

Din sökning på "*" gav 127672 sökträffar

International Impact Actions, new call: Lund hosts workshop

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 29 August 2024 Lund University is hosting a Horizon Europe workshop to stimulate collaborations that strengthen our international impact in research and innovation. Deadline for application is 20/9. As part of the work with Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE), Lund University is hosting a Horizon Europe workshop to sti

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/international-impact-actions-new-call-lund-hosts-workshop - 2025-03-10

New students from four programmes filled Forum Medicum

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 30 August 2024 Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine! The academic year's introductory days were held for students of the nursing programme, the radiology nursing programme, the occupational therapy programme and the physiotherapy programme. Around 300 students were present in Forum Medicum on 29–30 August. Other degr

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/new-students-four-programmes-filled-forum-medicum - 2025-03-10

The follow-up discussion: Prepare for a good conversation

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 3 September 2024 Walk the talk while taking a walk-and-talk and the discussion will be like a walk in the park. Does your manager know what you do at work, what challenges you have and how well you performed your tasks? If not, you have a chance to tell it in the upcoming follow-up discussion, deadline October 4. "But it

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/follow-discussion-prepare-good-conversation - 2025-03-10

New yet old manager coordinates our services: Our goal is flexible, fast, cost-effective problem solving

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 5 September 2024 New Head of the Service Units, Mikael Rydahl. Photo: Agata Garpenlind. On the first of August, former Head of HR at Medfak, Mikael Rydahl, became Head of Med-service, BIKT, CCM and the University Veterinarian. The new management model will synchronise services and provide a better and more adapted

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/new-yet-old-manager-coordinates-our-services-our-goal-flexible-fast-cost-effective-problem-solving - 2025-03-10

The Paralympics in Paris: Our man on site with great commitment

By jon [dot] ulvsgard [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jon Ulvsgärd) - published 6 September 2024 From left: Jan Lexell on site at the Paralympics in Paris as medical officer during the Games. In the background we see the Paralympics' official mascot in medical clothing. The mascot is inspired by a Phrygian cap, a historical symbol of freedom. The Paralympics, the parasport's equivalent of the Olympics

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/paralympics-paris-our-man-site-great-commitment - 2025-03-10

IKVL´s Head of Department to be: "I find genuine joy in facilitating others to do their best"

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 24 September 2024 Mattias Collin dropped out of Medical School. Today he is Professor of Infectious Medicine and future Head of Department at IKVL. Mattias Collin, is the new Head of Department at Clinical Sciences in Lund, IKVL, as of January, 2025. For Intramed, he reveals what attracts him to the assignment: "To be ab

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/ikvls-head-department-be-i-find-genuine-joy-facilitating-others-do-their-best - 2025-03-10

A fun Culture Night at Forum Medicum! Come join!

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 11 September 2024 Culture Night. Photo: Ingemar Hultkvist. Welcome to an open house on Saturday 21 September. This year we are holding an open house at Forum Medicum where we arrange exciting stations, lectures and try-out activities on the theme of medicine and health.Culture Night is arranged at Forum Medicum, Sö

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/fun-culture-night-forum-medicum-come-join - 2025-03-10

Don't miss out on a good grant! Keep yourself informed

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 11 September 2024 The Grants calendar. Screenshot. Always keep up to date on relevant grants, stipends and scholarships, so you don't miss the deadline. Exciting research funding to apply for right now, an example, with a deadline of 6 October: he Greta and Johan Kock Foundations (the Foundation for Medical Researc

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/dont-miss-out-good-grant-keep-yourself-informed - 2025-03-10

Building community at work: The Faculty office walks the Health path and enjoys ice cream (for the sake of balance!)

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 13 September 2024 Ice cream, ice cream, babies! Teresa Svarvell, Camilla Ennerberg och Rikke Barthélemy. The Faculty Office's Trivsel (Well being) Committee organises joint activities for greater togetherness at work. Walking together is a nice, healthy and inexpensive activity tip. A successful morning at work. Se

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/building-community-work-faculty-office-walks-health-path-and-enjoys-ice-cream-sake-balance - 2025-03-10

Awarded in Forum Medicum: The first "Childhood Cancer Researcher of the Year" is Medfak's Catharina Hagerling

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 17 September 2024 Childhood Cancer Researcher of the Year Catharina Hagerling. Photo: Agata Garpenlind. Excerpt from the award motivation: "Catharina Hagerling ... seeks answers to why some children with neuroblastoma have tumors that give rise to metastases and thus the spread of the cancer." This is the first tim

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/awarded-forum-medicum-first-childhood-cancer-researcher-year-medfaks-catharina-hagerling - 2025-03-10

