

Din sökning på "*" gav 535464 sökträffar

Time-dependent relaxation of strained silicon-on-insulator lines using a partially coherent x-ray nanobeam

We report on the quantitative determination of the strain map in a strained silicon-on-insulator line with a 200×70 nm2 cross section. In order to study a single line as a function of time, we used an x-ray nanobeam with relaxed coherence properties as a compromise between beam size, coherence, and intensity. We demonstrate how it is possible to refine the line deformation map at the nanoscale, an

Ageing dynamics of ion bombardment induced self-organization processes

Instabilities caused during the erosion of a surface by an ion beam can lead to the formation of self-organized patterns of nanostructures. Understanding the self-organization process requires not only the in-situ characterization of ensemble averaged properties but also probing the dynamics. This can be done with the use of coherent X-rays and analyzing the temporal correlations of the scattered

X-ray coherent diffraction imaging with an objective lens : Towards three-dimensional mapping of thick polycrystals

We demonstrate an X-ray coherent imaging method that combines high spatial resolution with the ability to map grains within thick polycrystalline specimens. An X-ray objective serves to isolate an embedded grain. Iterative oversampling routines and Fourier synthesis are used to reconstruct the shape and strain field from the far-field intensity pattern. In a demonstration experiment a ∼500-nm Pt g

Transnationalism, integration och etnisk organisering : En studie av svenska etniska organisationer i ljuset av civilsamhällets omvandling

Artikeln undersöker svenska etniska organisationers verksamheter i syfte att belysa hur detta organisatoriska fält har förändrats under de senaste decennierna. Studien bygger på en totalundersökning av de 52 riksförbund som fått bidrag från Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF). Den visar att det etniska organisationsfältet kännetecknas av både kontinuitet och förändring. Kultur

X-ray nanodiffraction on a single SiGe quantum dot inside a functioning field-effect transistor

For advanced electronic, optoelectronic, or mechanical nanoscale devices a detailed understanding of their structural properties and in particular the strain state within their active region is of utmost importance. We demonstrate that X-ray nanodiffraction represents an excellent tool to investigate the internal structure of such devices in a nondestructive way by using a focused synchotron X-ray

Three-dimensional diffraction mapping by tuning the X-ray energy

Three-dimensional reciprocal-space maps of a single SiGe island around the Si(004) Bragg peak are recorded using an energy-tuning technique with a microfocused X-ray beam with compound refractive lenses as focusing optics. The map is in agreement with simulated data as well as with a map recorded by an ordinary rocking-curve scan. The energy-tuning approach circumvents both the comparatively large

X-ray structure analysis of free-standing lipid membranes facilitated by micromachined apertures

Silicon and Teflon substrates have been structured by wet etching and a focused ion beam (FIB) to obtain very defined, clean apertures. Planar, free-standing lipid membranes (black lipid membranes (BLM)) with enhanced long-term stability have been prepared on these apertures by the methods of Montal and Müller1.2 as well as Müller and Rudin. 3 The stability and geometric control enables the use of

A miniature maxthal furnace for X-ray spectroscopy and scattering experiments up to 1200 degrees C

We have built a new small furnace to perform high temperature studies up to 1200°C in vacuum or in oxygen atmosphere. This furnace was originally used as a catalytic reactor optimized for the in situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy experiments on beamline ID24. It has now been redesigned for use on the ESRF beamline ID01 for in situ Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering experiments. For the

Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ/ACuO2 (A = Ca,Sr) superconducting multilayers obtained by molecular beam epitaxy

Bi-based superconducting multilayers, consisting of Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ (2201) layers alternately stacked with CaCuO2 or SrCuO2 layers, have been deposited by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) using co-deposition and growth interruption techniques. In situ Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED) has been used to monitor the surface of the different layers giving evidence of a two-dimensional growt

GHSR DNA hypermethylation is a common epigenetic alteration of high diagnostic value in a broad spectrum of cancers

Identification of a single molecular trait that is determinant of common malignancies may serve as a powerful diagnostic supplement to cancer type-specific markers. Here, we report a DNA methylation mark that is characteristic of seven studied malignancies, namely cancers of lung, breast, prostate, pancreas, colorectum, glioblastoma and B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) (n = 137). This ma

Arbetsterapeut och fysioterapeut på akutmottagningen. Bättre patientflöde, tryggare personal och tryggare hemgång. Beskrivning av ett nytt arbetssätt på Skånes universitetssjukhus och av personalens erfarenheter och upplevelser.

Syftet med föreliggande rapport var att beskriva arbetsterapeuts och fysioterapeuts arbete påakutmottagningen, att undersöka hur det nya arbetssättet upplevdes av läkare och sjuksköterskor,samt av tjänstgörande arbetsterapeut och fysioterapeut.Metod: Den på akutmottagningen tjänstgörande arbetsterapeuten och fysioterapeuten antecknadepatienternas ålder, kön och inkomstorsak, samt utförda åtgärder

Germline variants and breast cancer survival in patients with distant metastases at primary breast cancer diagnosis

Breast cancer metastasis accounts for most of the deaths from breast cancer. Identification of germline variants associated with survival in aggressive types of breast cancer may inform understanding of breast cancer progression and assist treatment. In this analysis, we studied the associations between germline variants and breast cancer survival for patients with distant metastases at primary br

Analysis of Programmed Cell Death and Senescence Markers in the Developing Retina of an Altricial Bird Species

This study shows the distribution patterns of apoptotic cells and biomarkers of cellular senescence during the ontogeny of the retina in the zebra finch (T. guttata). Neurogenesis in this altricial bird species is intense in the retina at perinatal and post-hatching stages, as opposed to precocial bird species in which retinogenesis occurs entirely during the embryonic period. Various phases of pr

Development and postnatal neurogenesis in the retina : a comparison between altricial and precocial bird species

The visual system is affected by neurodegenerative diseases caused by the degeneration of specific retinal neurons, the leading cause of irreversible blindness in humans. Throughout vertebrate phylogeny, the retina has two kinds of specialized niches of constitutive neurogenesis: the retinal progenitors located in the circumferential marginal zone and Müller glia. The proliferative activity in the

Improved guess-and-determine and distinguishing attacks on snow-v

In this paper, we investigate the security of SNOW-V, demonstrating two guess-and-determine (GnD) attacks against the full version with complexities 2384 and 2378, respectively, and one distinguishing attack against a reduced variant with complexity 2303 . Our GnD attacks use enumeration with recursion to explore valid guessing paths, and try to truncate as many invalid guessing paths as possible

Ramification structures for quotients of the Grigorchuk groups

Groups associated to surfaces isogenous to a higher product of curves can be characterized by a purely group-theoretic condition, which is the existence of the so-called ramification structure. In this paper, we prove that infinitely many quotients of the Grigorchuk groups admit ramification structures. This gives the first explicit infinite family of 3-generated finite 2-groups with ramification

Modern project management : Challenges for the future

In this chapter, the authors highlight that the challenges related to managing modern projects are that the management problems have changed since traditional project management methods were developed. This calls for new project management methods, adapted to situations of rapid technological change and flexibility. The authors identify and highlight the limitations of both traditional and agile m

Optic Flow : A History

The concept of optic flow, a global pattern of visual motion that is both caused by and signals self-motion, is canonically ascribed to James Gibson's 1950 book "The Perception of the Visual World." There have, however, been several other developments of this concept, chiefly by Gwilym Grindley and Edward Calvert. Based on rarely referenced scientific literature and archival research, this article