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This essay discusses how Partition (of British India) is remembered today in Bangladesh and how personal memories and narratives may differ considerably from public history writing. It examines the influence of state, community and family on the formation of popular memories about Partition. The idea of homeland or “desh” has been associated with the idea of motherland. The concept of “desh” has b

Bruk av cannabis i Danmark och dubbel straffbarhet i Sverige - förenligt eller ej?

Förhållandet mellan dubbel straffbarhet och brukande av cannabis i Danmark är ett komplicerat sådant. I Danmark är bruk av narkotika inte självständigt reglerat i narkotikalagstiftningen såsom det är i Sverige. Med anledning av detta är det således problematiskt för det svenska rättsväsendet att avgöra om det är legaliserat eller ej att bruka narkotika i Danmark. I den danska narkotikalagstiftninThe relationship between the requirement of double criminality and using cannabis in Denmark is complicated. The reason is that the Danish legislation of drugs doesn´t have a specific rule which prohibits the condition of using drugs. Therefore, it´s a difficult task for the Swedish judicial system to decide whether or not it´s illegal to use drugs in Denmark. As a consequence, it´s also hard to d

Perspektiv från Nord och Syd

This study aims to explore media representations of political processes in countries that are situated in the geo-political periphery. More specifically, this study examines through a discourse analytical edge articles published by Dagens Nyheter (Sweden), New York Times (US) and Clarín (Argentina), about the political upheavals that threatened the democratic system in Ecuador 2010, Honduras 2009

Landförvärv i utvecklingsländer - En fråga kring ömsesidig vinning, säkerhet eller exploatering

Since 2008, a picture is emerging of a global rush of the world’s farmland, referred to as land acquisition. Several factors underpin these land acquisitions such as the financial crisis and the food prices hikes of 2007/8. Another key driver behind the deals is the biofuel boom that has been a major cosmopolitical topic the last few years. Land acquisition refers to when a wealthier nation, firm

East Side Story: Palestinian Narratives On Water Supply And Environmental Security In East Jerusalem

The issue of water in the Israel-Palestine conflict is a long-debated topic that continues to be one of the main obstacles in peace negotiations today. Extensive research exists on the water crisis on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but few studies scrutinizing how the situation plays out in East Jerusalem are available. This thesis aims to fill a small part of this scientific gap. By gathering inf

The Swedish Sin - A Threat Against Zambian Sexual Ethics? A rights-based approach to Sweden's promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Zambia

Whereas sexuality seldom figures in development language and sexual rights remain undefined in international agreements, Sweden has committed itself to taking a leading role internationally in the area of sexuality. By some considered the most progressive of any government in some areas, Sweden’s policy for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) recognizes the centrality of SRHR to the a

Kvinnans status i Iran

The purpose of this paper is to explain and examine the status of the women in Iran based on how the Islamic law is affecting the women’s rights. Based on objective information I will try to obtain legal, sociological and religious perspective on the definition of the Islamic law, women’s rights and feminism. In order to clarify the circumstances of this subjects I will be observing the concepts b

Tröga eller rationella institutioner i Grozny - Moskvas dilemma

Efter de två senaste krigen i Tjetjenien har en paradoxal situation uppenbarat sig i Vladimir Putins strategi för institutionellt uppbyggande i norra Kaukasus eftersom han, genom sin tidigare kortsiktiga ryska politik; där man skulle tämja de lokala krafterna inom den tjetjenska eliten genom att erbjuda dessa centraliserad makt och resurser, har misslyckats. Istället har dessa institutioner gått e

Namibia - Vägen till framgång

Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ fallstudie av den fredsbyggande processen i Namibia. Syftet är att studera möjliga faktorer för processens framgång samt hur de hörhåller sig till Roland Paris teori om Institutionalization Before Liberalization, som är vår teoretiska utgångspunkt. Vår hypotes är att Namibia utgör ett undantagsfall från teorin då operationen, internationellt sett, anses vara framgång

Det frivilliga återvändandet? : en studie av det svenska återetableringsstödet, dess syfte, premisser samt graden av frivillighet

This paper focuses on the AVR (Assisted Voluntary Return) program in Sweden. It will question the voluntariness of the return, as it is a prerequisite to receive the help which is provided though the AVR program. Furthermore, the intention with the program will be identified and the design of the program will be analyzed. I will use Khalid Kosers theory about a successful AVR program and apply it

Social Capital and development, A case study of post-conflictual Sri Lanka

Development has become a matter of security, and therefore development has a new strong role in the liberal peace-building, though not all theoretics agree to this hegemony. Social capital has become a global term when discussing development, and though the concept derived from a Western civil society, social capital cannot be ignored as a deeply rooted concept describing social structures of trus

Sexturism : en studie av sexturismen i Thailand ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv

The sex tourism in Thailand is a widespread phenomenon where men around the globe have the privileged of visiting and taking part of an industry set up for an inter-national market. The purpose of this paper was to clarify how the sex tourism in Thailand can be seen from a postcolonial perspective, where countries with an unequal power configuration can result in an exploitation of what we call th

”Det krävs två för att dansa tango” En kvalitativ studie om samverkande resurser mellan Socialpsykiatri och Psykiatri

Title:”It takes two to tango” - A qualitative study of collaborative resources between Social psychiatry and Psychiatry. Supervisor: Anders P Lundberg. Assessor: Christina Erneling. The psychiatry reform was introduced 15 years ago. There was a vision to remove the institutions in order to give the client an opportunity of normalization by receiving care at home and participate in society by mean

Svaveldioxidhantering vid Stora Cell Skutskär : riskanalys av transport, lossning, lagring och distribution

Handling of sulfurdioxide (transport, unloading, storage and distribution) at a pulpmill. Riskanalysis of discharge of sulfurdioxide according to the CPQRA-method, containing both consequence and frequence calculations. Handcalculations for rate of mass release, evaporation and dipersion combined to express a formula for risk distance, simulated in the statistical computerprogram @RISK. Dischargef

Utvärdering och uppföljning av Landskrona/Svalöv projektet

This report deals with an evaluation study carried out on the community based accident prevention program being run by the municipal fire and rescue brigades in Landskrona and Svalöv. A major survey shows only a few results that could determine differences as statistically significant in fire safety behavior between the study group (inhabitants in Landskrona and Svalöv) and controll groups, but th

Analys av risker avseende personsäkerhet och brand vid läkemedelsproduktion - AstraZeneca Södertälje

This report is an analysis of risks concerning human safety and fire in building 621 in the Gärtuna facility, Södertälje, owned by AstraZeneca. The building is a very large building and the evacuation distances are quite long in some parts of the building. The purpose of this report is therefore to investigate whether the work environment in the building is to be considered safe or not regarding f

”What’s in a name?” Distinktionen mellan SRHR:s delbegrepp och framingsstrategi som förklaring till deras olika användningsutbredning

With the perception from literature that the partial concepts within SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) Sexual Health (SH); Reproductive Health (RH); Sexual Rights (SR); and Reproductive Rights (RR) where used more or less interchangeably and to an uneven frequency, my aim for this paper was twofold – to find the distinctions between the partial concepts and through framing theory su

INGEN FRAMTID UTAN RÄTTVISA, INGEN RÄTTVISA UTAN AMNESTI? En uppsats om TRC och Amnesti efter apartheid i Sydafrika

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in South Africa was a unique experiment. It has been named as a “third way” between punishment and amnesia. The TRC was created so that the South African community could deal with the horrors of the past crimes of apartheid, and so that South Africa could lay a new foundation of freedom and human rights in the new democratic state. Within the TRC there