

Din sökning på "*" gav 531195 sökträffar

Nature cell biology 20190617

Advances in stem cell research and therapeutic development Review ARticle https://doi.org/10.1038/s41556-019-0344-z 1Center for Regenerative Medicine “Stefano Ferrari”, Department of Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy. 2San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget) and Pediatric Immunohematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, IRCCS San Raffael

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/nature_cell_biology_20190617.pdf - 2025-03-20

Nelander et al 2009

Organization of the human embryonic ventral mesencephalon Gene Expression Patterns 9 (2009) 555–561 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Gene Expression Patterns journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/locate /gep Organization of the human embryonic ventral mesencephalon Jenny Nelander, Josephine B. Hebsgaard, Malin Parmar * Department of Experimental Medical Science and Lund Strategic Center for

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/nelander_et_al_2009.pdf - 2025-03-20

Parmar et al-2018-european journal of neuroscience

Cell‐based therapy for Parkinson's disease: A journey through decades toward the light side of the Force Eur J Neurosci. 2018;1–9. | 1wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ejn 1 | INTRODUCTION It was with great sadness that we all received the news about Tom’s passing. He was a force for good in the Parkinson’s disease (PD) community and he will be greatly missed. For Tom, nothing was too serious that yo

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/parmar_et_al-2018-european_journal_of_neuroscience.pdf - 2025-03-20

Pereira 0

untitled Highly efficient generation of induced neurons from human fibroblasts that survive transplantation into the adult rat brain Maria Pereira, Ulrich Pfisterer, Daniella Rylander, Olof Torper, Shong Lau, Martin Lundblad, Shane Grealish & Malin Parmar Department of Experimental Medical Science, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center and Lund Stem Cell Center, Lund University, 221 84 Lund, Sweden. Indu

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/pereira_0.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in cell cycle 0

©2011 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute. www.landesbioscience.com Cell Cycle 3311 Cell Cycle 10:19, 3311-3316; October 1, 2011; © 2011 Landes Bioscience RepORt RepORt *Correspondence to: Malin Parmar; Email: Malin.Parmar@med.lu.se Submitted: 07/28/11; Revised: 07/29/11; Accepted: 08/01/11 DOI: 10.4161/cc.10.19.17584 Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) obtained by repro- gramming of adult

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_cell_cycle_0.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in cells - direct conversion

Direct Conversion of Human Stem Cell-Derived Glial Progenitor Cells into GABAergic Interneurons cells Article Direct Conversion of Human Stem Cell-Derived Glial Progenitor Cells into GABAergic Interneurons Jessica Giacomoni 1, Andreas Bruzelius 2 , Christina-Anastasia Stamouli 2 and Daniella Rylander Ottosson 2,* 1 Group of Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology, Wallenberg Neuroscience Cente

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_cells_-_direct_conversion.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in development 0

Comprehensive analysis of microRNA expression in regionalized human neural progenitor cells reveals microRNA-10 as a caudalizing factor Development. 2015 Sep 15; 142(18): 3166–3177. doi: 10.1242/dev.122747: 10.1242/dev.122747 PMCID: PMC4582174 PMID: 26395143 Comprehensive analysis of microRNA expression in regionalized human neural progenitor cells reveals microRNA-10 as a caudalizing factor Marie

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_development_0.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in exp cell res 0

doi:10.1016/j.yexcr.2006.11.001 Research Article Generation of human cortical neurons from a new immortal fetal neural stem cell line E. Caccia,1, A. Villab,2, M. Parmarc, M. Cavallaroa, N. Mandahld, O. Lindvalle, A. Martinez-Serranob, Z. Kokaiaa,⁎ aLaboratory of Neural Stem Cell Biology, Section of Restorative Neurology, Lund Strategic Research Center for Stem Cell Biology and Cell Therapy, BMC B

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_exp_cell_res_0.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in febs lett

