

Din sökning på "*" gav 528191 sökträffar

Kontraproduktiva strömningar i Plan Colombias kölvatten.

År 2000 initierade Andrés Pastrana, dåvarande president i Colombia, ett socialt och ekonomiskt fredsprojekt kallad Plan Colombia. USA har som ensam uppbackare av projektet bistått med över fem miljarder dollar i syfte att föra krig mot droger. De uppsatta målen inom ramen för Plan Colombia har dock inte uppfyllts, och på vissa håll benämner man även insatsen som kontraproduktiv. Vi har analyserat

An Alternative Theorethical Approach to the Phenomenon of Social Movements: The Argentinazo Movement

In the last decade, the social movements have been critical agents of the social change. The rise of the anti-globalisation movements remarks the onset of a new era for the social movements. Although the anti-globalisation movements commonly emerge at the trans-national level, there is a unique case in Argentina which illustrates that the anti-globalisation movements are also feasible at the natio

State Policy and Internal Migration - A Study of the Household Registration (hukou) System in China

In China, the past 30 years have been characterized by economic growth and rapid development that has transformed the nation into an important player on the international market. This phenomenal progress probably would have been impossible without the cheap labor force provided by the Chinese countryside in the form of migrant workers. Millions of rural people circulate the nation today in order t

Children of the Lord’s Resistant Army; An exploration of social relations from the perspective of Ugandan former child combatants

Ever since 1987 the Lord’s Resistant Army (LRA), a theocratic rebel force, has been abducting children in Uganda to partake in the conflict against the Ugandan government and its forces. The children’s lives are drastically changed in a matter of minutes; they are suddenly forced to whiteness and take part in ruthless brutalities. Some of them live for months, others for years, under dictatorial r

People, Planet, Profit

Sociala företag är organisationer vilka kombinerar sociala och kanske miljömässiga målsättningar med vinstdrivande företagsverksamhet. Den grunden är det enda oomstridda draget hos alla de skilda verksamheter som kan sägas gå under namnet ”sociala företag”. I övrigt är olika aktörer oeniga om vad sociala företag egentligen är, deras plats i ekonomin och vad deras funktion i samhället är och kan va

Löjeväckande spåmän eller tillförlitligt prästerskap - Haruspices i Etrurien och Rom

The purpose of this paper is to penetrate the attitude amongst the Romans towards the consultation of the haruspices, Etruscan experts on divination, who consulted entrails, thunderbolts and other prodigies. The Romans incorporated the tradition in their cult and the haruspices were consulted by the senate and by private people to answer questions about portents sent by the gods. The paper is limi

Representation utan rötter

The transnational parties in Europe, the Europarties, have often been criticized for their lack of capability to represent the people of Europe. This essay takes its starting point from this criticism and examines to what extent the Europarties carry out the demands of political representation theories. The research presents seven different representation theories and analysis the Europarties from

Problem med gasen: Vitrysslands och Ukrainas gaskonflikter med Ryssland 2004 respektive 2006

The importance of energy security for modern economies has increased in recentyears. The role of energy security has lately also been closely attached to national security which has had an effect on the international political arena and nation’s foreign policies. This bachelor thesis tries to analyze how the energy conflicts between Russia and Belarus (2004) and between Russian and Ukraine (2006)

Tycker vi bättre om EU när vi bestämmer? En studie om hur folkets inställning till EU förändras i samband med ett ordförandeskap

To be the president of the Council of Ministers in the European Union is a giant political challenge. The country at the helm is in the centre of EU´s decision making process and in the media´s spotlight. What consequences does this situation have for the country that holds the presidency? In this bachelor thesis I examine if the people’s attitudes towards the European Union changes when their ow

Svenskt utvecklingssamarbete på lokal nivå - En studie om decentralisering och kommunala partnerskap.

Decentralization and support to local democracy are keystones in Sweden's development cooperation. This cooperation is channelled through local partnerships in order to create fora for exchange of experiences of local self-governance and to strengthen democratic institutions on a sub-national level. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of, and to future research on, decentralizat

Why states are unable to defeat pirates - an actor perspective on the state's conflict with pirates

This thesis is investigating the conflict between the state and pirates in an actor perspective. It shows that the conflict contains both an indirect- and a direct conflict. The first is a military and juridical struggle where the state tries to defeat pirates. The latter is a competition on controlling the large values transported via sea. I conclude that the state has not defeated pirates becaus

Demokrati eller ekonomi? En idéanalys av Statskontorets värdeprioritering

The thesis that this essay rests upon implies that economic values are much higher prioritized then democratic values in the Swedish administration. This assumption applies throughout the entire public administration. A lot of research points on the danger with the decreasing focus on democratic values and increasing focus on economic values. The two different kinds of values are often seen as inc

India in the Doha Development Round

This thesis attempts to answer the question why there was a breakdown in talks between India and the USA over the issue Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM), at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Geneva in July 2008. This is done through Robert Putnams’ two-level game framework, which is applied to the interplay between India’s diplomacy and domestic politics. The thesis concludes that the underd

Bland stjärnor och entreprenörer - en studie av rapportörens roll i Regionkommittén

The aim of this thesis is to explore the complex role of the Rapporteur in the Committee of the Regions. The Rapporteur is a member of the Committee who is appointed by its Commission to prepare opinions. Hence, the Rapporteur can be an extremely influential actor. In an environment of multiple interests, which characterise the Committee, the question arises: how does it affect the role of the Rap