

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Parameter Estimation in Finance Using Radial Basis Function Methods

Given time series market observations for a price process, the parameters in an assumed underlying model can be determined through maximum likelihood estimation. Transition probability densities need to be estimated between each pair of data points. We show that Gaussian radial basis function approximation of the Fokker-Planck equations for the densities leads to a convenient mathematical represen

S100A9 in inflammation

S100A9 is a small (13 kD) cytosolic calcium-binding protein. The protein is mainly expressed in neutrophils and monocytes in human but can also be expressed in other cell types under inflammatory conditions. S100A9 is normally co-expressed with S100A8 and forms S100A8/S100A9 heterodimers. Previous publications had suggested that S100A9 could be expressed without S100A8 in certain conditions. Vario

Höjd pensionsålder kräver anpassad arbetsmiljö

Vi lever längre och befolkningen blir därför allt äldre. Som vårt nuvarande pensionssystem är uppbyggt måste vi jobba två tredjedelar av vårt vuxna liv för att systemet ska fungera. Därför ligger det förslag om att justera pensionsåldern till 69 år. Men för att fler ska kunna och vilja arbeta till en högre ålder krävs en rad organisatoriska förändringar på dagens arbetsplatser. Att gå i pension är

Makroinnovationer, långsiktig ekonomisk utveckling och framtida utsläpp av växthusgaser

Samhället förändras kontinuerligt. Hur samhällsutvecklingen ser påverkar energiefterfrågan och utsläppen av växthusgaser. Sedan den industriella revolutionens genombrott har Sverige gått igenom tre större samhällsomställningar som har haft en stor inverkan på energisystemet och därmed utsläppen. Syftet med denna underlagsrapport är att diskutera drivkrafterna bakom dessa omställningar och vilka lä

Robust network routing under cascading failures

We propose a dynamical model for cascading failures in single-commodity network flows. In the proposed model, the network state consists of flows and activation status of the links. Network dynamics is determined by a, possibly state-dependent and adversarial, disturbance process that reduces flow capacity on the links, and routing policies at the nodes that have access to the network state, but a

The role of summer precipitation and summer temperature in establishment and growth of dwarf shrub Betula nana in northeast Siberian tundra

It is widely believed that deciduous tundra-shrub dominance is increasing in the pan-Arctic region, mainly due to rising temperature. We sampled dwarf birch (Betula nana L.) at a northeastern Siberian tundra site and used dendrochronological methods to explore the relationship between climatic variables and local shrub dominance. We found that establishment of shrub ramets was positively related t

Targeted sequencing of BRCA1 and BRCA2 across a large unselected breast cancer cohort suggests that one-third of mutations are somatic

BACKGROUND: A mutation found in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene of a breast tumor could be either germline or somatically acquired. The prevalence of somatic BRCA1/2 mutations and the ratio between somatic and germline BRCA1/2 mutations in unselected breast cancer patients are currently unclear.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Paired normal and tumor DNA was analyzed for BRCA1/2 mutations by massively parallel seque

Integrated molecular pathway analysis informs a synergistic combination therapy targeting PTEN/PI3K and EGFR pathways for basal-like breast cancer

Background: The basal-like breast cancer (BLBC) subtype is characterized by positive staining for basal mammary epithelial cytokeratin markers, lack of hormone receptor and HER2 expression, and poor prognosis with currently no approved molecularly-targeted therapies. The oncogenic signaling pathways driving basal-like tumorigenesis are not fully elucidated. Methods: One hundred sixteen unselected

Robustness of Large-Scale Stochastic Matrices to Localized Perturbations

Many notions of network centrality can be formulated in terms of invariant probability vectors of suitably defined stochastic matrices encoding the network structure. Analogously, invariant probability vectors of stochastic matrices allow one to characterize the asymptotic behavior of many linear network dynamics, e.g., arising in opinion dynamics in social networks as well as in distributed avera

A mathematical description of the behaviour of mixed chemostat cultures of an autotrophic nitrifier and a heterotrophic nitrifier/aerobic denitrifier; a comparison with experimental data

A general, unstructured mathematical model has been used to describe the behaviour of nutrient-limited growth of two bacteria in a continuous co-culture. The experimental system consisted of a two-membered mixed culture of the heterotrophic nitrifier/aerobic denitrifier, Thiosphaera pantotropha, and the autotrophic nitrifier, Nitrosomonas europaea, competing for ammonia in chemostat culture. The o

E´de´det här vi kallar kärlek? Om Alain Badious kärleksbegrepp som sanningsprocedur i en neuro-teknokratisk tidsera: exemplet adhd.

Jag avser att redogöra för sambandet, eller förhållandet, mellan formlerna 1+1=♥ och (∀a) (Ǝb) (∀c) [[(cϵa) u λ (c)] → (cϵ b)]. Då den förra formeln är hämtad från ett internetforum för personer diagnostiserade med adhd och deras anhöriga, så är den senare hämtad från den franske filosofen Alain Badious (2005a) mängdteori vari han närmar sig en ontologi om varat. Mitt eget avhandlingsprojekt rör d

ANIBAL, stable isotope-based quantitative proteomics by aniline and benzoic acid labeling of amino and carboxylic groups

Identification and relative quantification of hundreds to thousands of proteins within complex biological samples have become realistic with the emergence of stable isotope labeling in combination with high throughput mass spectrometry. However, all current chemical approaches target a single amino acid functionality (most often lysine or cysteine) despite the fact that addressing two or more amin

Patterns of somatic diagnoses in older people with intellectual disabilities : A Swedish 11-year register-based study of inpatient data

Aim: To investigate patterns of somatic inpatient ICD-10 diagnoses in people with intellectual disabilities (ID) 55 years and older in relation to age over an 11-year period, and to compare these patterns with a general population sample. Method: The study was based on Swedish national registers. The ID group (n=7936) comprised people who were aged 55 or above in 2012. They were age- and sexmatche