

Din sökning på "*" gav 533143 sökträffar

Citizen Science: An Uncut Diamond for Marine Monitoring

The marine environment is a vital resource protecting our ecosystem and a critical part of the wellbeing of our planet. Marine Strategy Planning (MSP) is essential for conservation and protection of marine monitoring systems and governments should constantly improve their strategies and aim for increased effectiveness of these systems. This thesis focuses on marine conservation in Sweden and revie

PTZ Camera Tampering Correction Using IMUs

The Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera is a type of camera that covers large areas, up to 360°, in addition to zoom. Some of these cameras are susceptible to tampering, which means that an additional angle measurement feedback is necessary to detect such attempts. This thesis has evaluated the possibility of using MEMS-based IMUs to solve this problem. An advantage of such a system over other solutions, s

The Pursuit of Transnational Capabilities in Multinational Business Management

The increasingly volatile, uncertain, and complex business landscape in which contemporary global corporations operate presents challenges to management and specifically for leaders of dispersed virtual teams. To cope with unreliable external circumstances, modern multinationals operate under imperatives to develop new forms of transnational capabilities, by mobilizing knowledge resources across g

On-the-Job Search and Discouragement during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda

Given the widespread underemployment in Africa, on-the-job search represents a key channel through which individuals seek better employment oppor- tunities that value their skills and competences. However, empirical research on the determinants of on-the-job search has almost exclusively been conducted in advanced economies. The study aims to identify the determinants of on-the-job search among di

Vegetation cover change on Tindfjöll mountains, Iceland, assessed by aerial photographs, topography, and climate

Guðrún Guðjónsdóttir Climate change is having a great impact on the fragile High Latitude environment where warming is occurring at a rate at least double the global average. It is urgent to understand the relationship between climate and vegetation cover, which is playing an important role, as a carbon sink, for biodiversity, and for protecting against natural hazards. Less studied but equally i

Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning for Energy Systems

Building operations account for a large amount of energy usage and the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems are the largest consumer of energy in this sector. To reduce this demand, more energy-efficient control algorithms are implemented and a popular choice for a controller is the model predictive control. However, this demands a precise model. Modeling the indoor climate in

Spelar spelare någon roll? Svenska spelares tankar kring och erfarenheter av spelbevarande ur ett arkivperspektiv

This master thesis examines positions to long-term preservation of digital games in Sweden. Digital games are a new artform and type of cultural heritage but few actions have been taken to preserve them in an institutional context. If nothing is done now digital games risk disappearing very soon. The majority of long-term preservation of digital games has been performed by individual or groups

Human capital and signalling theory. The communication mechanisms between fund seekers and backers in reward-based crowdfunding: a Swedish Kickstarter Campaigns data-based approach.

Purpose - Based on previous research, this study explores the importance of signals as a way to attract investment in Reward-based Crowdfunding by focusing on signalling theory. This study presents two hypotheses suggesting a positive relationship between Human Capital (defined as education and previous working experience) and the likelihood of success on Reward-based Crowdfunding. Methodology - T

Cancer Driver Gene Detection using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on H3K4me3 Enrichment Profiles

In spite of our current knowledge regarding the biology underlying cancer genesis, reliable methods for the discovery of cancer driver (CD) genes are still in great need. The rather recent incorporation of epigenetic markers to the cancer paradigm has nevertheless opened the door for the development of new computational approaches to the problem. This work is aimed to study the enrichment of cer

Complementarity of high energy and high intensity experiments for dark photon benchmarks

Physical phenomena that are unexplained by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, are the subject of the area of research known as physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). BSM physics contains many Dark Matter (DM) theories which have emerged; from particles such as axions, neutrinos, and Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), to primordial black holes and others. The range of exper

Determinants of the use of violence against children: Evidence from Peru

This research carried out an assessment on the socioeconomic factors related to the use of violence (psychological aggression and physical assault) against children within the family context, and the extent to which childrearing patterns can be transmitted across generations. The sample under study consisted of 13,205 observations from mothers in all regions of Peru and their children aged 1 to 5

Improvement of Pt-based catalyst supported on CeZrO2 used for the high-temperature water-gas shift reaction

