

Din sökning på "*" gav 528304 sökträffar

"Men så är det i alla länder, alla kan inte få stanna och alla kan inte vara kvar"- humant och effektivt verkställighetsarbete? En Kvalitativ studie om projektet REVA

This study will discuss and analyse the effectiveness of how the project REVA relates to a humane asylum process. The purpose of REVA is to increase the efficiency of the deportation process. Since the police are responsible for the forced cases (rejected decisions), the focus for this study is on this authority. In general the debate surrounding about REVA, the idea of a humane asylum process, an

För intimitetens skull - Hur normen påverkar kvinnors upplevelse av samlagssmärta

This thesis aims to shed light on women’s intercourse pain by examining the conceptualization and discourse regarding such pain and how this in turn affects women’s suffering. Three different perspectives of intercourse pain, namely biomedical, biopsychosocial and the subjective experience of women were analyzed using Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis (CDA) and the three perspective’s disco

Demokratins räckvidd: En studie av demokratiska värdens närvaro i kommunfullmäktiges nämnder

In this thesis the implementation of fundamental democratic values in municipal multi-party elected councils, Hamn- och gatunämnden and Barn- och utbildningsnämnden in Varberg, is discussed. A discussion about what implications expert knowledge can have in the decision-making process is also conducted. The thesis consists of two parts. In the first part an empirical analysis of ideas is conducted

Mind the Gaps - A Legal Dogmatic Study on Service Provision for Returning Human Trafficking Victims in Vietnam

With a legal dogmatic method, the purpose of this thesis was to examine how Vietnam is fulfilling its legal obligations to support returning human trafficking victims. The Vietnamese human trafficking law was the main research object and was considered in relation to the international standards in support to returnees set in the Trafficking Protocol. It also aimed to identify shortcomings, and ass

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy som stresshanteringsmetod för lärare

Fyrtiosju lärare randomiserades dels till en grupp som fick genomgå Acceptance and Commitment Therapy- Stress Management Intervention (n=24), dels till en kontrollgupp (n=23) i form av väntelista. En matchning genomfördes på det primära utfallsmåttet upplevd stress. Majoriteten av deltagarna var kvinnor, och samtliga arbetade som lärare i Stockholms län. För- och eftermätning genomfördes för samtlForty-seven teachers were randomly allocated to an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - Stress Management Intervention group (n=24), or a waitlist control group (n=23). The participants were matched on the primary outcome variable, perceived stress. A majority of the participants were women, and all of them worked as teachers in Stockholm County. Outcome variables were recorded before and after the

Slutligt beslut om skattetillägg - hinder för prövning av åtal för skattebrott?

När den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättig-heterna och grundläggande friheterna (EKMR) inkorporerades genom vanlig lag i svensk rätt, ville lagstiftaren inte att balansen mellan den lagstif-tande och den dömande makten skulle förskjutas. Huvudansvaret för fören-ligheten mellan EKMR och annan intern rätt föll därför på lagstiftaren, vilket manifesterades i grundlagen. KoWhen the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Free-doms (ECHR) was incorporated by law in the Swedish legal system, the intent was to maintain the relation between the legislative power and judici-al power. The legislature is forbidden to legislate in violation of the ECHR. If domestic law is considered to be in conflict with the ECHR, the conflict should, if possible, be solved by

Muslimska obligationer ur ett skatterättsligt perspektiv

En av de grundläggande principerna för muslimsk ekonomi är att betalning och mottagande av ränta (riba) är kategoriskt förbjudet enligt muslimsk rätt (Sharia). Förbudet mot betalning och mottagande av ränta är också den största skillnaden mellan muslimsk och traditionell ekonomi. Förbudet mot riba har föranlett att alternativa finansieringsformer som är förenliga Sharia har utvecklats. Muslimska oOne of the fundamental principles of Islamic finance is that the payment and receipt of interest (riba) is categorically forbidden under Islamic law (Shariah). The prohibition of payment and receipt of interest is also the main difference between Islamic and conventional finance. The prohibition of riba has led to the development of alternative forms of financing that are compatible with Shariah.

