Din sökning på "*" gav 528059 sökträffar
The Discipline in Interdisciplinarity: Flagging a Blind-Spot in Sustainability Science
In the last few decades, sustainability science has developed into a formidable field of interdisciplinary scholarship aimed broadly at contributing to the global sustainability agenda. As a problem-driven science, sustainability science is necessarily interdisciplinary, though the field’s practitioners generally lack an explicit justification for the procedure of interdisciplinary research perfor
Detecting parity effect in a superconducting device in the presence of parity switches
We present a superconducting device showing a clear parity effect in the number of electrons, even when there is, on average, a single nonequilibrium quasiparticle present and the parity of the island switches due to quasiparticles tunneling in and out of the device at rates on the order of 100 Hz. We detect the switching by monitoring in real time the charge state of a superconducting island conn
Internet Searches, Household Sentiment and Credit Spreads
We use Google internet search volumes to measure households’ pessimism about overall market-wide credit health in the economy, and show that this “household default sentiment” is positively correlated with the credit default swap (CDS) spread level in the market. However, while household default sentiment might drive the cost of credit to some degree, either directly or indirectly through its effe
A significant correlation between body surface area and infrarenal aortic diameter is detected in a large screening population with possibly clinical implications
BACKGROUND: Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in elderly men reduces aneurysm related mortality. AAA is commonly defined as an infrarenal aortic diameter (IAD) of ≥30 mm, which is based on the definition of an arterial aneurysm as a focal dilation of 150% or more compared to the expected diameter of about 20 mm. The IAD has been shown to correlate to body surface area (BSA). The aim of
Characterizing the sharing economy state of the research : A systematic map
The sharing economy is an emerging niche for innovation capable of disrupting established socio-technical and economic regimes. Because of this potential to cause radical changes in a wide array of domains, research in multiple disciplines addressing various aspects entailing this phenomenon is proliferating. In this emerging body of literature, the understanding and framing of the sharing economy
COSCA (Core Outcome Set for Cardiac Arrest) in Adults : An Advisory Statement From the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
Cardiac arrest effectiveness trials have traditionally reported outcomes that focus on survival. A lack of consistency in outcome reporting between trials limits the opportunities to pool results for meta-analysis. The COSCA initiative (Core Outcome Set for Cardiac Arrest), a partnership between patients, their partners, clinicians, research scientists, and the International Liaison Committee on R
Power, efficiency and fluctuations in a quantum point contact as steady-state thermoelectric heat engine
The trade-off between large power output, high efficiency and small fluctuations in the operation of heat engines has recently received interest in the context of thermodynamic uncertainty relations (TURs). Here we provide a concrete illustration of this trade-off by theoretically investigating the operation of a quantum point contact (QPC) with an energy-dependent transmission function as a stead
Burden of Atopic Dermatitis in Swedish Adults : A Population-based Study
The burden of atopic dermatitis (AD) was assessed. A population-based, cross-sectional questionnaire study was performed among 34,313 Swedish adults in 2017. The prevalence of AD was 14%. Adults with mild AD had an increased relative risk ratio (RRR) of severe depression (aRRR 1.78, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.50–2.12) and anxiety (aRRR 1.97, 95% CI 1.69–2.30), which was higher for severe A
Varför familj? Praktiker, ojämlikheter och sociologisk analys
Frågan om ”familjens” existens inom sociologin, som teoretiskt begrepp, variabel och empiriskt studieobjekt har debatterats livligt under många decennier. I detta kapitel vill jag argumentera för betydelsen av kritisk sociologi om familj och nära relationer; forskning som ser ”familjen” som ett centralt begrepp i samhället och i människors sätt att leva och skapa mening kring sina liv, och som sam
Satellite-observed pantropical carbon dynamics
Changes in terrestrial tropical carbon stocks have an important role in the global carbon budget. However, current observational tools do not allow accurate and large-scale monitoring of the spatial distribution and dynamics of carbon stocks1. Here, we used low-frequency L-band passive microwave observations to compute a direct and spatially explicit quantification of annual aboveground carbon (AG
Emotional Defence Lawyers
The emotions of defence lawyers have garnered little sociological attention. This is surprising as their role requires them to show loyalty to clients, representing them in court, irrespective of the client or the crime. Theirs is thus an emotionally demanding role, requiring the management of inappropriate emotions. This article explores this by showing that justice systems have structurally embe
Using peer assisted learning to empower first-year students and helping them experience success
The workshop will focus on what first-year students to higher education needs to be successful and how a peer learning programme might address those needs. (~5 min for introduction)The workshop will start with a brainstorm session where participants in small groups will share thoughts and ideas on the question (~20 min for activity): “What would you like to affect with your new students? Provide s
How to ensure quality in peer learning schemes (Workshop)
The workshop focuses on what data is needed to ensure the quality of your peer learning scheme and how to get it. You will work in groups with colleagues having similar peer learning schemes to your own (or a scheme you are planning for). The group work will center on questions like “Why evaluate your peer learning scheme?”, “Who might have interest in the evaluation data?”, and “What and how to e
Legal rights or simply wishes? The struggle for sexual recognition of people with physical disabilities using personal assistance in Sweden
The purpose of this study is to explore the lived experience of sexuality for people with physical disabilities using formal personal assistance services in Sweden, from their own perspective. This is analyzed in relation to the aims of personal assistance services according to Swedish law, which states that they should be framed in terms of autonomy, integrity and self-determination making it pos
Sequestration of carbon in the deep Atlantic during the last glaciation
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations declined markedly about 70,000 years ago, when the Earth's climate descended into the last glaciation. Much of the carbon removed from the atmosphere has been suspected to have entered the deep oceans, but evidence for increased carbon storage remains elusive. Here we use the B/Ca ratios of benthic foraminifera from several sites across the Atlantic Ocean to reconstr
Oxygen Therapy in Myocardial Infarction Patients With or Without Diabetes : A Predefined Subgroup Analysis From the DETO2X-AMI Trial
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of oxygen therapy in myocardial infarction (MI) patients with and without diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In the Determination of the Role of Oxygen in Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction (DETO2X-AMI) trial, 6,629 normoxemic patients with suspected MI were randomized to oxygen at 6 L/min for 6-12 h or ambient air. In this prespecified analysis involving
Klimatförändring inte enda orsak till översvämningarna
DN DEBATT 30/3. Översvämningar lyfts ofta som klimatfrågor eller som behov av skydd mot extrema väderhändelser. Då glöms andra viktiga orsaker bort, som hur vi använder marken och utvecklar bebyggelse. Tyvärr finns stora problem med styrningen av vattenhanteringen i dag, som bidrar till att skapa problem i stället för att förebygga dem, skriver åtta vattenexperter.
Danskhatet var främst en politisk konstruktion
Twelve per cent of 6142 eyes treated for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) presented with low visual outcome within 2 years. Analysis from the Swedish Macula Registry (SMR)
Purpose: To analyse characteristics from the SMR to explore the risk factors for visual acuity (VA) below ≤ 35 letters of the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) due to nAMD during a two-year follow-up. Methods: This study evaluates 6142 treatment-naïve eyes, with focus on a subgroup of 780 eyes with final VA outcome of ≤ 35 letters, regarding differences of baseline characteristics