

Din sökning på "*" gav 526761 sökträffar

Endoscopic assessment and grading of Barrett's esophagus using magnification endoscopy and narrow-band imaging: accuracy and interobserver agreement of different classification systems

Background: Three different classification systems for the evaluation of Barrett's esophagus (BE) using magnification endoscopy (ME) and narrow-band imaging (NBI) have been proposed. Until now, no comparative and external evaluation of these systems in a clinical-like situation has been performed. Objective: To compare and validate these 3 classification systems. Design: Prospective validation stu

Treatment with AMD3100 attenuates the microglial response and improves outcome after experimental stroke.

Recovery of lost neurological function after stroke is limited and dependent on multiple mechanisms including inflammatory processes. Selective pharmacological modulation of inflammation might be a promising approach to improve stroke outcome. Methods: We used 1,1'-[1,4-phenylenebis(methylene)] bis[1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane] (AMD3100), an antagonist to the C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (

On the capability of Monte Carlo and adjoint inversion techniques to derive posterior parameter uncertainties in terrestrial ecosystem models

Terrestrial ecosystem models (TEMs) contain the coupling of many biogeochemical processes with a large number of parameters involved. In many cases those parameters are highly uncertain. In order to reduce those uncertainties, parameter estimation methods can be applied, which allow the model to be constrained against observations. We compare the performance and results of two such parameter estim

Nu skrotar vi AT!

Artikel om varför AT borde skrotas.An article on why the mandatory medical training after medical education should be scraped.

Body mass index is not a reliable tool in predicting celiac disease in children.

Untreated celiac disease is traditionally believed to be associated with malabsorption and underweight. However, studies describing body mass index (BMI) in individuals at the time of diagnosis have shown contradictory results. We investigated the differences in weight, height, and BMI in 12- year-old children with screening-detected celiac disease compared to their healthy peers.

Prevalence of thyroid autoimmunity in children with celiac disease compared to healthy 12-year olds.

Objectives. Studies have suggested a correlation between untreated celiac disease and risk for other autoimmune diseases. We investigated the prevalence of thyroid autoimmunity in 12-year-old children (i) with symptomatic celiac disease diagnosed and treated with a gluten-free diet, (ii) with screening-detected untreated celiac disease, and (iii) without celiac disease. Methods. Blood samples from

Analyses and Applications of the Peaceman--Rachford and Douglas--Rachford Splitting Schemes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Partiella differentialekvationerna} är kraftfulla verktyg som kan användas för att beskriva fysikaliska fenomen inom bland annat naturvetenskap, teknik, ekonomi och medicin. Listan med tillämpningar kan göras hur lång som helst: Partiella differentialekvationer kan beskriva hur en snöflinga bildas, hur strukturer deformeras när de utsätts för mekaniska krafter, hur blodSplitting methods are widely used as temporal discretizations of evolution equations. Such methods usually constitute competitive choices whenever a vector field can be split into a sum of two or more parts that each generates a flow easier to compute or approximate than the flow of the sum. In the research presented in this Licentiate thesis we consider dissipative evolution equations with vector

Effects on logistic operations from RFID- and EPCIS-enabled traceability

Purpose - The paper aims to explore the potential effects on logistic operations of implementing the Electronic Product Code Information Service (EPCIS) standard and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to enable food traceability. A conceptual model for analysing supply chains according to EPCIS standard is also presented. Design/methodology/approach - A literature review was conducte

Concise Total Synthesis of Dehaloperophoramidine.

Perophoramidine, dehaloperophoramidine, and communesin F are structurally related alkaloids having intriguing polycyclic structures. A strategy for the synthesis of dehaloperophoramidine has been developed. In this synthesis all skeletal atoms and all functional groups required to reach the target molecule are incorporated early in the sequence. This approach led to the discovery of two novel subs

Band structure of segmented semiconductor nanowires

We have calculated the band structures for strained segmented nanowires involving all combinations of AlN, GaN, InN, AlP, GaP, AlAs, GaAs, InP, InAs, AlSb, GaSb, and InSb, as a function of segment length. This was done for two different growth directions of the wires, [100] and [111]. Both the Gamma and the X conduction-band minima were included in the calculations as well as the valence bands. Sh

Studies on the Interactions Between Mucin and Surfactant Aggregates Containing the Cationic Surfactant Dodecyl Betainate

The interactions of surfactant aggregates containing the cationic, cleavable surfactant dodecyl betainate (DB) with mucin are investigated. The aggregates were either mixed micelles of DB and the nonionic surfactant PS-80 in different ratios or a dispersion of the commercial self-emulsifying drug-delivery formulation Sandimmun Neoral charged with DB. It is found that for the surfactant aggregates

Factors influencing Internet usage in older adults (65 years and above) living in rural and urban Sweden

Older adults living in rural and urban areas have shown to distinguish themselves in technology adoption; a clearer profile of their Internet use is important in order to provide better technological and health-care solutions. Older adults' Internet use was investigated across large to midsize cities and rural Sweden. The sample consisted of 7181 older adults ranging from 59 to 100 years old. Inte

Stärkande samtal : fyra fallstudier av invandrarfamiljers läkarbesök i barndiabetesvården

I denna rapport redovisas en studie av kommunikationsmönster och strategier i konsultationer inom barndiabetesvården. En utgångspunkt för studien är att samtalsstrategier för att stödja upplevelsen av tilltro till sin förmåga att utföra vården av barnet kan urskiljas på mikronivå i samtalet. Fyra läkarkonsultationer inom barndiabetesvården har spelats in, transkriberats, analyserats och kompletter

Augmenting L1 Adaptive Control of Piecewise Constant Type to Aerial Vehicles

In aerial vehicle control design, the industrial baseline is to use robust control methods together with gain-scheduling to cover the full airspeed and altitude flight envelope. An adaptive controller could possibly add value by increasing performance while keeping robustness to deviation from nominal assumptions. In this thesis L1 adaptive control is studied and evaluated as it is applied to a pi