

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

Interaction Shifting Identity: The Dynamic Identity Construction of Chinese Women through the Pursuit of Thinness on Social Media

This thesis investigates the interaction of the "thinness is beauty" concept on Chinese women's social media, the rise of anti-body anxiety content, and their effects on female identity formation and consumer behavior, focusing on fast fashion brands and Red. It aims to explore the factors reinforcing narrow beauty standards, analyze changes due to anti-body anxiety content, and exam

Undersökning av samspelet i problemlösande nätverk mellan den kommunala räddningstjänsten och andra aktörer

Undersökning av samspelet i problemlösande nätverk mellan den kommunala räddningstjänsten och andra aktörer Den generella riskbilden förändras konstant och då samhället blir mer komplext krävs det att aktörer arbetar tillsammans för att lösa problem. Dessa problemlösande nätverk har undersökts i detta examensarbete där fokus har varit på räddningstjänstens perspektiv. I takt med att samhället The risk profile changes constantly as society changes, and this entails a necessity to change activities to prevent risks. Major incidents require a variety of actors who create problem-solving networks, which is why the following thesis examines the role of emergency services in such problem-solving networks. An interview study was conducted, and the results showed that the work between the fire

Beyond the Beauty Filter: A Quantitative Study Exploring Tiktokers’ Role in Shaping Beauty Brand Image

Research Question: What is the impact of TikToker’s authenticity and quality of TikToker’s content on brand image in the beauty industry, and to what extent does the attitude towards sponsored content moderate these relationships. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of TikTokers in the beauty industry on brand image, focusing on the roles of TikToker’s authenticity, qualit

The Exploration of Green Blushing in the Fashion Industry - A Case Study of Kappahl

Sustainability communication within the fashion industry remains constrained despite a growing focus on sustainability initiatives by brands. This master’s thesis investigates this constraint, often referred to as ‘green blushing’. Using qualitative research methods, this study examines the phenomenon through a case study of the Swedish fashion brand Kappahl. The findings reveal various factors co

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Advertising

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing has garnered significant attention due to its potential to revolutionize content creation and enhance advertising strategies. Despite the enthusiasm surrounding AI tools, concerns persist regarding their impact on brand authenticity and consumer perceptions. The present study aims to deepen the understanding of the influence of AI-genera

MIFO inventering av deponier, kemtvätt och brandövningsplats med fokus på PFAS

PFAS är en grupp av 10 000 människoskapade ämnen, kända för sina fett-, smuts- och vattenavstötande egenskaper, som använts sedan 1950-talet. De användes i bland annat brandskum, textiler och kosmetika. PFAS är mycket svårnedbrutna, de ansamlas i naturen och människor från intag av vatten, växter och djur. Det har visats att PFAS är vara farligt, PFAS kan negativt påverka reproduktions-, och hormoThis study focuses on PFAS-pollution, specifically the pollution situation for four objects in Svedala municipality. Per- and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFAS) has been used widely since the 1950s and spread because of anthropogenic activities, due to their characteristics, such as dirt-, grease, and water repellent properties in cosmetics, textiles and fire extinguishers. PFAS has shown to be pers

Skogsnäringens ansvarstagande för den biologiska mångfalden

Vem bär ansvaret för att INTE döda skogen? I dagens samhälle använder folk mer och mer resurser och en stor del av materialen som används i dessa skapas från träden i skogen. När träden huggs ner kan djur och växter som finns i samma miljö ta stor skada. Områdets biologiska mångfald anges exempelvis av dess antal olika arter eller antalet naturtyper, alternativt både och. När skogen skadas till fSociety's increased demand for wood has led to amplified extraction of forests, which has negatively affected the preservation of biological diversity. In Sweden, the world's fourth largest wood exporter, forest conservation legislation is based on freedom with responsibility, which means that forest owners are expected to take personal responsibility for the consideration of the forest

