

Din sökning på "*" gav 456823 sökträffar

Course analysis for Physics 1 General Physics, FYSA01, Autumn 2019, 30 cred

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Kurssammanställning FYSA01 ”Fysik 1: Allmän fysik (Vågor och Optik)” ht 2019 Kursansvarig: Vincent Hedberg Betyg: 17 st U, 30 st G, 12 st VG (efter tentan, innan omtentan) Utvärdering I. Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen För att få hög svarsfrekvens utfördes skriftliga opinionsundersökningar under rasterna mellan föreläsningar. 25 st studenter lämn

https://www.fysik.lu.se/en/sites/fysik.lu.se.en/files/2021-04/Course%20analysis%20for%20Physics%201%20%20General%20Physics,%20FYSA01,%20Autumn%202019,%2030%20credits%20(in%20Swedish).pdf - 2025-03-18

Course analysis for Physics 1 General Physics with Mechanics and Electricity,

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Kursanalys för ”Ellära, FYSA01 och ÄFYD01” HT 2019 Kursansvarig: Johan Zetterberg Övriga lärare: Övnings- och laborationsledare: Markus Klintborg, Felix Tellander, Zhen Zhao, Axel Stenquist, Zenny Wettersten, Hanna Sjö Antal registrerade studenter: Antal registrerade i Canvas: 119, men här ingår alla omregistrerade, därför är det svårt att säga hur

https://www.fysik.lu.se/en/sites/fysik.lu.se.en/files/2021-04/Course%20analysis%20for%20Physics%201%20General%20Physics%20with%20Mechanics%20and%20Electricity,%20FYSA01,%20Autumn%202019,%2030%20credits%20(in%20Swedish).pdf - 2025-03-18

Course analysis for Physics experiments in research and society. FYSN11, Autumn%

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Course analysis for “Physics experiments in research and society, FYSN11” HT 2019 Course responsible: Johan Gustafson Other teachers: Joakim Cederkäll, Torsten Åkesson, Cord Arnold, Kim von Allmen, Robert Frost Number of students registered: 22 Course representative: André Nuesslein Grades: U - 1, G - 2, VG - 19. Analysis I. Summary of the course e

https://www.fysik.lu.se/en/sites/fysik.lu.se.en/files/2021-04/Course%20analysis%20for%20Physics%20experiments%20in%20research%20and%20society.%20FYSN11,%20Autumn%202019,%207.5%20credits.pdf - 2025-03-18

Course analysis for Quantum physics in research and society, FYSN21, Autumn 20

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Course analysis for ”Quantum physics in research and society, FYSN21” HT 2020 and "Physics experiments in research and society, FYSN11" VT 2020 Due to heavy workload during spring 2020, mainly related to the COVID-19 situation, there was no evaluation of FYSN11 by the end of the spring term. Instead, a similar evaluation survey as composed for FYSN

https://www.fysik.lu.se/en/sites/fysik.lu.se.en/files/2021-04/Course%20analysis%20for%20Quantum%20physics%20in%20research%20and%20society,%20FYSN21,%20Autumn%202020,%207.5%20credits.pdf - 2025-03-18

Course analysis for Solid State Theory, FYST25, Spring 2020, 7.5 credits

Statistik 10p ekologi BIO 580 Helsingborg HT 2004 Kursanalys FYST25/EXTP90/NAFY017 Fasta Tillståndets Teori , VT2020. 2020-06-05 Kursansvarig: Andreas Wacker Övriga lärare: Tor Sjöstrand Kursrepresentant: Mattias Åstrand Betygsfördelning: NatFak: G: 3, VG: 6 ; LTH: fyra: 1 ; PHD: G: 6, (6 aktiva deltagare tar muntan senare) Utvärdering I. Sammanfattning av kursvärderingen Totalt antal svar: 18 av

https://www.fysik.lu.se/en/sites/fysik.lu.se.en/files/2021-04/Course%20analysis%20for%20Solid%20State%20Theory,%20FYST25,%20Spring%202020,%207.5%20credits.pdf - 2025-03-18

