

Din sökning på "*" gav 534700 sökträffar

Structure of LdtMt2, an l,d-transpeptidase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

The transpeptidase LtdMt2 catalyzes the formation of the (3-3) cross-links characteristic of the peptidoglycan layer in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell wall. Bioinformatics analysis suggests that the extramembrane part of the enzyme consists of three domains: two smaller domains (denoted as A and B domains) and a transpeptidase domain (the C domain) at the C-terminus. The crystal structures of

”Det vanvårdas ju nu, med kärlek” - En studie av hinder för bevarande av sociala rörelseorganiseringars arkiv

Popular involvement in Swedish society has gone through what can be described as a “death of associations”, a decreased participation in formal organizations. The involvement has not vanished, it merely seems to (partially) have changed shape to the benefit of less formal types of organizing, among others social movements. The informal structures raise questions about fundamental archival concepts

”And that is something that no normal person would search for”: visuell informationssökning via Google Street View för geografispelet GeoGuessr

The purpose of this thesis is to develop knowledge about visual information seeking and how it might be affected by socio-technical circumstances, with its focus on GeoGuessr players’ research through Google Street View. The study asks two research questions: 1. How do GeoGuessr players use Google Street View to do research? and 2. How can Google Street View’s socio-technical circumstances affect

Ljushetskontraster : Studie med personer med synnedsättningar avseende sambandet mellan ljushetskontrast och skiljelinjens bredd.

Personer med synnedsättningar behöver ljushetskontraster för att varnas, för att få ledning och för att hitta. Kunskapen är emellertid dålig vad gäller utformningsdetaljer. Denna studie skall ligga till grund för förbättring av råden om utformning för bättre orienteringsmöjligheter för personer med synnedsättningar bl.a. vid revidering av Vägverkets och Svenska Kommunförbundets handbok Vägars och

Planering och utformning för fotgängare med fokus på personer med synnedsättningar

Trafikverket har ansvar för att förverkliga den beslutade funktionshinderspolitiken, som regleras i regeringsuppdrag och i en särskild förordning, SFS 2014:135. Trafikverket ska vara ett föredöme när det gäller tillgänglighet för personer med funktionsnedsättning, och bidra till allas delaktighet i samhället. Syftet med den föreliggande kunskapssammanställningen är att samla den kunskap som finns

AI i samhällets tjänst – Balansgång mellan innovation och risk inom samhällsviktiga verksamheter

This study examines various risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence (AI), which have become increasingly relevant as the technology rapidly develops and integrates into society. The risks have been categorized into six main areas: technological, data- and analytical, informational and communicational, economic, social, ethical and legal and regulatory. These areas include challeng

Enhancing the Business Environment Efficiency Through Data Sharing in Product Lifecycle Management

In the constantly changing environment in which companies operate, it is important to be able to optimize various activities throughout the product lifecycle. This places great demands on companies and their value chain, where information exchanges are central to activities. There are risks and rewards, such as the risk of losing intellectual property and unlocking new business cases, that co

Technocultural worldings

In this piece, which frames the special issue “Technocultural worldings,” we build on previous editions of commentary and criticism in this journal. We propose a theoretically anchored way to systematically approach the dynamic, multidimensional, and heterogeneous technocultural communities that have created their own worldings and are engaged in complex dialectical dynamics within the contemporar

Binding and processing of β-lactam antibiotics by the transpeptidase LdtMt2 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

β-lactam antibiotics represent a novel direction in the chemotherapy of tuberculosis that brings the peptidoglycan layer of the complex mycobacterial cell wall in focus as a therapeutic target. Peptidoglycan stability in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, especially during infection, relies on the nonconventional peptide cross-links formed by l,d-transpeptidases. These enzymes are known to be inhibited b

Disaster Risk Information Access in Karnali Province, Nepal: An egocentric social network analysis

Globally, climate change is exacerbating natural hazard frequencies and intensities. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 places a high priority on the strengthening of understanding of disaster risk, primarily through strengthening access to disaster risk information. This priority is further affirmed in the Nepali National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategic Plan of Action 20

Expression and Purification of BoGal36A Wild-type and W297F Mutant

This study investigated the enzyme BoGal36A, produced by the gut bacterium Bacteroides ovatus. BoGal36A is an alpha-galactosidase, an enzyme that breaks down complex sugars. Unlike most alpha-galactosidases from the GH36 family, BoGal36A appears to cleave internal glycosidic bonds. In this study, the wild-type BoGal36A and mutant W297F was expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cells and purified subsequ

Framtidens Energilandskap: Energidelning och Energigemenskaper - En intervjustudie

Denna studie undersöker faktorer som påverkar bildandet av energigemenskaper och utbredningen av eldelning i Sverige. De regulatoriska omständigheterna, samhällsnyttorna och nyttorna utifrån en fastighetsägares perspektiv undersöks genom intervjuer med experter och aktörer inom fastighetssektorn. Resultaten visar att det sker en förändring i vad elanvändare efterfrågar från elsystemet, att flexibi

Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Children with Atrial Septal Defects Improves After Closure by Means of Increased Hydraulic Force.

Hydraulic force aids diastolic filling of the left ventricle (LV) by facilitating basal movement of the atrioventricular plane. The short-axis atrioventricular area difference (AVAD) determines direction and magnitude of this force. Patients with atrial septal defect (ASD) have reduced LV filling due to the left-to-right shunt across the atrial septum and thus potentially altered hydraulic force.

Expanding an adaptive learning-rate algorithm to handle mini-batch training

Resilient backpropagation, Rprop, is a robust and accurate optimization method used in neural network training with batch-learning. As a result of its adaptive step sizes, Rprop requires copious amounts of data at each iteration which slows it down when dealing with large datasets, compared with mini-batch methods. We create and empirically evaluate a version of Rprop, S-Rprop, which can handle mi

Läsfrämjande lärosätesbibliotek - En kvalitativ studie om studenters deltagande i en bokcirkel på ett lärosätesbibliotek

Promoting reading through book clubs in academic libraries is a relatively new phenomenon in Sweden, despite the Swedish Library Act mandating that all pub-licly funded libraries should "promote the position of literature" (SFS 2013:801). In the Swedish context, there is limited research on reading promotion in aca-demic libraries. Internationally, some studies exist, but few employ a ca

Advanced Monitoring of H2S Injection through the Coupling of Reactive Transport Models and Geophysical Responses

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), an environmentally harmful pollutant, is a byproduct of geothermal energy production. To reduce the H2S emissions, H2S-charged water is injected into the basaltic subsurface, where it mineralizes to iron sulfides. Here, we couple geophysical induced polarization (IP) measurements in H2S injection wells and geochemical reactive transport models (RTM) to monitor the H2S stora