En hållbar trädgårdsjord

Intresset för växter och att odla tycks öka i takt med intresset att leva mer hållbart. Att plantera i antingen en rabatt eller en kruka tillsammans med den mest anpassade jorden köpt i den närmaste trädgårdsbutiken är troligtvis en självklar del av processen. Studeras baksidan på jordsäcken närmare går det utläsa att jorden till största del består av torv. Torv är en fossil resurs med en bildningDrained peatlands in Sweden emit approximately 11 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents annually. Attempts to rewet to eliminate emissions have shown that the irreversible processes of peat oxidation in the form of peatland deposition makes it hard, since it instead greatly increases methane gas emissions. This study presents a literature review of the environmental consequences of peat and peatland

Ett avskyvärt brott - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om framställningen av äldre som har utsatts för bedrägerier i svensk press

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur äldre personer framställs som offer i morgon- och kvällspressen i Sverige. Syftet var vidare att diskutera vilken inverkan medias framställning har på både individer och samhället. Med hjälp av den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen har 82 tidningsartiklar analyserats. Resultatet visade på att äldre ofta skildras som ideala offer och att åldern hade stor be

The environmental impact categories of the Levkart

LEVTEK SWEDEN AB håller på att lansera en ny typ av elektriskt drivet fordon vid namn LEVKARTEN. Produkten ska med sina fyra hjul vara lätt och stabil att köra samtidigt som den erbjuder goda lastmöjligheter både inomhus och utomhus. Fordonet är utrustat med avancerade funktioner som möjliggör ökad säkerhet samt semi-autonom eller autonom körning. Innan Levtek lanserar deras nya produkt, vill de uThe start-up company LEVTEK is launching a new ultralight electric utility vehicle called the LEVKART. The Levkart uses a combination of robotics and AI-technology to offer semi-autonomous or autonomous riding and usage. The purpose of the vehicle is to serve as an alternative to cargo bikes and electric scooters designed for easy usage and as a more sustainable option to fossil-based transport. T

Hållbara arbetsmetoder inom masshantering

Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur masshanteringsprocessen ser ut i ett projekt. Studiens fokusområde kommer undersöka hur projekt förhåller sig till de utmaningar som finns inom masshantering, specifikt kring logistik och masshanteringsplanering. Vidare kommer examensarbetet undersöka hur verktyg för masshantering används i projekt och resultatet av användningen. En fallstudie har geThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the mass management process within a project. The study focuses on how projects address challenges in mass management, specifically regarding logistics and mass management planning. Furthermore, the thesis will investigate the use of mass management tools in projects and the outcomes of their usage. A case study was conducted on a case company and one of i

Explosionsrisker med flygaska från biobränsleeldade fjärrvärmeverk

The use of biofuel has been used a long time and its consumption keeps increasing. Depending on where the fuel comes from, the chemical composition can be very different. There have been incidents of ashes generating flammable gases, but also the ashes itself have been seen in dust explosion incidents. The risk must be understood and evaluated properly. This paper aims to investigate how explosive

Needs to consider when adapting IoMT value propositions for mixed home care

Background: Healthcare systems across the globe face challenges with staffing shortages and unsustainable expenditure, intensified by an aging population requiring more long-term care. Mixed home care, combining formal and informal care at home, is a growing market, where Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) solutions offer opportunities for efficiency and personalized care. Purpose: To identify, un

Navigating the Nexus: Challenges and Success Factors in Early Stage Multi-Stakeholder Innovation Projects

The aim of this study is to critically examine the strategic challenges in an early-stage multi-stakeholder innovation project, which has the aim to develop a novel solution. A qualitative single case study consisting of seven semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify strategic challenges as well as key success factors. Furthermore, an abductive approach was adopted in order to elabora

Mind the Gap - Exploring the Role of Men in Global Care Chain Gaps

The large number of women, many of whom are mothers, migrating for work across the globe have caused disruptions in the so-called “global care chains”, as coined by Hochschild (2000). These disruptions are referred to as “care drain”, “care deficits” or “care gaps” (Dumitru, 2014). In response to these care gaps, families across the world have had to reconfigure care arrangements. The implications

The Criminalisation of Abortions and Women's Experiences: A Netnography study on women's experiences with the Criminalisation of Abortions

This study aims to explore the experiences women face due to the criminalisation of abortions in the United States. It presents a thematic analysis of the criminalisation of abortion through a feminist framework, examining its profound implications on women's lives. Utilizing secondary data from social media platforms and news outlets, this research will also employ netnography and ethnography