Faculty Morning Meeting: How we need to work with the University’s international impact (26/9)

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 23 September 2024 All employees are welcome to join our digital Faculty Morning Meeting. Pro Vice-Chancellor Kristina Eneroth gives an update. At the September meeting you will meet Pro Vice-Chancellor Kristina Eneroth, who will give us an update about how we as a university and as individuals need to work with the

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/faculty-morning-meeting-how-we-need-work-universitys-international-impact-269 - 2025-03-10

Report from the Faculty Board meeting (18 September 2024)

By johanna [dot] erlandson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Erlandson) - published 18 September 2024 The Board of the Faculty of Medicine (MFS) has held a meeting. The meeting began with the dean talking about ongoing work on a new strategic platform and the new quality policy for the university. She shared that we have now established a Precision Medicine Centre South together with Region Skån

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/report-faculty-board-meeting-18-september-2024 - 2025-03-10

New deadline for health promotion reinbursment: December 3

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 26 September 2024 Your application case in Primula for 2024 needs to be completed by December 3, 2024. As of this year Lund University has introduced December 3 as the last date to apply for health promotion reimbursement. This is due to the Swedish Tax Agency regulations that stipulate that reimbursement as a gene

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/new-deadline-health-promotion-reinbursment-december-3 - 2025-03-10

Photo story: Visitors of different sizes, a burning thirst for knowledge and a smorgasbord of knowledge on Culture Night

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 24 September 2024 Student Anna helps a visitor to fit the organs correctly. Many interested visitors came to Forum Medicum on Culture Night on Saturday to learn more about medicine and medical science. All photos on Swedish Intramed, link below. Photo and captions: Julia Lundh Rafstedt.Click here for full photo sto

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/photo-story-visitors-different-sizes-burning-thirst-knowledge-and-smorgasbord-knowledge-culture - 2025-03-10

Ceremonial installation: Three new professors at the Faculty, we had a chat with one of them

By tove [dot] gilvad [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Gilvad) - published 15 October 2024 Johan Nilsson, Professor of bioinformatics with specialization in thoracic surgery, is one of 28 professors to be installed this year. Time to install three new Professors at the Faculty and 28 in all of Lund University. Everyone is welcome to attend the installation on October 18 in the Main University Build

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/ceremonial-installation-three-new-professors-faculty-we-had-chat-one-them - 2025-03-10

Fall for new learning: Check out our courses in Kompetensportalen

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 27 September 2024 Photo: Agata Garpenlind. There are many exciting and useful courses that you can take at LU. Check out Kompetensportalen (the Competence Portal) to take a closer look at what´s on offer. Read more and apply in the Competence Portal (log in with your Lucat ID)

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/fall-new-learning-check-out-our-courses-kompetensportalen - 2025-03-10

The cause of the BMC roof fire is now established

By sofia_b [dot] liljedahl [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sofia B Liljedahl) - published 1 October 2024 Firefighters packing up after call to BMC fire. Photo. Mikael Rydahl. The roof fire at BMC in May was caused by a loose contact in the fire brigade switch for the solar cells. The switch has been replaced and now the renovation begins. The first step is to restore the roof. Scaffolding and weather

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/cause-bmc-roof-fire-now-established - 2025-03-10

Change of Head of Department at ILM: "It should be easy for managers to do the right thing"

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 3 October 2024 Karolin Hansén Nord will take on the role as Head of the Department of Laboratory Medicine (ILM). Photo: Agata Garpenlind. Karolin Hansén Nord will take on the role of Head of the Department of Laboratory Medicine (ILM) at the end of this year. What attracts most is the opportunity to influence and promote

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/change-head-department-ilm-it-should-be-easy-managers-do-right-thing - 2025-03-10

My Medfak: "I think it's fun to go to work every day!"

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 1 October 2024 Ann-Ki and Eva Degerman. Private photo. Ann-Ki Holmén-Pålbrink, biomedical analyst, has worked at the Faculty for almost four decades. It may seem a long time, but it´s been inspiring years with lots of fun at work, she says. "I stayed put, but everything around me has moved around". My job is consta

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/my-medfak-i-think-its-fun-go-work-every-day - 2025-03-10

Beyond the journals - expand the global reach of your research!

By anna [dot] hellgren [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Hellgren) - published 2 October 2024 Photo: Ingemar Hultquist Are you ready to broaden the impact of your research? Join us for a session - in Malmö (Oct. 15) or Lund (Oct. 16) - designed to learn how to reach out on the platform The Conversation! Whether you are passionate about reaching policymakers, industry leaders or the general audience

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/beyond-journals-expand-global-reach-your-research - 2025-03-10