FYSA13 Course Analysis VT2021

Course analysis for “Physics: Introduction to University Physics, with Optics, Waves and Quantum Physics, FYSA13” VT 2020 Course responsible: Lukasz Michalak Teachers: lecturers: Vincent Hedberg (optics and waves) and Lukasz Michalak (waves and quantum physics) exercise supervisor (problem-solving sessions): Megha Gopalakrishna lab supervisors, geometrical optics: Smita Ganguly and Yuhe Zhang lab

https://www.fysik.lu.se/en/sites/fysik.lu.se.en/files/2021-10/FYSA13%20Course%20Analysis%20VT2021.pdf - 2025-03-18

MKVN04 List of readings

Microsoft Word - MKVN04 Litteraturlista, VT 2023 i mall.doc 1 Department of Communication and Media MKVN04 Media and Communication Methodology List of readings Baert, Patrick (2005) Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Towards Pragmatism. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pp 264 .ISBN 9780745622477 Couldry, Nick & Hepp, Andreas (2016) The Mediated Construction of Reality. Cambridge: Polity. PP 290. ISBN: 978

https://www.iko.lu.se/en/sites/iko.lu.se.en/files/2025-01/MKVN04%20List%20of%20readings.pdf - 2025-03-18

MSc MCS - Instructions Advanced internship

Department of Communication and Media MKVN11 Media and Communication Studies Advanced Internship, 30 credits Second cycle 2 Course description This internship course is an elective course within the Master’s programme in Media and Commu- nication Studies. In order to apply, you must therefore be enrolled in the programme, and have completed at least 45 of the programme’s 120 credits. The course of

https://www.iko.lu.se/en/sites/iko.lu.se.en/files/2025-01/MSc%20MCS%20-%20Instructions_Advanced_internship.pdf - 2025-03-18

Syllabus SSK001F The Emerging Field of Strategic communication 0

Microsoft Word - The emergent field of SC syllabus .docx 1 Institutionen för Kommunikation SSK001F The Emerging Field of Strategic communication, 5 credits, third cycle The course was established, and the syllabus was approved by the Board of the Department of Strategic communication at Lund University on October 5, 2021. The syllabus is valid from autumn semester 2021. Due to a new name of the de

https://www.iko.lu.se/en/sites/iko.lu.se.en/files/2025-01/Syllabus%20SSK001F%20The%20Emerging%20Field%20of%20Strategic%20communication_0.pdf - 2025-03-18

Guide-applicants-HT-innovation-support 2021

Guide for applicants in the call for funding for the development of innovation ideas at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology 2021 IDEAS DEVELOP SOCIETY – REALIZE YOURS! Provide the following information • Name • Email address • Department • Employment status and period of employment • Declare that the application is submitted in consultation with your line manager or supervisor. ADVICE •

https://www.innovation.lu.se/en/sites/innovation.lu.se.en/files/2021-03/Guide-applicants-HT-innovation-support%202021.pdf - 2025-03-18

LU-Inn Strategic-sustanability-21 EN 210426

A MODEL TO COACH COMPANIES, RESEARCHERS AND STUDENTS Strategic sustainability Idea phase (IKRL 2): • Is the project's aim to create positive change on a societal problem? • Does the project have the potential to become an impact company? Preparation phase (IKRL4): • Does the project plan to produce or design/trade in products? • Does the company significantly affect the life situation of employees

https://www.innovation.lu.se/en/sites/innovation.lu.se.en/files/2021-05/LU-Inn_Strategic-sustanability-21_EN_210426.pdf - 2025-03-18

LU-Innovation Strategic-sustanability-EN 210426

A MODEL TO COACH COMPANIES, RESEARCHERS AND STUDENTS Strategic sustainability Idea phase (IKRL 2): • Is the project's aim to create positive change on a societal problem? • Does the project have the potential to become an impact company? Preparation phase (IKRL4): • Does the project plan to produce or design/trade in products? • Does the company significantly affect the life situation of employees

https://www.innovation.lu.se/en/sites/innovation.lu.se.en/files/2021-05/LU-Innovation_Strategic-sustanability-EN_210426.pdf - 2025-03-18