The iron-chromium (Fe/Cr) catalyst is used for high-temperature water-gas shift (HT WGS) reaction. A major concern using the Fe/Cr catalyst is that it contains hexavalent chromium (Cr+6) which is a potent carcinogen causing health and environmental issues. In order to reduce the usage of chromium in industrial HT WGS applications, a chromium-free catalyst needs to be developed. The aim of this theAs energy demand increases worldwide, the interest in hydrogen has increased as well. Hydrogen is an excellent energy source and an essential component in large industries such as oil refineries, ammonia production plants and methanol synthesis plants. To produce hydrogen, steam methane reforming process is used where methane (CH4) and steam (H2O) is converted to carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen

En litteraturstudie om att klargöra polyfenolers effekt för prevention av neurodegenerativa sjukdomar

Bakgrund I en åldrande befolkning ökar risken att utveckla neurodegenerativa sjukdomar. Begreppet neurodegenerativ sjukdom är ett samlingsbegrepp för många olika sjukdomar som har gemensamt att de påverkar neuronerna i hjärnan. Om dessa neuroner skadas eller dör kan kroppen inte ersätta dem, vilket gör att sjukdomarna som omfattas inte går att bota, de innebär funktionsnedsättningar för individen

Nyckeln till makten

Politisk utveckling sker konstant. Detta har lett till att gamla politiska konstellationer försvinner och nya föds. Politiska projekt som Alliansen och De rödgröna har syftet att samla politisk makt för att få politiska mandat och därmed makt i riksdagen. Eftersom Sverige idag har mer än åtta partier är det väldigt viktigt för de stora partierna att samla mindre partier kring sig för att öka chans

International trade determinants of unequal exchange through panel data analysis. An alternative view of international development

I approach international development from an international relations perspective. To do so, I first review historical and current economic relationships between developed and developing countries. After confirming the existence of hidden value transfers flowing from low income to wealthy countries, I conduct a panel data analysis on 89 developing countries from 1985 to 2017. The main objective of

Fuktanalys i en kontorsbyggnad. En studie om hur befuktning av inomhusluften påverkar den relativa fuktigheten i ytterväggen

Låga relativa fuktigheter inomhus orsakar negativa hälsoeffekter på människor. Vanligast uppkommer torrhetssymptom i ögon, näsa, hals och hud. Aktiv befuktning genom ventilationen i torra klimat kan vara en åtgärd, dock måste det analyseras ifall den extra fuktproduktionen kan orsaka fuktskador. Syftet med examensarbetet är att studera hur ytterväggen i ett kontor påverkas av en förhöjd relativ Low levels of relative humidity indoor has a negative effect on the health of people. Most commonly appears dryness symptoms in eyes, nose, throat, and skin. Humidification of the air through ventilation in dry environments could be a solution, though it must be analyzed if the extra moisture can cause any problems. The purpose is to study how the outer wall in the building will react to the ele

Institutions and development: The Italian Chambers of Commerce in the promotion of the regional industrialisation during the 19th century

The research analyses the relationship between the establishment of the Italian Chambers of Commerce and the regional industrial development during the 19th century. By applying an OLS regression model, the work finds a positive, strong, and significant correlation between the Chambers’ functioning years and the industrial value-added of their administrated territory. The study offers supporting e

Färgpåverkan i sociala medier

Examensarbetets titel: Färgpåverkan på sociala medier Seminariedatum: 3 juni 2022 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Linda Hussein, Benhur Teclensenbet och Jamal Abu Handledare: Johan Gromark Fem nyckelord: Sociala medier, Varumärkespersonlighet, Köpintention, Färger, Köpbeteende Forskningsfråga: Påverkar användningen av färg på soTitle: Color impact on social media Seminar date: 3rd June 2022 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS‐cr) Authors: Linda Hussein, Benhur Teclensenbet and Jamal Abu Advisor/s: Johan Gromark Key words: Social Media, Brand personality, Purchase intentions, Colors, Consumer behavior. Research q

Push Brake System on a Bike Trailer

In this thesis, an investigation is done about the possibility to integrate electronic push brakes on a bicycle trailer. The bicycle trailer is a multifunctional trailer used when running, bicycling, or skiing. By conducting a concept developing process, this investigation aims to build a full-scale mock-up, that can be used as a proof of concept. The problem is divided into four sub-problems; bra