

Din sökning på "*" gav 532438 sökträffar

Climate Change Adaptation in River Management : A Comparative Study of Germany and South Korea

This book examines the approaches to climate change adaptation in water governance taken by South Korea and Germany. By comparing their political decision-making processes, this book explores the factors behind their differences. Adaptation to the changing climate is critical to human society and water is the principal medium through which climate change will affect us. Due to high levels of indus

Age-related disease : Cardiovascular system

Age and aging are the major determinants of most common major diseases, including cardiovascular disease (CVD). With increasing age, the cardiovascular risk increases as well as frailty, with negative consequences for health such as coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, and vascular dementia. However, this aging process seems to take a more rapid course in some individuals,

Emerging challenges in antimicrobial resistance : implications for pathogenic microorganisms, novel antibiotics, and their impact on sustainability

Overuse of antibiotics is accelerating the antimicrobial resistance among pathogenic microbes which is a growing public health challenge at the global level. Higher resistance causes severe infections, high complications, longer stays at hospitals and even increased mortality rates. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has a significant impact on national economies and their health systems, as it affect

Commercial air transport in Africa : changing structure and development of country pairs

This study investigates cross-border commercial air passenger traffic in Africa, focusing on the development of the 15 busiest country pairs during the period 1989 to 2015. It explores dimensions not previously studied by using ICAO’s ‘Traffic by Flight Stage’ (TFS) and data from the CEPII Gravity Dataset. The spatial results show on an uneven geographical distribution of country pairs with the ce

Climate‐influenced migration in Bangladesh: The need for a policy realignment

Recent research into migration in Bangladesh has highlighted that people migrate for better livelihoods, not necessarily in response to climatic stresses and shocks. If facilitated appropriately, internal and international migration can help build adaptive capacity to future environmental and climatic hazards. In this framing, migration happens in the context of a growing city-centred economy that

Power for progress: The impact of electricity on individual labor market outcomes

When does technological change lead to inclusive prosperity? Research suggests that shared benefits from technological progress require concurrent expansions in education and support from pro-labor institutions. We contribute to the debate by studying electricity adoption in Sweden during the first decades of the 20th century. Exploiting that proximity to hydro-power plants shaped the electricity

Public Health and Disability : A Real-Life Example of the Importance of Keeping Up the Good Work

Secondary and tertiary prevention strategies are essential in targeting those with disabilities to improve their health and well-being. In Sweden, over 95% of all children with cerebral palsy (CP) participate in a follow-up program in which one of the goals is to prevent hip dislocations. To demonstrate the importance of maintaining timely, systematic, preventive, work overtime, we reviewed the in

Analysing and Comparing the Intra-Halo Region in Milky Way-like Simulations

Universum är en underlig plats som har ställt många frågor, vissa som vi svarat på men många är kvar och ännu fler är okända. En av de som vi aktivt börjat besvara är frågan om mörk materia. Hur vet vi att det finns? Hur kan vi veta mer? Vad är det? Den första av dessa delfrågor har vi redan besvarat, vi vet att mörk materia finns för att det behövs någon osynlig massa för att, bland annat, rotatiDark matter has an important role in our Universe, especially in galaxy formation and evolution, but there are many theoretical models that attempt to describe it and to find out which one, if any, are correct we must test them. Testing a theoretical model of this nature at a galactic scale must and has been done using computational methods through simulations, but this has revealed more complicat

Flerspråkig representation i svenska högstadieskolors språkliga landskap

Syfte: I denna studie undersökte vi attityder till flerspråkighet i svenska högstadieskolor genom kartläggning av dessas språkliga landskap. Syftet var även att utreda hur språkliga landskap ser ut i undervisningsutrymmen för specialundervisning. Metod: Deltagare i studien var två högstadieskolor i Skåne. Dessa skolor kartlades med hjälp av fotografering. Språkartefakterna på skolorna analyseradesAims: The aim of this study was to explore attitudes towards multilingualism in Swedish secondary schools using linguistic landscaping. The aim was also to investigate the linguistic landscape in spaces used for special education. Method: Participants were two secondary schools in Skåne. These schools were documented with the use of photography. Language artefacts were analyzed based on language,

Att köpa rätt - En studie om hur normer präglar inköparens arbete inom den svenska modebranschen

Titel: Att köpa rätt - en studie om hur normer präglar inköparens arbete inom den svenska modebranschen Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap Kurs: SMKK10 Författare: Malin Söderblom och Johanna Adner Handledare: Eerika Saaristo Nyckelord: Inköpare, normer, “rätt”-tänket, inköpsfunktionen, modeföretag, inköpsarbete Bakgr

Människa, teknologi och institutionella egenskaper

I vår studie fanns det flera faktorer, som syfte och normer, som påverkade den ömsesidiga interaktionen mellan människa, organisationen och teknologi. De tre komponenterna påverkar och blir påverkade av varandra. Den administrativt arbetande människan har möjlighet att i sin interaktion med teknologin manipulera eller anpassa den, även vid bristfällig kunskap om teknologin. Trots liknande arbetsup

Den ovärderliga hållbarheten - en studie av social och miljömässig hållbarhet i transportbranschen

Med ett ökat fokus från allmänheten och med större utrymme i forskningen har hållbarhet blivit ett måste för många företag. Trots detta stöter transportbranschen på stora svårigheter pga. svåra konkurrensförhållanden från en avreglerad marknad och ökade transportvolymer som följd av en globaliserad värld. Även om mycket forskning har gjorts inom hållbarhet och logistik saknas fortfarande forskning

Information Disclosure Programs in the Road Haulage Industry and Employees ́ Perception of Sharing Personal Information at Their Work and its impact on employee turnover: Creating a Conceptual Framework and Model.

Purpose of the study – The purpose of the study is to develop a conceptual framework and model for further research, of front-line logistic workers ́ perception of sharing their personal information at their work. Furthermore, the study aims to create a framework for how to study information disclosure programs potential impact on employee turnover when being implemented on intermediate parties, n

From The World To Sudan (Via Dubai): The impacts and influence of the US sanctions on the Sudanese sourcing, procurement, and transportation practices

Purpose – Sudanese supply chains were greatly affected by the US sanctions from 1997 and until today. This research aims to understand the effects of US sanctions on the Sudanese practices of sourcing, procurement, and transportation. Additionally, the research aims to discover the way through which the US sanctions were avoided by the studied Sudanese practices. Finally, the research tests a hypo

Differences Teach Us More Than Similarities : The Need for Evolutionary Thinking in Comparative Cognition

A persistent anthropocentric school of thought prevents comparative cognition from truly joining the evolutionary sciences, which often view “cognition” as an alien subject to the study of life. In this article, I argue that cognition is indeed inherent to all life and that we could study the evolution of cognitive skills like any other species-specific trait if we stop elevating convergence over

A multi-level analysis of youth climate activism in South Korea

Younger generations in South Korea are increasingly concerned about environmental issues, while youth climate activism is one of the fastest growing social movements globally, engaging formal and informal politics at multiple levels. Among others, Youth 4 Climate Action, a Korean youth climate movement group, has initiated climate change litigation and presented its actions at a side event of the