Application form-Sustanability Pre-seed

APPLICATION FORM SUSTAINABILITY FUND’S PRE-SEED (2022) The aim of this grant from Lund University’s Sustainability Fund is to bridge the gap between basic research and innovation/utilization of research results. Projects that can be supported must be intended to support a new hypothesis based on your existing research data, for the development of novel services, methods, products, processes, or te

https://www.innovation.lu.se/en/sites/innovation.lu.se.en/files/2022-10/Application_form-Sustanability_Pre-seed.docx - 2025-03-18

Applicationform Sustainable Idea Exploration 2023-04-20

APPLICATION FORM SUSTAINABLE IDEA EXPLORATION (2023) The aim of this grant from Lund University’s Sustainability Fund is to bridge the gap between basic research and innovation/utilization of research results. Projects that can be supported must be intended to support a new hypothesis based on your existing research data, for the development of novel services, methods, products, processes, or tech

https://www.innovation.lu.se/en/sites/innovation.lu.se.en/files/2023-04/Applicationform%20Sustainable%20Idea%20Exploration%202023-04-20.docx - 2025-03-18


LU Holding – Highlights 2022 LU Holding INNOVATION.LU.SE 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Stronger than ever ..................................3 World class research ...............................9 Highlights of 2022 ................................15 Making our mark ..................................21 Investments that make a difference ....25 Figures and performance ......................33 http://innovation.

https://www.innovation.lu.se/en/sites/innovation.lu.se.en/files/2023-05/LU-Holding-Highlights-2022-Eng.pdf - 2025-03-18

APPLICATION FORM The Sustainability Proposal Testbed

APPLICATION FORM THE SUSTAINABLE PROPOSAL TESTBED The purpose of this grant from Lund University’s Sustainability Fund is to enable applicants to propose new solutions to actual sustainability needs within Lund University. Up to SEK 300,000 can be applied for as project funds. Use Times New Roman 10 pt for all information. Fill in the application in Swedish or English A1 PROJECT TINFORMATION Name

https://www.innovation.lu.se/en/sites/innovation.lu.se.en/files/2023-12/APPLICATION%20FORM%20The%20Sustainability%20Proposal%20Testbed%20.docx - 2025-03-18

Application Form --- The Sustainable Proposal Testbed ENGLISH 1

APPLICATION FORM SUSTAINABILITY FUND THE SUSTAINABLE PROPOSAL TESTBED The purpose of this grant from Lund University’s Sustainability Fund is to enable applicants to propose new solutions to actual sustainability needs within Lund University. Up to SEK 300,000 can be applied for as project funds. Use Times New Roman 10 pt for all information. Fill in the application in Swedish or English A1 PROJEC

https://www.innovation.lu.se/en/sites/innovation.lu.se.en/files/2024-10/Application%20Form%20---%20The%20Sustainable%20Proposal%20Testbed%20%20ENGLISH_1.docx - 2025-03-18

07042022 Morning meeting with the Faculty (1)

Morning meeting with the Faculty HEIKO HERWALD 07-04-2022 Forskningsetiskt råd Research Ethics Council www.euniwell.eu Magna Charta Universitatum 2020 Three principles: • Research and teaching must be intellectually and morally independent of all political influence and economic interests • Teaching and research should be inseparable, with students engaged in the search for knowledge and greater u

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/sites/intramed.lu.se.en/files/2023-04/07042022_Morning%20meeting%20with%20the%20Faculty%20(1).pdf - 2025-03-18

Authorship on scientific publications - information from the Medical Faculty, Lu

Authorship on scientific publications Criteria for authorship Authorship on scientific publications confers credit and has academic, social and financial implications. It is therefore important that persons who have given substantial contributions to a paper are given credit as authors, but also that authors understand that they are taking responsibility and are accountable for what is published.

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/sites/intramed.lu.se.en/files/2023-04/Authorship%20on%20scientific%20publications%20-%20information%20from%20the%20Medical%20Faculty,%20Lund%20University.docx - 2025-03-18

Engelsk rad och anvisningar

Microsoft Word - Råd och anvisningar.doc Guidance and instructions ahead of your PhD thesis defence We would like to give you some information that we think you will find useful as you prepare for the examination. There are a number of administrative tasks with strict deadlines that you must complete on time – see the attached crib sheet for an overview of what those are. It is mostly your own res

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/sites/intramed.lu.se.en/files/2023-04/Engelsk%20rad%20och%20anvisningar.pdf - 2025-03-18