

Din sökning på "*" gav 533385 sökträffar

Temporariness of Refugee Protection: For What and in Whose Interest? Cessation of Status as Related to Revocation of Residence Permits

Temporariness of refugee protection has started to emerge as a new standard in the policies of European countries. Given this development, the article focuses on one specific issue related to this temporariness: how refugee status intertwines with the conditions for the granting, revocation and prolongation of national residence permits. What are the interconnections between refugee status, includ

The Child's Best Interests during Hospitalisation - What does it imply?

IntroductionThe child’s best interest has moral foundations in medicine and has existed for decades in the field of paediatrics. Indeed, there are recommendations for the child’s best interests to be a primary consideration in all matters that concern the child. However, there is uncertainty in the literature over how the child’s best interests may be safeguarded within healthcare. AimThe aim of t

Long-term Outcomes of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement With the Lotus Valve vs CoreValve/EvolutR : A Secondary Analysis of the REPRISE III Randomized Clinical Trial

Importance: Long-term follow-up after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is of interest given that longitudinal data on mortality and durability of transcatheter heart valves are limited. The REPRISE III (Repositionable Percutaneous Replacement of Stenotic Aortic Valve Through Implantation of Lotus Valve System-Randomized Clinical Evaluation) randomized clinical trial compared the mecha

“Freedom is the greatest gift your master can give you”; Understanding a protracted emancipation process from slavery to freedom from the perspective of Mauritanian master’s

Using Mauritania as a case study this thesis compares the decline of two forms of coercive labour, slavery and servitude, to understand how masters’ incentives differ depending on property right and thus affect conditions for decline. By re-analysing sociological research through an economic lens, this thesis offers a new angle on Mauritania’s emancipation process. It is suggested that changed mar

Virtual Home - an Exploration of Virtual Space

This master thesis examines virtual space, its requirements, functions and considerations. Virtual reality will not only improve the architect’s design process, but also the way our physical world is built. Metaverse is referred to as the future of the internet, a virtual world where users will be able to work, play, meet and socialize together in three dimensional spaces.The digitalisation of wor

Examination of AI-based ESG-scores as a valid source of alpha in the Swedish investing landscape

Investing based on environmental, social, and governmental (ESG) criteria has grown rapidly in recent years. The trend has been driven by both an increased interest in sustainability, and the fact that ESG related corporate events have been shown to influence stock prices. In tandem with this development, a number of companies has pioneered methods to quantify a firm’s ESG performance. One of thes

En jämförelse mellan beräknad och uppmätt energianvändning för lokalbyggnader och flerbostadshus

Nyproducerade byggnader idag får oftast en energiberäkning gjord i projekteringsfasen för att fastställa att byggnaden klarar de krav som ställs. Nyproducerade byggnader ska även sedan 2006 energideklareras för att visa att byggnaden endast kräver så mycket energi som den projekterades för. I detta ingår att redovisa hur mycket energi byggnaden har använt per år. Energiberäkningarna för 19 byggnadNewly produced buildings in Sweden are required to calculate the predicted energy usage of the building and this is preferably done in the early stages of the planning stage. New buildings are also since 2006 in Sweden required to have an energy performance declaration done to show that the building requires no more energy to function than it was planned to. The predicted energy usage of 19 buildi

Political apathy in Japan: A study on how Japanese political parties address youth

Political participation among Japanese youth has been on a steady decline since the peak of the major activist and protest movements of the 60s and 70s. Legislation, restrictions, and social realities have also contributed to the strained relationship between youth and politics. The past few decades have been characterized by mistrust and dishonesty as a result, affecting youths’ willingness to pa

Chemical identification of spices from the Gribshunden shipwreck

The main purpose of this study was to identify an unknown spice collected from an old shipwreck (Gribshunden). This study was demanding as we were dealing with an aged sample being under water for around 500 years. It is quite probable that many components in our sample have undergone changes or washed away by water, and as a consequence decreased in concentration. However, the strongest guess, ju

Balances for water and phosphorus in Lake Vomb, south Sweden

Eutrophication caused by nutrients such as phosphorus has become a major issue over the years. Dealing with this phenomenon is a major concern in many countries, and municipalities are establishing strict rules to cope with this problem in water bodies. However, the development of cities has a cost, and supplying the food needs of people is essential. In order to optimize agricultural lands, the u

Scaling Up Digital Transformation in Education: An Exploration of Teachers’ Capabilities in Implementing Distance Learning in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Due to the pandemic, teachers are forced to implement distance learning and equipped themselves with digital skills to accommodate the sudden shift from instructional classroom activities to digital and more innovative teaching and learning practices. To ensure that teachers can adapt and innovate during this disrupted era, an exploration of teachers’ experiences, challenges, and opportunities for

Structural Transformation and Productivity Growth in Egypt - Disentangling Heterogeneous Services and Identifying Drivers of Growth: A Structural Change Approach

Premature deindustrialization and a shift to services at early stages of economic development raise concerns about growth prospects of low-income and emerging economies. Within the manufacturing- vs. service-led growth debate, this thesis analyzes the contribution of hetero-geneous services vis-à-vis manu¬facturing to productivity growth, focusing on the role of modern services which are charac¬te

En omställning mot strömmen – Hur transportföretags affärsmodeller påverkas vid en elektrifiering av den tunga svenska lastbilsflottan

Utsläppen från transportsektorn står för en betydande del av Sveriges totala koldioxidutsläpp. Fram till år 2030 vill regeringen att växthusgaserna från transportsektorn ska ha minskat med 70 procent utifrån år 2010s nivåer. Därtill vill man år 2045 att Sverige har nettonollutsläpp. För att inom transportsektorn lyckas med dessa mål kommer ett nyttjande av en kombination av lösningar vara essentie

The Sky is not the Limit : An Analysis of the Articulation of Japan’s Space Ambitions Since 2000

This thesis investigated the ambitions of Japan in the space sector through the development of the country’s space programme. Drawing on content and discourse analysis of policy, law, strategy documents, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency website and documents about the ISS, this thesis explored how Japan has been articulating their space ambitions since 2000. It aimed at analysing the ambitio

Autonomous Docking of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle using Model Predictive Control

Autonomous docking of marine vessels presents challenges different from the ones faced when travelling at open sea or in an archipelago. External disturbances due to the varying environment and accurate positioning at low speed are examples of these kinds of challenges. The aim of this work has been to develop and implement an autopilot algorithm for docking. This was to be done for a specific mar

3D stadsmodeller för mindre kommuner - vad är behoven och vilka standarder krävs?

Allt fler svenska kommuner utformar eller införskaffar 3D stadsmodeller för att möta behov exempelvis inom planeringsarbete eller bygglovsbedömning. Det finns flera typer av 3D stadsmodell varav några beskrivs i denna rapport, exempelvis en semantisk 3D objektsmodell, meshmodell, CIM modell eller en digital tvilling. Trots att flera kommuner sedan länge nyttjat 3D stadsmodeller finns ännu inga natA 3D city model is commonly used by Swedish municipalities in for example city planning or building permit assessment. There are however various kinds of 3D city models of which some are described in this report, for example a semantic 3D object model, mesh model, CIM model or a digital twin model. Even though a 3D city model is common and there are standards available, there are no nationwide re