Evidence for new catecholamines or related amino acids in some invertebrate neurons
In certain sensory neurons of many different invertebrate species, including the sea anemones. Metridium senile and Tealia felina and the crustacean Anemia salina, fluorophores are formed during the course of the fluorescent histochemical technique of Falck-Hillarp. The presumed catecholamine nature of the neuronal fluorogenic compound was investigated by microspectrofluorometry, and the spectral In certain sensory neurons of many different invertebrate species, including the sea anemones. Metridium senile and Tealia felina and the crustacean Anemia salina, fluorophores are formed during the course of the fluorescent histochemical technique of Falck-Hillarp. The presumed catecholamine nature of the neuronal fluorogenic compound was investigated by microspectrofluorometry, and the spectral