

Din sökning på "*" gav 528282 sökträffar

Ekonomerna och den stora börskraschen

Börskraschen på Wall Street hösten 1929 är en av alla tiders mest spektakulära ekonomiska händelser. Den är följaktligen flitigt omskriven, naturligt nog mest ur amerikanskt perspektiv. Här ska vi betrakta den ur svenskt perspektiv. Hur reagerade svenska nationalekonomer före, under och efter kraschen? Vår historia kretsar kring de tre ekonomer som var mest aktiva: Gustav Cassel, Bertil Ohlin och

Insulin resistance probability score and incident cardiovascular disease

Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, insulin immunoassay variability and scarce research of the elderly have hindered the adoption of IR assessment for CVD prevention. We asked whether the probability of having IR [p(IR)]—derived from insulin and C-peptide mass-spectrometry assays—was associated with CVD in the elderly. Methods: A random coh

The influence and impact of Japan to upbringing the human rights norms in Southeast Asia through the world of business

Japan’s influence in Southeast Asia has been enormous throughout history, whether in its military occupation, culture, or economic ties, and there is no doubt that Southeast Asia has developed under its influence. Have Southeast Asian states then developed and improved their human rights situation because of Japan? Or has Japan aggravated the situation being “blue washed”, by performing its busine

Assessing the effectiveness of a sexual and reproductive health and rights training programme in changing healthcare practitioners’ attitudes and practices in low-income countries

Introduction: In low-income countries the utilisation of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services is influenced by healthcare practitioners’ knowledge, attitudes and practices. Despite awareness of the potential problems due to ingrained biases and prejudices, few approaches have been effective in changing practitioners’ knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning SRHR in low-in

National records of 3000 European bee and hoverfly species : A contribution to pollinator conservation

Pollinators play a crucial role in ecosystems globally, ensuring the seed production of most flowering plants. They are threatened by global changes and knowledge of their distribution at the national and continental levels is needed to implement efficient conservation actions, but this knowledge is still fragmented and/or difficult to access. As a step forward, we provide an updated list of aroun

Implementing Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Disparities in Utilization in an Urban Pain Medicine Practice

Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a drastic expansion in utilizing telemedicine, circumventing some of the geographical barriers to accessing pain care. However, uncertainties around the impact of telemedicine across various sociodemographic groups still exist, prompting further exploration. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of sociodemographic factors in telemedicine utilizat

Who Counts as a Sexual Subject? The Impact of Ableist Rhetoric for People with Intellectual Disability in Sweden

Introduction: The ableist rhetoric around sexuality in disability services and beyond can hinder subjective sexual expression and have a powerful impact on health, self-esteem, and everyday life through internalized ableism, structural marginalization, and interpersonal discrimination. The aim of this study was to explore the ableist rhetoric of sexuality and its impact on sexual scripting for peo

A homogeneous earthquake catalog for western Turkey and magnitude of completeness determination

A catalog for earthquakes that occurred in western Turkey during the period 1964-2010 is compiled for achieving homogeneity for magnitudes. Data are obtained from the International Seismological Center (ISC), where earthquake magnitudes are reported in different scales and come from a variety of sources. For establishing a common magnitude expression, namely an equivalent moment magnitude Mw*, new

Uncertainty of B-value estimation in connection with magnitude distribution properties of small data sets

We evaluate the efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimator introduced by Aki (1965), using synthetic datasets exhibiting diverse but well defined properties. The deviation of the b-value estimation from its real value is quantified by Monte Carlo simulations as a function of catalogue features and data properties such as the sample size, the magnitude uncertainties distribution, the round-off


We investigate temporal changes in seismic activity observed in the West Corinth Gulfand North-West Peloponnese during 2008 to 2010. Two major earthquake sequencestook place in the area at that time (in 2008 and 2010). Our aim is to analyse Greekseismicity to attempt to confirm the existence or non-existence of seismic precursorsprior to the strongest earthquakes. Perhaps because the area is geolo

The Subscriptions to Mark’s Gospel and History of Reception

Den här artikeln granskar subskriptionerne på Markusevangeliet i 157 grekiska handskrifter, och noterar deras gradvisa utveckling från att vara identisk med titeln i den tidigaste fasen till att bli mer och mer utarbetad och betydelsefull för tolkningshistorien. Tidigt, vilket återspeglas i titeln, förknippades det andra evangeliet med Markus, känd för att vara Petrus lärjunge och tolk. Under det This article surveys the subscriptions to the Gospel of Mark in 157 Greek manuscripts, noting their gradual development from being identical to the title in the earliest phase to becoming more and more elaborate and significant for the history of interpretation. Early on, as reflected in the title, the Second Gospel was associated with Mark, known to be Peter’s disciple and interpreter. In the fou

Tångens metamorfos

Verken ställdes ut på samlingsutställningen 'Hur går det?' på Keramiskt Center i Höganäs. Verken är en del av forskningsprojektet 'Tångens potentiella mellanrum', inom vilket tångens materialitet undersöker och problematiserar. Verken utforskar mötet mellan uttryck och upplevelser av tången utifrån lera som material.

Den empiriska glädjen. En vänbok till Malin Åkerström

Det finns energi att hämta i empiriska iakttagelser och det kan vara enfröjd att utvinna den energin. Så lyder budskapet i den här vänbokentill Malin Åkerström, professor emerita vid Lunds universitet.Med nedslag i vitt skilda fält och projekt vill författarna exemplifieraoch analysera det speciella samspel som äger rum mellan empirioch forskare i olika samhällsvetenskapliga ämnen. Det rör sig om

Influence of dietary fibers and particle size distribution on food rheology

This chapter deals with the rheology of dietary fiber (DF) suspensions and how their microstructural properties influence them. The DFs obtained from selected vegetables, namely, tomato, apple, carrot, potato, parsnip, and yacon are reported. The amount and composition of the soluble/insoluble fiber have been measured for each type of fiber. For the insoluble part, the microstructural properties s

High Current Density Vertical Nanowire TFETs With I₆₀ > 1 μ A/ μ m

We present experimental data for a vertical, 22-nm-diameter InAs/(In)GaAsSb nanowire Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor that exhibits the highest reported I60 of 1.2 μA/μm , paving the way for low power applications. The transistor reaches a minimum subthreshold swing of 43 mV/dec at VDS = 300 mV with a sub-60 mV/dec operation over a wide current range. Combined with a high transconductance of 205 μS/