

Din sökning på "*" gav 534392 sökträffar

Optimisation Challenges in Pressurised Hot Water Extraction of Polyphenols: Extraction and Degradation Kinetics

Popular Abstract in English Extraction of valuable substances from plants using a solvent has been practised in many fields. One of the examples is making coffee or tea using hot water. In agricultural and food industry, there are tons of wastes containing valuable compounds that can be extracted before they go to incineration. Extractions are usually performed in organic solvents such as methanolPressurised hot water is an environmentally friendly alternative to hazardous organic solvents such as methanol and heptane. One of the many applications of using pressurised hot water extraction (PHWE) is to extract polyphenols from plants. The challenges in PHWE lies with the optimisation of extraction yield. One factor that is often overlooked is the risk of degradation of thermally labile comp

Numerical simulation of fluid flow in a monolithic exchanger related to high temperature and high pressure operating conditions

The purpose of this work is the enhancement of performance by a new design of monolithic heat exchangers under steady-state operating conditions. Heat transfer phenomena and hydrodynamics have been studied and visualized by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Further, a simple gas distribution system has been analyzed in purpose to find the best performance of the exchanger. To achieve this, 3D si

Riskhantering i en socken

Vårt syfte med detta kapitel är att beskriva och analysera krisförberedande arbeten i en landsortsby från en lokal risk- och sårbarhetsgrupps perspektiv samt tydliggöra olika drivkrafter, förutsättningar och relationer med myndigheter och andra aktörer. Underlaget för kapitlet utgörs av en intervju med representanter för den lokala gruppen i en socken i Kronobergs län, en enskild intervju med en n

Meaning Constitution Analysis of ‘the Concern’

A purpose of phenomenological studies, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis method, is to reach behind the natural attitude, the totality of the presumptions made about the entities constituting a situation experienced by an individual, and get an understanding of why the Life-world, the world in which the individual is living his daily life, is experienced in a specific way. The experiences of

“Boken var bättre!” – men bara ibland. Några reflektioner kring varför somliga filmatiseringar funkar och andra inte

Som en del i Svenska Filminstitutets stora skolbioprojekt Boken på duken – en satsning på film som läsfrämjare i skolan – försöker professor i filmvetenskap Erik Hedling här i essäform karaktärisera kvaliteten hos en riktigt lyckad filmatisering. Hur kommer det sig till exempel att Greta Garbo är en mer trovärdig Anna Karenina än Keira Knightley och att TV-serien är mer trogen originalet men att d

GodisOmetre – providing feedback on student learning

In the Bologna process, the use of explicit learning goals and formative assessment are central elements in improving student learning. Ideally, formative assessment provides feedback to the student about how his present state relates to the learning goals and enables him to reflect on and regulate his learning. However, we found that it was easier said than done – not just to carry out, but in pa

Modern Human Physiology with Respect to Evolutionary Adaptations that Relate to Diet in the Past

This paper reviews evidence from human physiology as to which foods may have been typically consumed by the hominin ancestral lineage up to the advent of anatomically modern humans. Considerable evidence suggests that many common diseases can be prevented by hunter-gatherer diets. Apparently, human nutritional metabolism is not perfectly fine-tuned for recently introduced staple foods, such as cer

Machinability of duplex stainless steels - A study with focus on the tool wear behaviour

This article presents research done in order to analyse the machinability of duplex stainless steel with coated carbide tools during turning operations. Although duplex stainless steel has existed for about 70 years fairly little work has been published in the area of investigating the different aspects of the machining of these materials. In this research project three different kinds of duplex s

Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Pull-Out Test

A specific pull-out test used to determine in-situ concrete compressive strength is analyzed. This test consists of a steel disc that is extracted from the structure. The finite element analysis considers cracking as well as strain hardening and softening in the pre- and post-failure region, respectively. The aim is to attain a clear insight into structural behavior. Special attention is given to