

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Direct and Indirect Drivers of Moss Community Structure, Function, and Associated Microfauna Across a Successional Gradient

Relative to vascular plants, little is known about what factors control bryophyte communities or how they respond to successional and environmental changes. Bryophytes are abundant in boreal forests, thus changes in moss community composition and functional traits (for example, moisture and nutrient content; rates of photosynthesis and respiration) may have important consequences for ecosystem pro

Strong asymmetry in the relative strengths of prezygotic and postzygotic barriers between two damselfly sister species

One of the longest debates in biology has been over the relative importance of different isolating barriers in speciation. However, for most species, there are few data evaluating their relative contributions and we can only speculate on the general roles of pre- and postzygotic isolation. Here, we quantify the absolute and cumulative contribution of 19 potential reproductive barriers between two

A note on a QPTAS for maximum weight triangulation of planar point sets

We observe that the recent quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme (QPTAS) of Adamaszek and Wiese for the Maximum Weight Independent Set of Polygons problem, where polygons have at most a polylogarithmic number of vertices and nonnegative weights, yields: 1. a QPTAS for the problem of finding, for a set S of n points in the plane, a planar straight-line graph (PSLG) whose vertices are the point

Augmentation of autologous bone graft by a combination of bone morphogenic protein and bisphosphonate increased both callus volume and strength

Background and purpose Bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) can be used in non-unions to replace autograft. BMPs induce osteoblasts and (less well known) also osteoclasts, which can in turn be controlled by a bisphosphonate. In the present study, our aim was to improve the biological effect of autologous bone graft by adding an anabolic BMP, with or without bisphosphonates, in an open-fracture model p

Strange particle production in proton-proton collisions at root s=0.9 TeV with ALICE at the LHC

The production of mesons containing strange quarks (K-S(0), phi) and both singly and doubly strange baryons (Lambda, (Lambda) over bar, and Xi(-) + (Xi) over bar (+)) are measured at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at root s = 0.9 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The results are obtained from the analysis of about 250 k minimum bias events recorded in 2009. Measurements of yields (dN/dy) an

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Abstract in Norwegian Ved passivering er det vanligvis hovedverbet som får passiv form, mens hjelpeverb og hjelpeverbsaktige verb ikke berøres. Men både i norsk og dansk og svensk finner vi passivkonstruksjoner som avviker fra dette mønsteret. Det forekommer nemlig også at både hjelpeverb og hovedverb har passiv morfologi (dobbel passiv), eller at bare hjelpeverbet har slik markering (opp-ned-pass

Simulation of Water Level Fluctuations in Kettle Holes Using a Time Series Model

Kettle holes are widespread in moraine landscapes. Their hydrological properties may be very vulnerable to changes in climatic conditions. To increase our knowledge of how kettle holes function and how they may be affected by climate change requires a model that can be applied to a variety of them regardless of their properties. We used the PIRFICT time series model to simulate the water levels in

An Exploratory Study of Enterprise Risk Management Pillars of ERM

There is a general consensus that enterprise risk management’s (ERM) popularity has resulted from a response to pressure on organizations to holistically manage risk. Multiple frameworks for implementation of ERM contribute to an overall uncertainty regarding the essential components of ERM. This uncertainty carries forward to empirical studies of ERM where results regarding value creation are inc

The interplay between bacterial community composition and the environment determining function of inland water bacteria

We hypothesized that habitats differing in water flow regime would differ in bacterial function either because of differences in the local environment, in bacterial community composition (BCC), or in the mechanism shaping BCC (community assembly). In 20 lakes and 17 inlet streams BCC was analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism of the gene coding for 16S ribosomal RNA, and bac

Delaktighet bland unga utanför

A chapter in "Fokus 10 En anlys av ungas inflytande" published by the Swedish National board for Youth affairs. The chapter presents possibilities and challenges for excluded and marginalised youths participation and influence in society as well as hindrances towards being actors in their own lives.

Gene expression regulation and lineage evolution: the North and South tale of the hybrid polyploid Squalius alburnoides complex

The evolution of hybrid polyploid vertebrates, their viability and their perpetuation over evolutionary time have always been questions of great interest. However, little is known about the impact of hybridization and polyploidization on the regulatory networks that guarantee the appropriate quantitative and qualitative gene expression programme. The Squalius alburnoides complex of hybrid fish is

Inter-domain electron transfer in cellobiose dehydrogenase: modulation by pH and divalent cations

The flavocytochrome cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) is secreted by wood-decomposing fungi, and is the only known extracellular enzyme with the characteristics of an electron transfer protein. Its proposed function is reduction of lytic polysaccharide mono-oxygenase for subsequent cellulose depolymerization. Electrons are transferred from FADH(2) in the catalytic flavodehydrogenase domain of CDH to

Traffic Calming in India : Report on the theory of Traffic Calming and empirical trials in the city of Jaipur

The pedestrian safety problem is huge in all developing countries. The main aims of the project are therefore: 1/To understand pedestrian safety problem in a developing country, 2/To identify feasible traffic calming measures. International experiences were complemented by field studies at seven sites in the city of Jaipur. A wide range of field studies were made, out of which traffic conflict stu

Breast cancer and spider telangiectasias at diagnosis and its relation to histopathology and prognosis: a population-based study.

Angiogenesis is one of the hallmarks of breast cancer. The status of angiogenesis is important in therapy choice. Spider telangiectasias (telangiectasias) may reflect an increased ability to form vessels. Our first aim was to identify patient and tumor characteristics associated with the occurrence of telangiectasias at the time of breast cancer diagnosis. The second aim was to study the overall s

Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Inhibitors on Acute Lung Injury

Background: Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are involved in a number of biologic responses. Recent preclinical studies demonstrated that the PI3K-dominant signal pathway could play an important role in the development of acute lung injury, although the mechanism remains unclear. Methods: CD-1 mice were administered different PI3K inhibitors either intranasally or intragastrically once a day for

Ethnography in the Marketplace

What happens when cultural analysis enters the world of applied research and academics become consultants working with corporations and public institutions? The divide between academic research and commercial ethnography has often hampered communication and critical exchanges between these two worlds. In this paper we look at the experiences of consultants, drawing on Danish and Swedish examples.