

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Anaesthesia and Genetics of the Ryanodine 1 Receptor

The only validated method to characterize the phenotype and to reach a definitive diagnosis of Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptibility (MHS; OMIM *145600), a pharmacogenetic disease linked to the Ryanodine 1 receptor gene (RYR1; OMIM *180901), is an invasive muscle contraction test requiring a muscle biopsy, according to the European (IVCT) protocol or to the North American (CHCT) protocol. The seri

Peak Bone Mass, Lifestyle Factors and Birth Weight: A study of 25-year old women

Background: Osteoporosis is a common bone disease, which does not give symptoms until the ultimate outcome, the fragility fracture occurs. Regulation of bone mass is controlled by genetic, environmental and nutritional influences. Peak bone mass, defined as the maximum bone mass accrued, is usually reached by the third decade of life and is an important determinant of future osteoporotic fracture.

Toxicity of fungicides to natural bacterial communities in wetland water and sediment measured using leucine incorporation and potential denitrification.

We assessed potential toxicity of fungicides to natural bacterial communities from a constructed wetland, located in southern Sweden, and compared the sensitivity of two endpoints indicating bacterial activity, leucine incorporation, and potential denitrification, in detecting toxicity. The effects of eight fungicides (benomyl, carbendazim, carboxin, captan, cycloheximide, fenpropimorph, propicona

Real-time prostate-specific antigen detection with prostate-specific antigen imprinted capacitive biosensors

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a valuable biomarker for early detection of prostate cancer, the third most common cancer in men. Ultrasensitive detection of PSA is crucial to screen the prostate cancer in an early stage and to detect the recurrence of the disease after treatment. In this report, microcontact-PSA imprinted (PSA-MIP) capacitive biosensor chip was developed for real-time, highly

Defects on endoanal ultrasound and anal incontinence after primary repair of fourth-degree anal sphincter rupture: a study of the anal sphincter complex and puborectal muscle

Objectives To perform three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound (EA US) after primary repair of fourth-degree anal sphincter rupture (ASR) and correlate the sonographic defects with anal incontinence (AI); to measure the axial and sagittal thickness and angle of the puborectal muscle (PRM) as well as the length of the anal canal, and then correlate these measures with AI; and to assess the interobserv

Tyska misstag i öst

Recension av Rolf-Dieter Müller, Hitlers okända soldater. Utländska förband på östfronten 1941–45.

Crystal Phases in III-V Nanowires: From Random Toward Engineered Polytypism

III-V nanowires (NWs) are promising for a wide range of applications, ranging from optics to electronics, energy, and biological sensing. The structural quality of NWs is of paramount importance for the performance of such future NW-based devices. Random structural defects and polytypism occur naturally in semiconductor NWs, but progress both on the theoretical understanding and experimental contr

Luminescence signals from modern sediments in a glaciated bay, NW Svalbard

Landforming processes are highly active in the Arctic, and luminescence dating can be used to establish a chronological framework for these processes. For example, luminescence ages of raised littoral and marine deposits provide the age control for many reconstructions of Pleistocene events in the Arctic. Due to the nature of the depositional environment (e.g. short transport distance, turbid wate

Application of structured illumination for multiple scattering suppression in planar laser imaging of dense sprays.

A novel approach to reduce the multiple light scattering contribution in planar laser images of atomizing sprays is reported. This new technique, named Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging (SLIPI), has been demonstrated in the dense region of a hollow-cone water spray generated in ambient air at 50 bars injection pressure. The idea is based on using an incident laser sheet which is spatial

Tracing traces: a document-centred approach to the preservation of virtual world communities

Introduction. The aim of this paper is to form a framework capable of theorizing how virtual communities are entangled with their new media environments, thereby contributing to the understanding of present-day virtual communities and how to preserve them. Method. An extensive bibliography on virtual worlds, virtual world preservation, document-and practice theory, and virtual communities forms th

Impacts of mobility disability and high and increasing body mass index on health-related quality of life and participation in society: a population-based cohort study from Sweden

Background: Increasing obesity in adults with mobility disability has become a considerable health problem, similar to the increasing trend of obesity in the general population. The aims of this study were to investigate the association of mobility disability with overweight status and obesity in a large population-based Swedish cohort of adults, and to investigate whether mobility disability, hig

Direct Formula to Compute Wave Height and Angle at Incipient Breaking

The purpose of this technical note is to present a new formula to compute the incipient breaking wave properties based on a simplified solution of the wave energy flux conservation equation combined with Snell's law. The execution time and calculated results of the new formula were compared with those of the iterative method which is commonly used in coastal engineering calculations, including in

A Study on In-Cycle Control of NOx Using Injection Strategy with a Fast Cylinder Pressure Based Emission Model as Feedback

The emission control in heavy-duty vehicles today is based on predefined injection strategies and after-treatment systems such as SCR (selective catalytic reduction) and DPF (diesel particulate filter). State-of-the-art engine control is presently based on cycle-to-cycle resolution. The introduction of the crank angle resolved pressure measurement, from a piezo-based pressure sensor, enables the p

Women's' premonitions prior to the death of their baby in utero and how they deal with the feeling that their baby may be unwell.

Objective. To identify if mothers to stillborn babies had had a premonition that their unborn child might not be well and how they dealt with that premonition. Design. A mixed method approach. Setting: 1 034 women answered a web questionnaire. Sample: 614 women fulfilled the inclusion criteria of having a stillbirth after the 22(nd) gestational week and answered questions about premonition. Method

Effects of enzyme feeding strategy on ethanol yield in fed-batch simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of spruce at high dry matter

Background: To make lignocellulosic fuel ethanol economically competitive with fossil fuels, it is necessary to reduce the production cost. One way to achieve this is by increasing the substrate concentration in the production process, and thus reduce the energy demand in the final distillation of the fermentation broth. However, increased substrate concentration in simultaneous saccharification a