Dual modulation of neuron‐specific microRNAs and the REST complex promotes functional maturation of human adult induced neurons Dual modulation of neuron-specific microRNAs and the REST complex promotes functional maturation of human adult induced neurons Marcella Birtele1, Yogita Sharma1, Srisaiyini Kidnapillai2, Shong Lau1, Thomas B. Stoker1,3, Roger A. Barker1,3, Daniella Rylander Ottosson1,2,

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_febs_lett.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in j neurosci res

In vitro characterization of a human neural progenitor cell coexpressing SSEA4 and CD133 In Vitro Characterization of a Human Neural Progenitor Cell Coexpressing SSEA4 and CD133 Perrine Barraud,1* Simon Stott,1 Kjeld Møllgård,2 Malin Parmar,1 and Anders Björklund1 1Research Center for Stem Cell Biology and Cell Therapy, BMC A11, Lund University, Lund, Sweden 2Medical Anatomy 18.4.29, Panum Insti

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_j_neurosci_res.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in mechanisms of development

PII: S0925-4773(00)00324-5 Gene expression pattern Expression of Meis and Pbx genes and their protein products in the developing telencephalon: implications for regional differentiation HaÊkan Toresson1, Malin Parmar, Kenneth Campbell* Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Division of Neurobiology, Section for Developmental Neurobiology, Lund University, SoÈlvegatan 17, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden Received 24

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_mechanisms_of_development.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in mol neurobiol

Strengths and limitations of the neurosphere culture system The Neurosphere Culture System Various methods with slight variations in protocol exist for establishing and expanding neurosphere cultures. Generally, neurospheres are derived from a single-cell suspension of neural stem and progenitor cells isolated from the adult or fetal central nervous system (CNS), but neurosphere cultures can also

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_mol_neurobiol.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in molecular and cellular neuroscience 0

doi:10.1016/S1044-7431(03)00097-6 A transplantation study of expanded human embryonic forebrain precursors: evidence for selection of a specific progenitor population Malin Parmar,* Charlotta Skogh, and Ulrica Englund1 Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, BMC A11, Section of Neurobiology, Lund University, SE-221 84 Lund, Sweden Received 2 January 2003; revised 12 March 2003; accepted 17 March 2003 Abst

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_molecular_and_cellular_neuroscience_0.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in nat med

Designing stem-cell-based dopamine cell replacement trials for Parkinson’s disease PersPective https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-019-0507-2 1John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, Department of Clinical Neurosciences and WT-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 2John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. 3A full list of members a

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_nat_med.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in nat rev neurosci

The future of stem cell therapies for Parkinson disease Parkinson disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegen- erative disorder that is characterized by relatively focal degeneration of mesencephalic dopamine (mesDA) neurons, the cell bodies of which are located within the substantia nigra pars compacta in the ventral mes- encephalon (VM)1. The associated loss of axonal pro- jections and subsequent d

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_nat_rev_neurosci.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in nature 0

Human iPS cell-derived dopaminergic neurons function in a primate Parkinson’s disease model 5 9 2 | N A T U R E | V O L 5 4 8 | 3 1 A U g U s T 2 0 1 7 LETTER doi:10.1038/nature23664 Human iPS cell-derived dopaminergic neurons function in a primate Parkinson’s disease model Tetsuhiro Kikuchi1, Asuka Morizane1, Daisuke Doi1, Hiroaki Magotani1, Hirotaka Onoe2, Takuya Hayashi2, Hiroshi Mizuma2, sayuk

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_nature_0.pdf - 2025-03-20

Publication in pnas

pnas201311187 4375..4384 Region-specific restoration of striatal synaptic plasticity by dopamine grafts in experimental parkinsonism Daniella Rylandera,b, Vincenza Bagettab, Valentina Pendolinob, Elisa Ziannic, Shane Grealishd, Fabrizio Gardonic, Monica Di Lucac, Paolo Calabresib,e, M. Angela Cencia, and Barbara Picconib,1 aBasal Ganglia Pathophysiological Unit, Lund University, BMC F11, 22184 Lun

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/sites/regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_pnas.pdf - 2025-03-20