När hela havet stormat - skivan tar slut men musiken spelar
I kölvattnet på pirater och den digitala vågen har skivindustrin nu börjat se framåt igen. Vissa bolag stramar åt verksamheten medan andra tar sikte på nya farvatten.
I kölvattnet på pirater och den digitala vågen har skivindustrin nu börjat se framåt igen. Vissa bolag stramar åt verksamheten medan andra tar sikte på nya farvatten.
We have cause to regret that a legal concept of terrorism was ever inflicted upon us. The term is imprecise; it is ambiguous and above all, it serves no legal purpose. The preceding quote by the late R.R. Baxter in 1974, summarises the international legal community’s view on terrorism. As a meddlesome concept, that has disrupted international legal norms. Regardless of this belief, terrorism
The overall aim of the essay is to understand the time and space of the everyday through a critical hermeneutical approach. Specifically, the analysis focuses on post-independence Dublin. Three theoretical conceptualisations of the everyday are discussed. Using the works of Martin Heidegger and Henri Lefebvre, an ideal everyday is conceptualised in terms of “dwelling;” the human appropriation of t
I denna studie kommer Rysslands utrikespolitiska retorik och agerande gentemot Tjetjenien att undersökas. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se till en förändring kring Rysslands agerande i och med terrorattacker utförda av tjetjenska separatister. Hur denna förändring sett ut vill vi beskriva genom en jämförande fallstudie med utgångspunkt i realistisk, liberalistisk och radikal teoribildning. Genom att
Denna uppsats diskuterar problematiken när legitimiteten för ett demokratiskt styrskick minskar till följd av skandaler och av allmänheten uppfattad korruption. Detta kommer att göras utifrån ett specifikt fall, nämligen de händelser som avslöjades i Göteborg under 2010, vilka har kommit att kallas Muthärvan i Göteborg. En diskussion kommer att föras med hjälp av statsvetenskapliga teorier som app
IVF och världsbanken är två grundpelare i det ekonomiska systemet. Ända sedan deras födelse vid Bretton Woods konferensen 1944 har de varit nyckelaktörer i uppbyggnaden av ekonomier. På senare år har organisationerna varit verksamma i att övervaka det monetära systemet och i kriget mot fattigdom världen runt. Men vad är det egentligen som skiljer de två organisationerna åt och vilka konsekvenser f
Uppsatsen syftar till att klargöra när en underprisöverlåtelse som innehåller moment av arbetsersättning respektive motprestation i form av en arbetsinsats kan genomföras. Enligt 23 kap. IL ska en underprisöverlåtelse inte medföra direkta beskattningskonsekvenser för de inblandade parterna. En förutsättning för att regelverket ska bli tillämpligt är dock att överlåtelsen sker till underpris. Det ä
I ett aktiebolag eller motsvarande bolagsform med begränsat ansvar för aktieägarna står aktiekapitalet i centrum. Lagstadgat krav på aktiekapital har förekommit i somliga rättsordningar. I vissa länder har kapitalkravet eftergetts. I detta arbete kommer att göras en komparativ jämförelse mellan Tysklands, Storbritanniens, Sveriges och EU:s aktiebolagsformer med avseende på minsta kapitalkravet i bIn a limited liability company or similar corporate form with limited liability for the shareholders the legal capital plays an important role. The minimum capital requirements have appeared in some jurisdictions. In some countries, the minimum capital requirement have been abolished. This work will be a comparative comparison between German, British and Swedish companies rules with focus on the m
This study aims to understand if the de facto secession of Somaliland from Somalia in 1991 can be considered morally just according to just secession theory. This theory follows the approach of Allen Buchanan and Wayne Norman and their formulation of just cause theory of secession. The theory is based on the Just War tradition, which provides the moral foundation for its arguments. This study take
The development of the European Union can be crucial for understanding possibilities for change in state sovereignty. Whether the European Union holds some characteristics that are otherwise incorporated in the notion of the state can be examined by looking at foreign policy, which is regarded as a central feature of sovereignty. The changing perceptions of European foreign policy by the European
It is more difficult for the poor to save money than for the wealthy. The poor have no institutions to help them such as state pensions and they are left to fight their personal short comings themselves. One consequence is that the poor save under their ability. Savings is important to respond to changes in the environment and to avoid incurring debt. Two of the behavioral obstacles the poor face
Construction business is responsible for a large portion of the world's emissions of greenhouse gases. As part of the work against this, environmental certifications has become more and more common. This is partly because consumers have been more willing to pay more for products or services with low environmental impact and this has had a major impact on the construction industry. In this stud
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vad en leverantör till byggindustrin kan göra för att deras kunder ska uppnå en miljöcertifiering enligt LEED. Studien kan delas upp i tre delar. I den första delen har vi fördjupat oss i de miljöstyrmedel som använts i Sverige idag såsom olika miljöcertifieringssystem och miljöledningssystem. Den andra delen beskriver vilka produkter en leverantör t
Popularvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Storkprojektet i Skåne – nutid och framtid Den vita storken (Ciconia ciconia) har varit utdöd i Sverige sedan 1954. Orsaken till storkens försvinnande tros ha varit en kombination av utdikningar av våtmarker, ökad dödlighet samt en generellt nedåtgående trend hos storkpopulationerna i övriga Europa. Sedan 1989 pågår ett återintroduceringsförsök i Skåne. Genom Abstract: In 1954 the last breeding attempt by the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Sweden failed and the species was declared extinct from the Swedish fauna. Reasons for the extinction are thought to be a combination of issues such as habitat conversion, increased mortality and an overall decline of the European White Stork populations. Since 1989 an ongoing reintroduc-tion programme for the Whi
Corruption is considered a global problem. All over the world it affects people’s lives, for the majority in negative ways. Cleaning up a corrupt state has proved to be difficult; if it does not have a history of continuously being a democracy for a long time it faces an increased chance of being corrupt. Whether a state actively fights corruption through laws and reforms does not always matter.
The purpose of this project was to create a risk model for extended time between major overhauls on steam turbines. The project was created by Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery who develops and manufactures steam turbines and performs maintenance. It is the turbine users who have requested a longer time in order to reduce maintenance costs and increase availability. Prior to the work, external and
Abstract: Background. In clinical heart transplantation, the most common method used to preserve the donor heart is cold flush perfusion with a cardioplegic solution, e.g. St. Thomas Solution. This method gives safe preservation for up to 4 hours. Methods. In organ baths, vessels segments of porcine coronary arteries were used to study the smooth muscle contractility and endothelial dependent an
There is a recurring argument among scholars concerning entrepreneurship education: some argue that it lacks value, others disagree, pointing out that concrete outcomes can be achieved by a combination of academic learning while obtaining practical experiences at the same time. There have been studies of both aspects but without a clear conclusion. In this study, we conduct personal interviews wit
This project work covers the design and construction of a new probe system for hot gas analysis in an entrained flow gasifier. The aim is a probe that can be used more flexibly than the present system. As a further aim, the condensation of trace materials has to be prevented. First, a short overview over current techniques to analyse the product gas in a gasification process is given. Continuing,
Popular science summary: New approaches for treating lakes with ammonia pollution Extract of Yucca shidigera, a desert plant, has been used in aquaculture to control ammonia in the water. Microalgae has been proved effective in removing ammonia and phosphorous from wastewater of agriculture and aquaculture. Therefore, it is possible that they could remove ammonia from lakes. Hence, several fish t