

Din sökning på "*" gav 127207 sökträffar

TNU organizes Segerfalk Symposium on Metabolism and Sleep in HD and ALS

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 31 March 2015 Disturbances in sleep and metabolism in neurodegenerative diseases are now gaining increased attention as their underlying mechanisms may provide targets for novel therapeutic interventions. This symposium will shed light on novel research focusing on different aspects of sleep and metabolism relevant for n

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/tnu-organizes-segerfalk-symposium-metabolism-and-sleep-hd-and-als - 2025-02-23

Second PhD thesis from TNU traditionally nailed

Published 24 April 2015 Sanaz Gabery is the second PhD student from TNU who will defend her thesis and she traditionally nailed her thesis on April 22. The thesis is entitled New perspectives on pathology in Huntington’s disease - characterisation of hypothalamic changes and will be defended on May 13 2015 at 09.00 in Belfragesalen, BMC D15. It consists of three published papers in Acta Neuropatho

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/second-phd-thesis-tnu-traditionally-nailed - 2025-02-23

Petersén lectures at the European Huntington Disease Association Conference in Warsaw

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 19 August 2015 Petersén is invited to give a talk at the European Huntington Disease Association Conference, Warsaw, Poland, on September 18-20 2015. The talk is entitled: Change of personality - How to cope.

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/petersen-lectures-european-huntington-disease-association-conference-warsaw - 2025-02-23

Third PhD thesis from TNU nailed

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 13 January 2016 Rana Soylu is the third PhD student from TNU who will defend her thesis and on January 11 it was traditionally nailed. The thesis is entitled “Hypothalamic and Metabolic Dysfunction in Genetic Models of Huntington’s disease" and will be defended on January 28 2016 at 09.00 in Belfrage lecture hall, BMC D1

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/third-phd-thesis-tnu-nailed - 2025-02-23

TNU:s research highlighted in Reflex

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 24 February 2016 In the magazine Reflex (1/2016), issued by Neuroförbundet, an article on the TNU research on Huntington's disease is highlighted. Three PhD theses have been published during 2014-2016 in the TNU group; all focusing on different aspect of the disease. Read the article here (in Swedish): artikel_i_reflex_1

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/tnus-research-highlighted-reflex - 2025-02-23

Cheong receives SSMF Post Doc stipend

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 7 June 2016 Dr Rachel Cheong is awarded Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forsknings (SSMF) stipend for post doctoral studies. The stipend of 600 000 SEK during two years allows Rachel to conduct research aiming to understand the neuropsychiatric aspects of HD. A greater understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/cheong-receives-ssmf-post-doc-stipend - 2025-02-23

Unik observation av förstadium till Higgsmekanismen

Av webmaster [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Jonas Andersson) - publicerad 12 januari 2021 Den övre delen representerar experimentet med laser som lyser på 2D-fällan med atomer. På den nedre delen kan man se hur atomerna agerar då de parar ihop sig, medan vattnet representerar deras egenskaper som suprafluider. Illustration: Jonas Ahlstedt, Lun Genom att studera kalla atomer har forskare på ett unik

https://www.fysik.lu.se/artikel/unik-observation-av-forstadium-till-higgsmekanismen - 2025-02-23

Prestigefyllda ERC-anslag till nytt covid-test och ny spektrometer

Av webmaster [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - publicerad 7 januari 2021 Ett test som snabbt spårar virus i kroppen och en spektrometer som fixar grumliga vätskor får innovationspengar av Europeiska forskningsrådet. Bild: MostPhotos. Christelle Prinz, professor i fasta tillståndets fysik, och Edouard Berrocal, forskare i förbränningsfysik, får 150 000 euro vardera för att vidareu

https://www.fysik.lu.se/artikel/prestigefyllda-erc-anslag-till-nytt-covid-test-och-ny-spektrometer - 2025-02-23

Prestigefyllt anslag till partikelfysiker

Av webmaster [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - publicerad 9 december 2020 Hon vill kasta nytt ljus över den mörka materian som länge gäckat forskarvärlden. Nu tilldelas partikelfysikforskaren Caterina Doglioni 20 miljoner kronor från Europeiska forskningsrådet, ERC. Caterina Doglioni, biträdande lektor i partikelfysik, får cirka 20 miljoner kronor för att under fem år bygga upp en fo

https://www.fysik.lu.se/artikel/prestigefyllt-anslag-till-partikelfysiker - 2025-02-23