Restriktioner vid häktning ur ett EU-rättsligt perspektiv

I Sverige kan den som blir häktad på grund av misstanke för brott bli ålagd restriktioner enligt 24 kap. 5a § RB, om åklagaren finner att det föreligger risk att den misstänkte kommer att försvåra utredningen genom att undandra bevisning, det vill säga om en kollusionsfara finns. Häktningsrestriktioner innebär att den häktade blir förbjuden att vistas tillsammans med andra intagna, mottaga besök, A person being arrested in Sweden on the suspicion of a crime may be subjected to restrictions according to chapter 24 § 5a RB while incarcerated, if the prosecutor finds there is a risk that the suspect will interfere with the investigation. The detainee being placed under restrictions during detention, may be forbidden to meet other detainees, receive visits from friends and family, receive phon

Med bröd i ena handen och vapen i den andra – islamistiska sociala rörelser och socialt arbete. En fallstudie av Hamas och Jamaat-ud-Dawa

With bread in one hand and weapons in the other - Islamic social movements and social work. A case study of Hamas and Jamaat-ud-Dawa. Hamas and Jamaat-ud-Dawa are two examples of Islamic social movements who successfully have been involved in both social work and armed struggle. In this thesis the author examines how the movement’s social work manifests and what kind of basis there might exist fo

Ett möte mellan Reggio Emilias pedagogiska filosofi och Rytmik

Denna studie handlar om ett möte mellan Reggio Emilias filosofi och Rytmik. Följande frågor behandlas: Vad händer med barns lärande i mötet mellan Reggio Emilias pedagogiska filosofi och Rytmik? På vilket sätt påverkar förskolans förutsättningar lärandet? På vilket sätt utforskar barnen musik? Vad lär sig barnen? Studien, som genomförts med aktionsforskning, har gjorts på en förskola i en barngrupTitle: A meeting between the Reggio Emilia pedagogical philosophy and Eurhythmics. This study is about a meeting between the Reggio Emilia philosophy and Eurhythmics. The following questions are addressed: What happens to children's learning in the meeting between the Reggio Emilia philosophy and Eurhythmics? How do preconditions affect learning? How do children explore music? What do they lea

Flyktingpatienten: en behandlingsuppföljning vid Röda Korsets behandlingscenter för krigsskadade och torterade

Föreliggande studie har undersökt en patientgrupps mående, innan respektive cirka sex månader in i behandling, vid Röda Korsets behandlingscenter för krigsskadade och torterade. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av självskattningsinstrument avseende PTSD, ångest, depression, välbefinnande, fungerande, symptom och risk. Studien syftade även till att bringa klarhet i om, och i sådana fall vilka, faktoreIn this study, the wellbeing of a collection of patients at the Red Cross Treatment Center for Victims of Torture and War (RCC) has been evaluated. The study was carried out before the start of treatment and six months in to rehabilitation. The evaluation was completed using self assessment forms which took in to account: PTSD, anxiety, depression, wellbeing, function, symptoms and risk. Assessmen

The Comparative Study on Corporate Governance between Mainland China and Hong Kong

The corporate governance mechanism should be evaluated by both region and company levels, since legislation setting and regulatory enforcement are equally critical. It is found that Hong Kong outperforms than Mainland China at both levels, hereby more converge towards OECD Principles. There are root causes contributing to the differences and similarities of corporate governance in the regions, whi

Specifications of an Embodiment Design and Detail Design Support Tool

The last part of the product design process is called embodiment design, it aims to give a “physical body” to the product so as to make it ready to use. It is on that particular part of the design activity that I was working, I was included in the research for the embodiment design team of the machine design division in LTH. The main research work was upon the process of this phase, to try to unde

Improve Sofa Assembly through Automation and Redesign of the Processes Case: Current Design

Objective: To redesign the current assembly process of the Ektorp Sofa from IKEA in order to improve cycle times, quality levels and to reduce, if possible, costs associated with manufacturing, production times and materials. IKEA wants to increase either the productivity or the quality standard of the Ektorp Sofa by simplifying the processes involved in the construc-tion of the sofa and modernizi

Body Design aesthetics of an electric TTW

This report is part of the Master thesis performed by Markus Jonasson and Alexander Mann at the Department of Design Sciences at Lund University. Markus and Alexan-der have studied to become Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering with In-dustrial Design. Per Liljeqvist, senior lecturer in Industrial Design at the Department of Design Sciences is instructor. Robert Bjärnemo, professor in Mach

”Hoppas jag inte glömt nått!” – En analys av informationsprocesser inom kunskapsintensiva tjänsteorganisationer

Title: “I hope I didn’t forget anything!” An analyze of information processes within knowledge intensive service organizations. Level: Master thesis in Service Management (15 credits) at Campus Helsingborg, Lund University. Keywords: Information process, communication, boundary-spanning work, healthcare, medical record, computer system and customer perspective. Authors: Ninni Cronberg, Linn Haugen