

Din sökning på "*" gav 533192 sökträffar

Girls changing the language : a comparison between the Meiji schoolgirls and the present day kogals

When girls in Japan acquired the right to higher education in the wake of the Meiji reformation in the 19th century, these girls began to talk in a way that was considered vulgar by the public. It was called teyo dawa kotoba (teyo dawa speech) – and over time it became what we call female speech today. During the Meiji and Taisho periods proper ladies did not talk that way, and it was considered t

Concertive Bureaucracy in Knowledge-Intensive Work: Loosening the Iron Cage

Thesis Purpose: The main purpose of our thesis is to provide a worker perspective on bureaucratic control in a knowledge-intensive context. Methodology (Empirical Foundation): Our research has been carried out from an interpretive perspective. The empirical material has been constructed through a qualitative case study performed within a knowledge-intensive work context. Theoretical Perspec

Stadsdelsutveckling i Helsingborg - Universitetsområdet

Examensarbetet syftar till att ta fram ett förslag på hur ett delområde inom H+ kan utvecklas och göras bättre. H+ är ett stort utvecklingsprojekt i Helsingborgs stad, och stora delar är för tillfället i planeringsskedet. Projektet upptar en area på ungefär 100 hektar som är indelat i fem olika delområden, och det förväntas stå klart år 2035. Området som har valts att inriktas på är Universitetsom

Driftstörningar relaterade till järnvägens kontaktledningssystem – begränsa och förebygga förseningar orsakade av strömavtagare och kontaktledning

The number of reported errors on the catenary is relatively few in comparison with errors relating to the remaining parts of the railway system. This is an interesting fact, as errors linked to the catenary causes 30% of the total train delays. The substantial delay effect may be due to the many different companies participating in the railway business, and the several technical components correla

“Om jag är dömd en gång så är jag dömd för alltid för dem”. En studie om ungdomars uppfattning av polisens bemötande.

All cops are bastards, at least according to some youths in Malmö. Research shows that there is an overall trust in the Swedish Police amongst citizens, including youths. We therefore questioned ourselves why these juveniles are of another opinion. The purpose of this study is to understand how juveniles with criminal background, experience the communication and treatment when they meet the police

Bilden av boken: Den fysiska boken som inredningsdetalj och livsstilsmarkör

This essay focuses on the different functions of the physical book. It discusses the material and aesthetic aspects by examining how the book is portrayed in different kinds of lifestyle- and interior magazines. E-books and the expansion of digital technology have made the pessimists talk of the near end of printed books, but at the same time, books seem to have a secure place in our homes. They h

Persistent High Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa

This thesis aims to examine the link between socio-economic factors and persistent high fertility in Niger. A national comparison with Senegal – an early fertility transition country – serves as reference point to understand the phenomenon on the basis of associated fertility patterns and drivers. Expertise on child-bearing behavior can guide policy intervention, which in turn mitigates negative c

Den Femte Positioneringsfällan

UPPSATSENS TITEL: Den Femte Positioneringsfällan SEMINARIEDATUM: 2013-05-28 ÄMNE/KURS: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi 30 högskolepoäng (ECTS), FEKN90 FÖRFATTARE: Stina Cedergren och Malin Svensson HANDLEDARE: Jens Hultman Fem nyckelord: varumärkespositionering, varumärkesidentitet, förändringsprocessen, positioneringsfällor, yngre och kvinnlig målgrupp SYFTE: Syftet med uppsatsen är att TITLE: The Fifth Position Trap SEMINAR DATE: 2013-05-28 COURSE: Master thesis in business administration, 30 credits (ECTS), FEKN90 AUTHORS: Stina Cedergren and Malin Svensson ADVISOR: Jens Hultman KEYWORDS: Brand positioning, brand identity, process of change, positioning traps, a younger and female target group. PURPOSE: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and describe the challenges

A room in the hotel Alphaville : An essay on surveillance and exposed bodies in Haruki Murakami's After Dark

This essay analyses the novel After Dark, written by Japanese author Haruki Murakami. It examines, from a Foucaultian perspective, how the novel presents a modern panoptic society. It is discussed how surveillance and objectification are connected and how they behave within the panoptic structure. Also, it is discussed how certain characters in the novel, both male and female, respond with fear to

Att leva ett missbruksfritt liv - en studie om hur före detta alkoholmissbrukare upplever bemötanden av sina sociala nätverk

I have conducted a qualitative study based on five adult sober alcoholics’ life stories. The purpose of the study was to explore and gain more knowledge and understanding of the role the social network played for an individual, living a sober life. Furthermore, how “sober alcoholics” find themselves in the community, where alcohol consumption is widely accepted in different social contexts and whe

Miljövänlighet i fordonsindustrin? - En studie om styrning av miljömål på Alfdex AB

Nyckelord: Miljömål, miljönyckeltal, ekonomistyrning, CSR, strategi, Alfdex Författare: Henrik Nilsson & Sandra Abdul Karim Handledare: Hans Knutsson Titel: Miljövänlighet i fordonsindustrin? En studie om styrning av miljömål på Alfdex AB Problem: Miljövänlighet och ekonomisk framgång har länge setts som motpoler. Det har lett till att många företag i fordonsindustrin har föredragit att beKeywords: Environmental goals, environmental KPI, management control, CSR, strategy, Alfdex Authors: Henrik Nilsson & Sandra Abdul Karim Supervisor: Hans Knutsson Title: Environmental friendliness in the automotive industry? A study about managing environmental goals in Alfdex AB Problem: Environmental friendliness and economic success has long been seen as opposites. This has resulted in

Attitudinal and Aspectual Properties of Two Aspect Morphemes in West Japanese Dialects - and Oru

The present thesis is concerned with describing the aspect morphemes toru and yoru, as well as the existential verb oru, prevalent in the dialects of western Japan in general, and the central Kinki region in particular. We will discuss the semantic properties of these morphemes in five dialects using a survey of predicate structure in Japanese dialects. With the aid of an informant from Osaka we w

Oskarshamn 3 - Optimization after Power Uprate - A heat balance deviation analysis

Oskarshamn 3 has undergone a power uprate from 110% to 129.1% of original reactor thermal output in recent ended project PULS (Power Uprate with Licensed Safety). The main objective of this thesis have been to identify deviations in the power plant, explaining the differences in power output between designed and achieved power output after PULS. The investigation has been conducted with the use of

The road to happiness : a spatial study of accessibility and well-being in Hambantota, Sri Lanka

Denna studie har för avsikt att visualisera och förklara variationer och mönster i välmående i distriktet Hambantota i södra Sri Lanka. Detta görs genom att använda en stor intervjudatabas från distriktet med frågor och svar om subjektivt välmående och andra utvecklingsfaktorer och sammankoppla denna med en tillgänglighetsmodell. Denna modell är utvecklad i ett Geografiskt Informationssystem (GIS)This study tries to visualise and explain variations and patterns in well-being throughout the Hambantota District in southern Sri Lanka. This is accomplished by using a large interview database with questions and answers on developing factors and subjective well-being and linking this to a model of accessibility. The accessibility model was developed in a Geographical Information System (GIS) as

Escaping the Hermit Kingdom An : analysis of China’s policy towards North Korean Refugees

This paper deals with the issue of migration between North Korea and China. North Korea does not grant its citizens the legal right to freedom of movement, but famine and poverty has forced many to attempt escape through China, hoping to eventually reach South Korea. Those caught attempting to leave are punished in forced labour prisons, or sometimes executed. Satellite images have revealed North