adenocarcinoma. Morphology matters.

Background: Periampullary adenocarcinomas are a heterogenous group of tumours with poor prognosis that hasnot improved considerably the last decades. Tumour morphology, i.e. intestinal type (I-type) or pancreatobiliarytype (PB-type), has been demonstrated to be a more relevant prognostic factor than anatomical origin. Tumourinfiltrating immune cells are vital in shaping the natural progress of canBackground: Periampullary adenocarcinomas are a heterogenous group of tumours with poor prognosis that hasnot improved considerably the last decades. Tumour morphology, i.e. intestinal type (I-type) or pancreatobiliarytype (PB-type), has been demonstrated to be a more relevant prognostic factor than anatomical origin. Tumourinfiltrating immune cells are vital in shaping the natural progress of can

Arabidopsis thaliana alternative dehydrogenases : A potential therapy for mitochondrial complex i deficiency? Perspectives and pitfalls

Background: Complex I (CI or NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) deficiency is the most frequent cause of mitochondrial respiratory chain defect. Successful attempts to rescue CI function by introducing an exogenous NADH dehydrogenase, such as the NDI1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScNDI1), have been reported although with drawbacks related to competition with CI. In contrast to ScNDI1, which is perm

Molecular changes during progression from nonmuscle invasive to advanced urothelial carcinoma

Molecular changes occurring during invasion and clinical progression of cancer are difficult to study longitudinally in patient-derived material. A unique feature of urothelial bladder cancer (UBC) is that patients frequently develop multiple nonmuscle invasive tumors, some of which may eventually progress to invade the muscle of the bladder wall. Here, we use a cohort of 73 patients that experien

Incident reporting and level of MR safety education : A Danish national study

Introduction: MR-safety remains a concern among MR professionals. We aimed to evaluate the extent of MR-related incidents using a national database and a questionnaire among MR professionals and to identify possible predictors for MR-related incidents. Methods: MR-related incidents reported to a national database from 2015 to 2017 were scrutinized. A national online survey focussing on MR safety a

An investigation of combustion properties of a gasoline primary reference fuel surrogate blended with butanol

Currently, many research studies are exploring opportunities for the use of novel fuels and of their blends with conventional, i.e. petroleum-based fuels. To pave the way for their acceptance and implementation in the existing energy market, a comprehensive knowledge about their combustion properties is inevitable, among others. Within this context, alcohols, with butanol in particular, are consid

The methodological requirements for clinical examination and patient-reported outcomes, and how to test them

This article presents the methodological requirements for clinical examination and patient-reported outcomes measurements. The assessment of any measurement for clinical research in hand surgery is difficult. A method of measuring a criterion could be 100% reliable but 100% invalid. Bias may be present in our assessment if we do not take into account the methodological requirements related to reli

Achieving the unimaginable : Health equity in haemophilia

Historically, treatment based on the availability of clotting factor replacement has resulted in an arcane guideline for the correction of factor deficiencies in people with haemophilia (PwH). While all other disease entities seek to restore function to a normal level, PwH are restricted to factor nadirs still equivalent to mild or moderate disease, resulting in continued risk of bleeding. A new t

Low power analog channel decoder in sub-threshold 65nm CMOS

This paper presents the architecture and the corresponding simulation results for a very low power half-rate extended Hamming (8,4) decoder implemented in analog integrated circuitry. TI’s 65nm low power CMOS design library was used to simulate the complete decoder including an input interface, an analog decoding core and an output interface. The simulated bit error rate (BER) performance of the d

Modelling gas-liquid mass transfer in wastewater treatment : when current knowledge needs to encounter engineering practice and vice versa

Gas-liquid mass transfer in wastewater treatment processes has received considerable attention over the last decades from both academia and industry. Indeed, improvements in modelling gas-liquid mass transfer can bring huge benefits in terms of reaction rates, plant energy expenditure, acid-base equilibria and greenhouse gas emissions. Despite these efforts, there is still no universally valid cor