Din sökning på "*" gav 533127 sökträffar
The phrase-final accent in Kammu: effects of tone, focus and engagement
An expurgation upper bound on the probability of corret path loss for time-invariant convolutional codes
In this paper list decoding of convolutional codes is considered. List decoding is a very powerful, low complexity, non-backtracking decoding method that does not fully exploit the error correcting capability of the code. A correct path loss is a serious kind of error event that is typical for list decoding. An expurgated upper bound on the probability of correct path loss is derived for the ensem
Exporting Integrity: Anti-corruption Programs in the Balkans
Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, 30 March 2006, Panel on Timing and Spacing Development, Exporting Integrity: Anti-corruption Programs in the Balkans Steven Sampson Dept of Social Anthropology Lund University, Sweden Contact: steven.sampson@soc.Lu.se Anti-corruption is high on the list of development priorities, and a high level of corruption can actually prevent a government fro
A traffic safety program for a Swedish town
Is anti-corruption an imperialist plot? Transparency International and development assistance
Over the last decade the anti-corruption movement, led by the Berlin-based NGO Transparency International (TI), as grown to include 90 affiliates throughout the world. While pursuing laudable goals to raise awareness about corruption, promulgate and enforce anti-corruption conventions, pursue anti-corruption projects and embarrass corrupt governments thorugh its Corruption Perception Index and Bri
The Use of Prayers as Protection against the Evils of Nature
The paper concerns the issue of how prayers were used by the laity in late medieval Scandinavia. Often prayers were used, not only to communicate with God, but also to avoid fear and illness.
SPAM A LOT: Why SPAM is not (all)unhealthy food-SPAM as political and cultural resistance in Hawaii
The first time I visited, what is sometimes called the last Hawaiian fishing village, Miloli´i, South Kona, on the west coast of the island of Hawaii (The Big Island) in 1998, a villager took me out for fishing. We had a pretty decent catch of tuna that morning, she told me. Back to the house my newly found friends were soon preparing for a wonderful lunch with fresh tuna. Or, so I thought. To my
Speed Regulation by in-car active Accelerator pedal – effects on speed and speed distribution
The effects on speeds and speed distribution were studied in a large scale field trial with an in car system for speed adaptation in the city of Lund, Sweden. In the trial 290 vehicles were equipped with an "active accelerator pedal" and data logger for a period of 3-11 months. Data was logged in each test vehicle during the whole trial and was analyzed for 3 one-month periods: Before activating t
Bahrain- Another Trajectory of the Arab Spring. The New Middle East; Emerging Political and Ideological Trends Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, IKOS, University of Oslo. November 28, 2011.
Förnyelsens livsformer: Reflektioner kring försöks- utvecklings - och forskningsprojekt inom folkbildning och vuxenundervisning i Norden.
Plankan. En studie över den solida elgitarren
Varför och hur skall vi arbeta med medeltida barn?
God svenska! Attityder till språkliga attityder bland gymnasister och deras lärare
The Generalized Multiprocessor Periodic Resource Interface Model for Hierarchical Multiprocessor Scheduling
Composition is a practice of key importance in software engineering. When real-time applications are composed it is necessary that their timing properties (such as meeting the deadlines) are guaranteed. The composition is performed by establishing an interface between the application and the physical platform. Such an interface does typically contain information about the amount of computing capac
Comments on 'Mixed L∞/H∞ Suboptimal Controllers for SISO Continuous Time Systems'
Tuning of the Continuous-Time Kalman Filter from Sampled Data
The Processing Cost of Negation in Sentence Comprehension
A comparison of technologies for carbon neutral passenger transport
In this study, the use of energy carriers based on renewable energy sources in battery-powered electric vehicles (BPEVs), fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) is compared regarding energy efficiency, emission and cost. There is the potential to double the primary energy compared with the current level by utilising vehi