Din sökning på "*" gav 533373 sökträffar
The Arabidopsis 14-3-3 family -target protein specificity and expression of isoforms
14-3-3 proteins comprise a family of highly conserved proteins. 14-3-3 proteins have been found in all organisms examined except for members of the prokaryotic kingdom. 14-3-3s are involved in numerous processes in the cell and they typically bind to phosphorylated motifs in other proteins and regulate their activities. In plants, 14-3-3 proteins are recognized as key regulators of primary metabo
Monastic Education in Late Antiquity : The Transformation of Classical Paideia
Synthesis of biomimetic precursors of isovelleral analogues.
Based on how the mushroom Lactarius vellereus converts an inactive precursor into the cytotoxic dialdehyde isovelleral (1) via a cyclic enol ether, as part of a binary chemical defense system that protects the fruit bodies against parasites, a synthetic way to obtain analogous dialdehydes masked in the same way has been developed. As isovelleral analogues (e.g. 2 and 3) possess extremely potent cy
Maternal smoking and congenital malformations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Moderns rökning under graviditet och risk för medfödda missbildningar. Ungefär två procent av alla nyfödda föds med någon missbildning såpass allvarlig att den rapporteras till missbildningsregistret och/eller till det medicinska födelseregistret. Trots alla samhälleliga insatser för att minska rökningen (speciellt i samband med graviditet) så röker (1996) 16% av de grAbout two percent of Swedish newborn infants are born with a significant congenital malformations which is reported to the Swedish Registry of Congenital Malformations (RCM), and/or the Swedish Medical Birth Registry (MBR). In spite of persistent public health recommendations, about 16% of the Swedish pregnant women are smoking during pregnancy (1996). It is well known that maternal smoking during
Stress distribution and strength models
Love as a Fictitious Commodity: Gift-for-Sex Barters as Contractual Carriers of Intimacy
Gift-for-sex (GFS) barters are a niche practice potentially representing the commodification of everyday dating practices. We inquire how GFS exchanges are practiced and understood in contemporary Russia. Second, we situate these in relation to contemporary economic culture. Our project provides answers in two steps based on online content. First, we identify GFS exchange practices within a major
Examination of operational energy use and physical function utilizing building physics tools, in Energi- och resurshushållning i bebyggelse
No title
Abstract in German Objektivität und Glaubwürdigkeit: Medienrealität rekonstruiert. Herausgegeben von Stefan Wehmeier, Howard Nothhaft und René Seidenglanz
Intuition as implicit knowledge
Changing relations of welfare. Gender, family and migration in Britain and Scandinavia
Myths of a theme park: An Icon of Postmodern Family Life
Hallsberg - Sveriges befolkningsmässiga mitt
Ecological Housing - for whom?
The purpose of the study was to analyse whether the individuals that have chosen ecological housing as a form of life, succeed in realising their ideal environmental lifestyle or not and if not, why? The method used was in-depth interviews with residents in an ecological village. Living in an ecological village has different meanings for different households and the impact of living in the village
How much information is needed for usage-based reading? A series of experiments
Software inspections are regarded as an important technique to detect faults throughout the software development process. The individual preparation phase of software inspections has enlarged its focus from only comprehension to also include fault searching. Hence, reading techniques to support the reviewers on fault detection are needed. Usage-based reading (UBR) is a reading technique, which foc
Attentional Foci in Picture Viewing and Picture Description.
Natural language programming of industrial robots
In this paper, we introduce a method to use written natural language instructions to program assembly tasks for industrial robots. In our application, we used a state-of-the-art semantic and syntactic parser together with semantically rich world and skill descriptions to create highlevel symbolic task sequences. From these sequences, we generated executable code for both virtual and physical robot
Knowledge spillover agents and regional development
It is widely recognised that knowledge and highly-skilled individuals as “carriers” of knowledge (i.e. knowledge spillover agents) play a key role in impelling the development and growth of cities and regions. In this chapter we discuss the relation between the mobility of talent and knowledge flows. In this context, several issues are examined, including the role of highly-skilled labour for regi
I kapitlet beskrivs kognitiva och beteendeinriktade behandlingsmetoder vid sömnstörningar, i första hand insomni. En översikt ges av diagnos och analys utifrån en KBT-modell. Beteendeanalys med hjälp av intervju, sömndagbok och självskattningsskalor beskrivs. En sammanfattning görs av vanliga behandlingsmetoder som avslappningsmetoder, paradoxal intention, stimuluskontroll, sömnrestriktion och kog
Finns Internet? Om det inte finns, hur kommer det sig då att det faktiskt fungerar? Den här boken ger läsaren underlag för att både besvara frågan och förstå svaret. Boken går igenom funktioner och protokoll hos de olika nät som tillsammans utgör Internet. Olika typer av accessnät och stamnät beskrivs, både fasta nät och mobila system. De protokoll som återfinns på olika nivåer i näten och i app