Din sökning på "*" gav 534524 sökträffar
Physical Modeling of MIMO Antennas and Channels by Means of the Spherical Vector Wave Expansion
In this paper we propose a new physically motivated model that allows to study the interaction between the antennas and the propagation channel for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems. The key tools employed in the model are the expansion coefficients of the electromagnetic field in spherical vector waves and the scattering matrix representation of the properties of the antenna. We deriv
Hacktivism – hackerkulturens svårgripbara organisationformer
Man kan kalla dem hackers, hacktivister eller nätaktivister. Själva ser de sig som tekniskt intresserade, en teknisk gemenskap. Deras långsiktigt politiska mål skiftar, de saknar gemensam ideologi och fasta strukturer. Det som delas är en innerlig fascination för tekniken bakom nätet – och kanske en minst lika innerlig aversion för destruktion av detta.
On the Relative Order of IP-adverbials
Abstract not available
Estimating the resilience value of soil biodiversity in agriculture: a stochastic simulation approach
Abstract in UndeterminedCharacteristic of ecosystems is that different organisms can have similar functions and hence provide similar ecosystem services. Consequently functional diversity can maintain the rate of services despite environmental fluctuations. In this paper we present a method for estimating the resilience value of biodiversity. Central to a resilience perspective on biological conse
In-field evaluation of the effects of Continuous Driver Support on driver behaviour.
User-related effects of a Driver Assistance System for Continuous Support on driver behaviour, were evaluated in a field test carried out in 2013. Twenty four drivers took part in test drives with a within-subject design along a 53 km test route containing motorway and rural-road sections. Driving data was logged and the test drivers were observed by means of an in-car observation method (Wiener F
Svår semantik och grammatik: regeln för subjekt-verbkongruens i engelska som L2
Regeln för subjekt-verbkongruens i engelskan anses vara enkel, både att förstå och förklara. Ändå gör L2-inlärare överraskande ofta fel, vilket ständigt påpekas av lärare i skolan och på högskolenivå. Därför har vi undersökt om källan till inlärarnas bristande förmåga är 1) ofullständig kunskap om regeln för subjekt-verbkongruens (d.v.s. explicit kunskap), eller 2) inlärarnas oförmåga att tillämpa
Business Excellence Models: Limitations and Further Developement
Multiple description image coding using regions of interest
A multiple description (MD) coding scheme encodes an image such that each description alone yields an acceptable reconstruction quality, and the descriptions together render increasingly better approximations of the image. Traditionally, each description contributes equally to the reconstruction quality throughout the image. This is inefficient from a coding perspective since all descriptions larg
Downsizing: Personnel policies and industrial relations at the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly, 1915-1939
[abstract missing]
Organized Small-scale Self-help Housing
There is a shortage of adequate, affordable shelter all over the world. Many households have shelter, but of unacceptable quality with respect to crowdedness, hygienic standard, indoor comfort, safety, security of land tenure, neighbourhood environment. Other families cannot afford their own shelter, but live with relatives or friends under very temporary conditions. Those who cannot afford the ho
Spatial inference for non-lattice data using Markov Random fields
This thesis deals with how computationally effective lattice models could be used for inference of data with a continuous spatial index. The fundamental idea is to approximate a Gaussian field with a Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) on a lattice. Using a bilinear interpolation at non-lattice locations we get a reasonable model also at non-lattice locations. We can thus exploit the computational
III-V Nanowires and their potential for Integration with Silicon
Developing Knowledge Through IS Design Science Research: For Whom, What Type of Knowledge, and How
Seasonal affective disorder: Lighting research and Environmental psychology
Jacqueline Guéron og Jacqueline Lecarme (red.): The syntax of time. MIT Press 2004.
Bolagsstyrningens funktion, uppgifter och arbetssätt i förändring
Stress at work and optimism: Implications for health
Previous studies on pessimism and optimism in organizations have mainly focused on productivity and performance. The aim of the current study was to investigate the role of optimism in the relationship between stress at work and health. An Internet-based questionnaire was sent to 1345 female and male employees at both managerial and non-managerial level working in a Swedish telecom company. Altoge
The Casa del Torello di Bronzo (V 1,7) in Pompeii. Investigating a residential house and its complex water system
The goal of the thesis is to present the thorough documentation and analysis of a private dwelling in Pompeii, the Casa del Torello di Bronzo (V 1,7), the largest and most dominating dwelling in insula V, and in particular its complex system of water use and distribution. The work is embedded in the on-going study of the entire insula, carried out by the Swedish Pompeii Project, so that it will ul